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Interactions between family members in childhood, especially the parent-child relationship, affects how individuals behave in interpersonal relationships in adulthood. The aim of the present study was to examine the mediating role of interpersonal problems in the relationship between parenting styles and marital problems. A total of 249 volunteers (93 men, 156 women) from Tehran family courts participated in this study. All participants were asked to complete Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-30), and Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS). Authoritative parenting style showed a significant negative association with marital problems while authoritarian parenting style was significantly in positive association with marital problems. Permissive parenting style showed a negative association with marital problems; however it was not statistically significant. Interpersonal problems also showed a significant positive association with marital problems. Analysis of the data revealed that interpersonal problems mediated the relationship between parenting styles and marital problems. Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that some kind of parenting styles might develop interpersonal problems. Marital problems and couples’ dissatisfaction could be consequences of such problems in the later stages of life.

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Child anxiety, as one of the important factors that affect the development and performance of the person, is affected by many environmental and relational factors including personality traits, copying styles, anxiety sensitivity, child cognitive bias, parental anxiety beliefs and parent-child relationships. The main purpose of this study was to develop the structural modelling of child anxiety based on child and parent variables. The participants of this study were 279, 11-12 year students (129 male and 150 female) studding in Tabriz schools. They completed the Eysenck Personality (JEPQ), the Child Anxiety Sensitivity (CASI), the Cognitive Bias (CDS) and Child Anxiety Signs Questionnaires (MASQ). Parents completed the Mother-child Relationship (CPRS) and the Parental Anxiety Beliefs questionnaires (PABQ). The results of the data analysis revealed that due to cognitive bias, child personality characteristics, mother-child relationships and parental beliefs can significantly predict child anxiety signs. The Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA=0.05) and the Comparative Fit Index (CFI=0.95) were optimal. This model determines that personality variables, anxiety sensitivity, cognitive bias of child and mother-child relationships and parental beliefs are important directions in child anxiety and these elements should be taken into consideration in dealing with the causes and treating child anxiety.

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The prevalence of type one diabetes is rising all around the world. After diagnosis, family system faces many stressful problems and tensions; Specially mothers, as main caregivers, experience psychological, emotional and social challenges. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parent anxiety, and mental wellbeing and, life quality in mothers of children with type one diabetes.107 mothers were selected from among Tehran Diabetes Association clients and completed the Parenting Stress Scale (PSI- SF), the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and the Iranian Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL). The results of data analysis showed that parent stress would have a negative correlation with both variables of quality of life and mental health and their subscales. Besides, parenting stress could predict the mothers' quality of life and mental health. It can be concluded that parent anxiety has a considerable effect on the life quality and mental wellbeing of such mothers so that it would be desirable to design and practice interventions for reducing parental anxiety and improving the mothers` life quality and mental wellbeing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Intimacy and forgiveness are the most important components of a healthy marriage. Forgiveness is an intrapersonal process that can increase intimacy between couples. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an acceptance and commitment based couple therapy on intimacy and forgiveness. A non-congruent multiple baseline experimental single case study was used as the method of the present study.4 couples (8 individuals) were chosen according to the result of Walker and Thompson intimacy scale (IS) and Family Forgiveness Scale (FFS). The couples participated in a 10 session, 90-minute program. The results showed that the couple therapy based on acceptance and commitment could increase intimacy and forgiveness among the couples by using cognitive flexibility

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Families apply their own parenting methods for individual and social training of their children. These methods include models of child rearing that are shaped by interaction between behavior of parents and their reactions to children's behaviors. For assessing these methods, different kinds of scales and instruments have been proposed. The aim of this study was to investigate psychometric properties of Arjmandnia Parenting Methods Scale (APMS) on families who have children with intellectual disabilities. This research was a cross-correlational research. The population of this study included all parents who have children with intellectual disability in Tehran. Arjmandnia Parenting Methods Scale (APMS) and the Baumrind Parenting Styles (BPS) were administrated to 300 parents who were selected according to availability sampling method. The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed the validity of the five factors of the scale as indicators of internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha and Theta respectively) and also the split half method indicated favorable credit for the scale and its components. The results show that the APMS has appropriate characteristics and totally can be used in the Iranian sample.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the present age, due to the expansion of communication and the increase in immigration, family formation and marriage have also been affected, and we are witnessing an increase in intercultural marriages. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of intercultural couple therapy on intercultural couple’s marital conflict in Isfahan. The research procedure was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with control group. Statistical population consisted of 16 couples referring to counseling centers of Isfahan, who were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The depended variable was marital conflict that was assessed through a marital conflict questionnaire. The independent variable was intercultural couple therapy that was performed for the experimental group in 8 sessions. The results showed that intercultural couple therapy decreased marital conflict of intercultural couples. These findings revealed that suitable training in the form of intercultural couple therapy can reduce couples' psychological worries and decrease their marital conflict.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quality of life is a multidimensional concept that engages many aspects of anindividual’s life. Also, menatal health and mariral satisfaction are two important components of life quality. The aim of the present study was to design a training program for improving the quality of life and assessing its effects on mental health and marital satisfaction among mothers' of girls with down syndrome. The research method was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and control group. The population consisted of all mothers of girls who were slow-paced in education (IQ 50 to 70) with down syndrome, aged 7 to 15 years in Tehran. A total of 60 mothers were selected using available sampling and then assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received twelve researcher-made educational sessions for quality of life improvement while the control group did not receive any training. The program was designed in 10 sessions of 90 minutes held for 5 weeks. The SCL-90-R Questionnaire was used to measure mental health, and the Afrooz Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire was used to assess marital satisfaction among couples. The results showed a significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups, mental health and marital satisfaction at pre-test and post-test phases. The results also revealed that a quality of life educational program can be used to improve mental health and marital satisfaction in mothers of down syndrome girls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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