Firefly luciferase (luc) is one of the most important industrial enzymes which have various applications in medicine, biotechnology and molecular biology. luc is also a suitable candidate both in in vivo bioluminescence imaging and reporter systems, due to having interesting features such as high sensitivity, reproducibility, and being measured quantitatively. In this study, Iranian firefly Lampyris turkestanicus luciferase gene with red emitting light was subcloned and introduced into African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) plants. The luc gene was isolated by PCR, and was subcloned in pCAMBIA1304 vector. The construct was confirmed by several methods: colony PCR, PCR, digestion, sequencing and BLAST analysis. The Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method was used to introduce luc into African violet genome and putative transgenic plants were selected on the selective medium containing hygromycin and cefotaxim. Finally, transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR, RT-PCR and Luminometric analysis. The results of luminometric assay showed the activity of luciferase enzyme in the leaves of some plants. In this study, the maximum emitted light was 20000 RLU/sec, while in the control plant, the light emission was not detected.