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Metformin has multiple benefits in patients with type 2 diabetes. This drug is also used for treatment of patients with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), menstruation cycles improvement and ovulation induction. Other studies showed that meformin cause meiotic progression of mice oocytes in in vitro condition via activation of Adenosin monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Bee venom is a complex compound, consists of enzymes, proteins, peptides and cytokines. Our previous studies have showed the positive effects of bee venom on PCOS and development of ovarian follicles in Wistar rat model.  In this study, we focused on the effects of metformin and bee venom both; in development and surviving rate of mouse follicles and their maturation. Ovaries were taken from 14 days old mice. Then mechanically isolated preantral follicles were cultured in α-MEM supplemented with 5% FBS, 100 mIU/ml FSH, 1% insulin-transferrin-selenium under mineral oil for 14 days, and added 10-5 M metformin and optimum dose of 1 mg/ml  bee venom (based on dosimetric experiments) in treated groups. At day 12 of culture, final oocyte maturation and ovulation was induced by the addition of 1.5 IU/ml hCG and 20 ng/ml (Recombinant epidermal growth factor) rEGF. The in vitro effects of metformin and bee venom on mouse preantral follicular growth and subsequent oocyte maturation in all groups were assessed. Our findings showed that diameters of preantral follicles at day2 were increased in metformin group (P<0.01), bee venom group (P<0.05) and co-culture group (P<0.05) significantly. Follicular diameters in day4 also increased in metformin group (P<0.001), bee venom group(P<0.05) and co-culture group (P<0.01) significantly. Survival rates in metformin group and co-culture group increased, but this rate decreased in bee venom group, although there were no significant differences among groups. Germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes percentage in metformin group (P<0.001), bee venom group (P<0.01) and co-culture group decreased (P<0.01) significantly. MІ and MІІ oocytes percentage in all treated groups increased but they were not significant. Based of these results, it was shown that follicles treated by metformin and bee venom in vitro, grew more significant than control group. In addition ovulated oocytes treated by metformin and bee venom showed much higher meiotic progression, maturation and preparation for fertilization. Based of these data could conclude, metformin and bee venom have developmental effect on competence and maturation of ovarian follicles. Therefore, these data could be useful to improve our knowledge in infertility and menstruation disorders.

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In this study, Cadmium concentration was measured in the muscle and hepatopancreas tissues of Sepia pharaonis and Uroteuthis duvauceli. In order to conduct the present research thirty individuals of each species were collected from the offshore waters of Hormozgan in January 2009. Bottom trawl fishing methods have been performed. Mixture of Nitric and Perchloric Acid were used for chemical digestion of samples. Cadmium was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Based on the results, the average concentration of cadmium in muscle and hepatopancreas of Sepia pharaonis and Uroteuthis duvauceli were respectively 0.58, 417.22 mg/g and 0.35, 25.9 mg/g. The results showed that Cadmium concentration in hepatopancreas was significantly higher than muscle tissue in both species (P<0.001) so that the highest concentration of cadmium was detected in hepatopancres of Sepia pharaonis, which may be interpreted by its benthic life.

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Immunoster prebiotic was studied in 0, 2, 4 percent levels with the purpose of survey of weigh and lenght features and variability of blood leukocytes of Kutum fingerling with initial weight of 0.35±0.02gr in a period of 8 weeks. The experiment was performed with use of random design in one control group and two experimental treatments with 3 replicates and with 150 fingerlings in each tank. Feeding was varied from 15% to 20% of fish biomass. At the end of experiment, although weight and length average had no significant difference between control and experimental treatments (P>0.05), but positive and significant difference was observed in differential specification of leukocytes (P£0.01). Therefore, by increasing Immunoster levels in diet, the lymphocyte percent increased and respectively the monocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil percent decreased significantly. As, the Immunoster 4% level had highest lymphocyte and least monocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil (P£0.01). The obtained results were showed that the study levels of Immunoster prebiotic didn't have considerable effects on growth performance in Kutum fingerlings, while it was able to play a positive and significant influence as an immunostimulant on blood leukocytes and increasing lymphocyte as an important cellular specific immune index.

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The importance of start feeding on growth, survival and quality of larvae and role of Artemia as a nutritious live food with ability of carrying various essential nutrients is a well documented fact. In this study the possibility of replacing fish oil with vegetable oils for enrichment of A. urmiana nauplii and its use in start feeding of rainbow trout larvae were investigated. Six feeding treatments were used in two phases to feed the rainbow trout larvae from the beginning of the exogenous feeding for a period of two months. The feeding treatments during the first 10 10 days included: 1) Commercial diet, 2) A. urmiana nauplii enriched with fish oil, 3) A. urmiana nauplii enriched with Sunflower oil, 4) A. urmiana nauplii enriched with Canola oil, 5) A. urmiana nauplii enriched with Soybean oil, 6) Newly hatched un-enriched A. urmiana nauplii.  The larvae in all groups were fed on commercial diet during the second phase from day 11 until end the experiment. Survival percentage of the larvae fed on Artemia nauplii enriched with canola and sunflower oils were significantly higher than those fed on commercial diet. Total length, wet weight and dry weight of the larvae in all treatments received Artemia nauplii during first phase were significantly higher compared to those fed on commercial feed from the beginning. Highest growth was obtained in the larvae fed on Artemia nauplii enriched with canola oil. The results of this research showed that vegetable oils can play essential role in enrichment of Artemia nauplii and feeding the rainbow trout.

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The Daphnia magna is a promising candidate for feeding freshwater fish larvae in cultural media. In this research, the effect of two Cyanophycae strain (Anabaena flosaquae and Oscillatoria africanum) on ingestion, filtration rate and feeding behavioral of Daphnia magna were investigated. Exposure was down at the same condition in three replications. Rate of filtration, ingestion and feeding of Daphnia magna from two investigated Cyanophycae strain were measured according to Gauld equation (1951). The results shown that with increasing of food concentration (Cyanophycae strains), filtration, ingestion and feeding rate of Daphnia magna significantly decreased (P<0.05). Maximum of these indices (798±60.2, 70861± 992 and 0.4±0.02 respectively) in 3 mg/lit and minimum of mentioned parameters (100±17.7, 10683±492 and 0.2±0.01 respectively) were observed in 12 mg/lit. It means that Daphnia not able to filtered filamentous Cyanophycae makes some difficulty in filtration system of Daphnia, especially in high concentrations. The maximum of specific growth rate (SGR) (0.5±0.02) was observed in feeding with Anabaena flosaquae (in 4.25 mg/l) (P<0.05), and survival rate of Daphnia magna not difference among mentioned algae (P>0.05). According to the results can conclude that it is difficult to use Daphnia magna biological control of algal bloom in fresh water.

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The reproductive biology of the Neogobius pallasi (Berg, 1916) was examined from Gomishan wetland a period of one year (2006-2007). This species are as important food for economic fish species in Caspian sea, specially for Acipenserid species. Different samples were taken from Gomishan wetland during one-year period of study. At this stage, the number of undifferentiated, previtellogenic stage, vitellogenic stage and postvitellogenic oocytes, and oocytes were counted. The number and diameter of ovary, nucleus and nucleolus were also measured. Data were analyzed using Systat statistical software. Results indicated that Neogobius pallasi was (p <0.05) with respect to the numbers of differentiated and previtellogenic oocytes, and the diameter of chorion layers. GSI measurement showed that peak of sexual maturity in this species occurred in June.

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The Great gerbil is an endemic species of the Turkmenistan fauna that has gradually penetrated the Iranian plateau and then has been expanded to northeast, east and central Iran. The purpose of this study is to investigate intraspecific variations of Great gerbil and also investigate current subspecies in studied areas using cranial characters. 80 specimens belonging to Rodentology research Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were studied using 10 cranial variables.  These specimens were collected from Sarakhs, Turkmen plain, Dragaz, Bojnord (Robat gharehbil) and Yazd. Univarate and multivariate analysis confirm close relation between Sarakhs, west of Turkmen plain and Bojnord (Robat gharehbil), on one hand, close relation between Dragaz, central and east of Turkmen plain. The results suggest Yazd specimens as R.opimus sargadensis and the others as R.opimus sodalis.

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Geographic distribution, population genetic and population situation of Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ruzic, 1983 species were investigated in term of origin, migration and colonisation in eastern distribution limits, in Iran. Twenty-two samples from Hamadan, Azarbaijan-e Sharghi and Gharbi provinces were studied. Sequence comparison from D-Loop region of mtDNA with same downloaded data from GENBANK showed that Iran is the last occupation region in the East and population of short-tailed mouse in Iran seems to be isolated. Seventeen new haplotypes were identified in this research. No significant difference was seen in estimated Tajima D and Fu’s Fs values between observed and expected values representing recent population expansion and indicates that these populations are not yet at mutation/drift equilibrium. Low haplotype diversity and terminal position of Iranian populations on phylogeographic tree in our study confirms the previous studies results (Iran is the Eastern colonised region) and proposes more colonisation routes toward East by this species.

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Inadequacy of foods for human societies has led to an irregular increment of pesticides usage in agriculture. In this study, the teratogenic effects of Carboxin, a broad spectrum fungicide in agriculture, was evaluated on chicken embryo. Carboxin was dissolved in acetone and injected into yolk sac in concentrations range of 20- 400 mg/egg. The compound could cause death and a number of abnormalities in the embryos. Skeletal staining showed the caudal vertebrates were not calcified and the long bones were significantly shortened and distorted. In concentrations of 200 and 400 mg/egg, the main external abnormality was clubfoot. Treatment of the liver cell culture with carboxin showed a significant antiproliferative activity. In the concentrations of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 µg/ml, the cell viabilities were 80, 76, 65, 60 and 52%, respectively, showing the IC50 of 102 µg/ml for the compound.

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In this study, age determinatione of Lutjanus malabaricus by using of otolith in Persian Gulf in Hormozgan water was studied (26.56oE & 27.17oN). Age determinatione using for growth rings (opaque and transparent rings) on the otoliths. Assay of morphometric parameters of otolith and also the biologic parameters of fishes were measured. Maximum of age was 7 years belongs to a sample with 4080±18 g and length of 71.3 ±0.1cm. There was a significant relationship between age and body length and total weight and age fish (p<0.05). There was a significant relationship between weight and length of right and left otolit and fish weight (p<0.05) and mediate length of otoliths and standard length fish(p<0.05) was showed. The results showed that weight mean right and left of otolith 0.30±0.001, 0.29±0.001 (gr) and length mean right and left otolith13.66 ±0.01, 13.60±0.01mm.

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In order to study the mites in the nest and body of rodents existing in silos, wheat stores and flour factories of Tehran we collected the samples from the rodents' bodies and their nest’s dust. This research is the first report of the mites' fauna in the nest and body of the rodents, and also the rodents’ fauna of wheat stores in Iran. In this research, three species of mice include Mus musculus, Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus and 27 species of mites belonging to 21 genera and 11 families of 2 orders Prostigmata and Astigmata were identified. The variety of species and the number of mites in mills was more than silos and factories. In comparison of trapped rodents in all localities, Mus musculus was dominant and wide distributed species. The variety and number of rodents in factories was more than silos, mills and stores.

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In this investigation, the effect of general combining ability and specific combining ability were estimated on six quantitative traits viz., cocoon weight, shell weight, shell ratio, filament length, denier and renditta in silkworm, Bombyx mori L. utilizing two bivoltine races and two multivoltine races namely NB4D2, C108, Nistari and Pure Mysore, respectively. Combining ability analysis was carried out for six cocoon characters in an 4×4 diallel cross using Griffing’s Method-I, Model-I. The parents and their hybrids (F1) have compared together with using RCD design with three replications. The mean of genotypes variance was highly significant for all traits. Combining ability analysis revealed that specific combining ability variance was greater in magnitude and more important for the all cocoon characters except denier and renditta, indicating the involvement of non-additive type of gene action for the expression of these parameters. The GCA/SCA variance ratio exhibited that cocoon weight, shell weight and filament length was predominantly under additive control and other traits were under non-additive control. The ranking of parents according to the effect of GCA was almost are equal with the ranking of parent according to their mean values. The present results clearly indicate that we can predict the GCA values of parents based on their mean values and it is very important in silkworm breeding programme.

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This study was conducted with the purpose of comparing the changes of sex steroids, hematological parameters and stress indices of pikeperch Sander lucioperca in final stage of reproduction. The blood samples were taken from 25 females and 9 males in order to determine stress indices, sex steroids and hematological parameters pre and post spawning of pikeperch. The testosterone in males and progesterone in females showed significant difference before and after spawning. While, estradiol in male and female brooders showed significant difference before spawning. In terms of stress indices (cortisol, lactate, glucose), only glucose in males showed significant different before and after spawning. Regards the hematological parameters, the number of white blood cells (WBC) in females and the number of red blood cells (RBC) in males showed significant different before and after spawning. The obtained results showed that although many measured indices changed during pre and post spawning, main changes was observed in sex steroids levels. These changes in male and female as well as pre and post spawning are due to different physiological and hormonal during the final maturation and spawning.

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In the study biology of the Chel cheragh. lily beetle Lilioceris faldermanni (Guerin), different stages of growth and development, survival percent, fertility and damage manner, hibernation were studied under laboratory conditions. The results of different experiments indicated that, Adult insects have red elatera and black antenna, eyes, thorax, abdomen and leges. The Chel cheragh Lily beetle larvae has four stages and are eruciform type. Pupation occurs in the soil beneath the host plant where a silken cocoon incorporating soil particles is constructed. Both adult and larvae damage on leaf, bud, flower and seed capsule. The mean development period of this pest from egg to adult under costant temperature of 14, 18, 22 and 26oC took 63.4±0.07, 46.15±0.09, 32.8±0.08, 27.25 ± 0.1 days. The maximum percent survival of different developmental stages was at 22 °C. The mean daily egg laying period at temperature of 26oC (16.62 ± 0.02) was more than temperature of 14, 18 and 22oC (9.86 ± 0.06, 12.71 ± 0.08 and 14.95 ± 0.06).

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