Classroom structure has plenty of influence on learning process. Creative education environment is one of the most important influential factors in learning quality as one of the effective variables on the intrinsic motivation. In this study, the relationship between creative education environment and self-regulated learning strategies and mediation of intrinsic learning motivation was studied.300 female students of the university of Tehran, from faculties of psychology, social science and economy, were selected based on convenience sampling method to respond to the questionnaires of actual creative education atmosphere, spontaneous learning strategies MSLQ and intrinsic motivation AMS. The results were analyzed using structural equations modeling. The obtained results showed that creative education atmosphere has significant correlation with the self-regulated learning strategies and the relationship between creative education atmosphere and self-regulated learning is mediated through intrinsic learning motivation. So, according to the importance of self-regulation and intrinsic motivation in the academic achievement, it is suggested that conditions be created for students to enhance the intrinsic motivation, use of self-regulation strategies increases. Consequently, results indicate that the creative education atmosphere influences the use of self-regulated learning strategies directly and through mediation of learning motivation.