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Sign is a natural or a made-up element that has a different form and function from adjacent context. It helps citizen in better way finding and feeling the sense of place. Emphasizing signs can increase the citizen›s mental image and legibility of city. The first step to emphasize signs in city is recognizing them from other elements. The aim of this research is to find the physical criterions that make an element, a sign of a city. The results of theoretical studies and fieldworks showed that these criterions are divided in two main categories: “Difference by context” and “Common signification between users”. The Results of these criterions analyses, it›s variables and the relation between them are presented in a chart. This chart could be used as a base measure to recognize the sign through other elements of the city.

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Over time, urban spatial evolutions are unavoidable, but balanced urban evolutions are absolutely essential. What is detectable in Tabriz metropolis especially over 3 decades is irrational increase of construction, focus of construction on urban expanding axis, rapid urban expansion, neglect of the inner city context and in a word unbalanced spatial evolution in this city. So in order to avoid confusion and the requisiteness of controlling the evolution of urban spatial, necessity of review and analysis of these evolutions is clear in the Tabriz metropolis. This article seeks to answer the question, whether the liquidity of the Iran›s oil revenues have affected the suburban construction and subsequently urban rapid expansion and in a word Tabriz metropolis spatial evolution? Since existence of rent in land and housing market makes this sector a suitable and reliable field to absorb liquidity in the society, it is assumed that the economy and Iran›s oil revenues are most important factors influence suburban construction and consequently the spatial evolution of Tabriz metropolis. Thus, study of the impact of Iran’s oil economy on spatial evolution of Tabriz metropolis during the past three decades is the main objective of this paper. This way, for data collection combination method, documentary and direct observation, has been used. The results indicate that the huge liquidities of the society from oil revenues wish to enter the housing and real estate market, especially in suburban areas, which due to the lack of an efficient tax system, often the objectives of these activities are speculative and rent-seeking and the result is an unbalanced spatial evolution in the Tabriz metropolitan.

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Tourism is an industry which its development requires understanding and knowledge of the economic, social and cultural issues and factors in each region. Free Industrial -trade zone of Chabahar is one of the Iran›s free zones that with the development of tourism functions can lead to the regional development in South East of the country. Numerous tourist attractions, proximity to the Persian Gulf countries and also benefiting from free industrial- trade zone in combination with proper planning and management, can turn Chabahar into one of the main tourism poles of the region. In this regard, the aim of this research is to evaluate and prioritize the factors affecting the development of tourism in Chabahar free zone and some strategies have been offered for tourism industry development in this region.In this paper, the methodology based on the objective is functional and based on the nature of the research is descriptive and analytical. The method which is adopted for offering network model is library-based, in the sense that it is based on documents and archives. In addition, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) has been utilized for analysis.The results of research indicate that among the investigated indicators with the ANP technique, “tourism infrastructure” and “economic potentials” play the major roles in the development of this area. actually, The findings indicates that this area, despite having a capacity to become a specific tourism zone, faces with some barriers such as lack of infrastructure and weakness in advertising as well. Besides that, this region enjoys from some strength such as: tourism attractions, infrastructure investment, employment opportunities, sporting – entertainment attractions and natural attractions that should be considered as the main approaches to tourism development in this area.

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Urban development is an important phenomenon in the present era. In the recent past, there has been a tendency to view design as solely a visual concern – just about what things look like and what style they are. This fails to consider the important social or environmental dimension of design, such as the potential of a high-quality public realm to contribute to public health, a more inclusive environment, quality of life and the sustainability agenda. The present paper is based on the study of England planning system that introduces design led planning approach. It tries to adapt the conditions of England planning system in Iran to offer recommendations for highlighting urban design policies in the planning system. Local development frameworks (LDFs), offer new planning tools to secure high-quality development, of the right type, in the right place, at the right time and in this way, they help planners, urban designers and urban managers. This paper is the result of library study that is based on descriptive and analytical research. The results show five key factors for application design policies in the urban development process and its objective is to help urban decision-makers to consider effective design policies beside other policies of urban development.

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Word patient refers to one who suffers physical or mental discomfort or impairment or both of them. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are the locations for diagnosis and treatment of diseases to those who refer them. Besides patients are in a delicate and vulnerable condition, Environmental graphic of these places are very important. One of the most influential factors in the hospital graphical design are colors. Color is a force that affects both the body and the human psyche. So this research seeks to answer of these questions that what components are, in choosing colors in the hospital ward and what role this factor has in diagnosis and treatment, patient`s psychology and performance of medical center’s staff.In this research first it has been dealt with the study of color and it’s impact on human as an important Environmental graphic parameter and then by determining inpatient’s conditions and it’s needs, factors in the choice of colors and their effects on hospital inpatient ward are discussed. The method used in this paper is based on library studies and descriptive approach. The results of this study show that colors, according to their physical and psychological impact on patients, have specific impact on patients as well as functions in inpatient ward, require the use of specific colors architect must consider these factors.It is hoped that with proper medical center planning in all its dimensions, can pave the way for further expansion of health in the community.

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This article seeks to investigate the role of architecture students’ educational background in evaluation of their final projects. The basic motivation of this research was defining the effective factors in architectural design evaluation process. Most of architecture students have no clear idea about the criteria that their architectural projects have been evaluated based on the, and it makes some problems and also disaffection from their academic education. This problem continues in professional field of architecture too in both architectural competitions and decision makings. The basic and essential differences between architecture and other academic disciplines make its evaluation different from common evaluation methods that commonly have been used in other academic fields. In the other hand the role of human factors in projects’ evaluation cause some digression from accepted criteria based on juries’ tastes and ideas and this means that most of the time the accepted criteria are not completely permanent. Architecture projects have been evaluated based on different items like: idea, process, presentation, structural issues, technical and mechanical issues,… but because students’ final project must evaluate all of their abilities for professional skills, beside common criteria in evaluating architecture projects, their educational background must be interfered in evaluation process to reduce human faults. Achieving this goal makes motivation for architecture students to try more in their educational period and helps them to rely to their teachers’ evaluations.To investigate truth of this claim the grades of architectural projects (five different architectural design projects), final project (thesis) and also average of all graduates’ grades (mean) analyzed with some statistics methods with SPSS software. Sixty five architecture students in Payame Noor university in Tehran branch were analyzed and results show that there are reliable relations between students’ means, thesis grade and architectural design grades. So the students’ educational backgrounds are in the same range of their thesis’ grades and it could be a reliable factor in evaluation of architecture students’ final projects to reduce human faults in evaluation process. Also results show that there is no significant difference between girls’ and boys’ grades in all architectural design projects and also thesis’ grades.

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Ilkhanid urbanism influenced by the political, socio-economic, religious and cultural conditions that occurred during the Mongol invasion includes one of the most influential examples of the urban history of Iran. This pattern has formed on the context of the Seljuk structure of the cities and with rapid growth, has traversed its own evolution toward the creation of designed metropolis. The culmination of this method that has been illustrated in Tabriz as an important capital of Ilkhanids (1313-1265), was simultaneous with flooding of several groups from various regions and nations into the capital. To provide urban nucleuses around which the immigrants could settle, urban development during the Ilkhanid period organized along the construction of governmental pious foundations (abwab al-birr) outside the ancient walled city as new neighbourhoods. The waqf nstitutions based on their sustainable design through maintenance of buildings in good condition and analytic hierarchy process perform a determining role in the growth and structure of Muslim cities, both on the level of political and economic control and on the level of social cohesion. This study attempted to survey of Ilkhanid urban development axes according to influencing factors. Therefore in addition to determine the process of the evolution of the position of city among the Il-khans, by the case study of Tabriz urban development, with archival studies and an analytical approach, sought to systematize the policies applied to urban development in Ilkhanid period. Tabriz has had enough requirements to select as an Ilkhanid capital such as climate, economical position, and strategic site. By study of the pre-Ilkhanid structure of Tabriz according to the documents available and then matching data obtained, with putting the Ilkhanid layer thereon; achieve the structure of Ilkhanid city for study of policies and patterns of urban development.

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Typology is an important theoretical subject which has been argued by a number of scholars since 1960s, however, it was used as a tool in architectural research and design from 19th century. It can be an analytical tool for advancing traditional architectural knowledge. The aim of this paper is to examine some of two main typological approaches that have been developed and applied in recent years.This analysis will help us to clarify the various methods. The approaches have been broadly classed as ‘social’ and, ‘historical - evolutionary and each can be further sub-divided into distinct methods.The first part of the paper is devoted to a short summary of the literary meaning of type and typology and then to examine two historical sources- those of Vitruvius and Kashani- both of whom presented the classification of architectural elements according to shared characteristics in ancient times.The second part deals with the ‘social’ and historical - evolutionary approach. For the first one we will deal shortly with ‘space syntax’, an influential theory and technique developed by Bill Hillier and his colleagues at the Bartlett School, University College, London (UCL). Recently is extended also to some Middle- East countries. Their main aim is to understand genotype which shows social relations.The second approach is devoted to the historical - evolutionary approach which Muratorian School has been dealt on typology for nearly 50 years. Here type has been introduced as a phenomenon which grows from an elementary form to complex one.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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