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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Scabies is a highly contagious zoonotic skin disease caused by the parasitic mite. The disease spreads throughout the world and a is major public health problem in many developing countries and basically associated with poverty and overcrowding population. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to investigate epidemiologically the scabies in the central prison of Hamadan in 2013.Methods: This is an analytical descriptive-cross sectional study. From 2900 male prisoners, 384 were chosen by using the systematic method after checking and clinical examination then, the data were gathered by the demographic questionnaire and they were analyzed by SPSS version 20 using chi-square test and T-test.Results: The results showed that 2.6% of the prisoners were diagnosed with scabies. The highest prevalence was in the age group of 30-39 years. Also, the prevalence of scabies was observed more in people, who were in prison for less than 6 months, buying and selling of drug addiction, lack of having a specific bed, common use of blankets, bath once and less per week and lack of using shampoo and soap. Rate of infection on the trunk, arms and legs were 40, 40 and 20 percent, respectively. Mean of age, term of imprisonment and prisoner’s room members did not show a significant difference between healthy and infected individuals (P>0.05).Conclusion: In this study, high incidence rate of scabies was seen. With education about symptoms and ways of transmission and treatment of infected patients and improve health as well as reduce the number of prisoners living in each room can be an important step in the control of the disease.

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Introduction: Urinary tract infections are the second common infection in children, which cause renal parenchyma damage- as the most major sequel. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of asymptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) in primary school children of Hamadan City and drug resistance of isolated microorganisms in 2014.Methods: In this descriptive/analytical cross-sectional study, 350 urine samples were collected from the students of Hamadan City using the two-stage cluster sampling. The samples with positive nitrate and pH above 7 were cultured. Then, they were inoculated on the blood agar and Mac Conkey agar and after 48 hours of incubation, positive culture samples with at least 105 CFU/ ml were identified using standard microbiological methods. The sensitivity of isolated pathogens to 12 common antibiotics for gram negative bacteria and 11 common antibiotics for gram positive ones using the standard agar disk diffusion method was evaluated. The results were analyzed using SPSS version 19 and chi-square test.Results: The results showed that from 62 (17.7%) students suspected to UTI, 45 cases (12.8%) were diagnosed. The most common isolated microorganisms were Escherichia coli 16 (35.5%), Staphylococcus aureus14 (31.1%), Staphylococcus saprophyticus 9 (20%) and Enterococcus spp.6 (13.3%), respectively.Also, it was found that E. coli was 100% sensitive to Nitrofurantoin. Regarding S. aureus and S. saprophyticus, amikacin was found to be the best antibiotic and ofloxacin for Enterococcus.Conclusion: Considering the prevalence of UTI without obvious symptoms in children, especially girls of primary school age and the probability of recurrence or its complications, screening, diagnosis and treatment of UTI in students is important. Furthermore, the impact of factors in the prevention of urinary tract infection with education in schools is essential.

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Introduction: Study of effective factors on development or academic performance is rather complex because this concept has extensive dimensions which both environmental and individual factors affect it.Two important factors in academic achievement are emotional intelligence and achievement motivation.This study was aimed to predict academic achievement of students of Islamic Azad University, Roudehen branch, based on their emotional intelligence and achievement motivation in 2013.Methods: This cross sectional descriptive-analytical study was conducted using the stratified random sampling, which 376 male and female undergraduate studentsof Islamic Azad University, Roodehen branch, in the academic year 2012-2013 were selected. Research instruments were Hermen’s achievement motivation questionnaire and emotional intelligence test Bradbry-Graves. To analyze data, multiple regression analysis was used by using SPSS version 21.Results: The results showed that there was a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement in students’ achievement motivation (p<0.01). Among girls, only the relationship between academic achievement motivation variable was significant, while in boys, between both emotional intelligence and academic achievement motivation variable was positive and significant (p<0.01).The findings of multiple regression analysis showed that achievement motivation can predict significantly academic achievement of the students (p<0.001), while emotional intelligence could not predict academic achievement (p=0.423).Conclusion: The findings of the current study indicated that academic achievement of students can be predicted based on achievement motivation. Thus, strength of achievement motivation accompanied with other effective factors in academic achievement can enhance their performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Herpes simplex virus infection is one of the most common human infections in most parts of the world. Infection of female genitalia, as a common involving region in body, may cause neonatal infection to vitus and lead to dangerous complications. The aim of the current research was the assessment of the seroepidemiology of herpes simplex virus) HSV (in females referring to genetic center of Shahid Beheshtihospital in Hamadan from 2005 to 2010.Methods: In this retrospective descriptive study, from total of 5700 females, referring to the genetic center of ShahidBeheshti Hospital in Hamadan between 2005-2009, 921 females who their medical data of HSV tests were available in their records were studied. The collected data were analyzed using Chi square test, univariate and multivariate logistic regression models and SPSS version 16 software Results: The results showed that 5.3% of the females referring to genetic center of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of hamadn were seropositive for hsv-2 antibody. The trend for change in prevalence of seropostivity of HSV 2 was significant and there was a meaningful relationship between marriage status and positivity of Hsv2 antibody among females.Conclusion: It seems that the prevalence of HSV-2 infection has had a decreased trend in recent years.The prevalence rate of HSV-2 was in consistent with other parts of the country, which may be due to the awareness of people of transmission routs, prevention as well as treatment methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Websites are selected information sources in digital era. Academic websites are one of the most important communication tools to present and communicate with national and international academic institutions. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the websites, regarding their content and structural aspects in order to determine strengths and limitations, leads us to a appropriate strategy for making decisions and establishing policies. The aim of this study was evaluation and comparison of the websites of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences schoolsin 2014, based on webometrics criteria.Methods: This descriptive - cross sectional study, using link analysis webometric method, was performed on all of the websites of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences schools in 2014. Data were collected by Google search engine based on different webometric indices. Descriptive statistic methods and Excel software were used to analyze the data.Results: The results indicate that in terms of visibility, school of public health with the score of 412; in terms of size the school of Asadabad with the score of 27300; in terms of Traffic Rank school of medicine with the score of 108574; in terms of rich files, the school of dentistry with the score of 354; in terms of rWIF, the school of public health with the score of 0.79 and in terms of total ranking, the school of Asadabad with the score of 54823 obtained the highest rating.Conclusion: In consideration of the importance of websites in awareness and dominance of cyberspace on the educational and research organizations, it requires the websites officials to establish further programs and measures, enhancing the quality and quantity of their unit sites.

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Introduction: Regarding the prevalence of upper extremity disorders in cerebral palsy and its importance in educational performance and participation in daily life activities of children, upper extremity function could hold an essential role in quality of life. So this study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between upper extremity function and quality of life in the children with spastic cerebral palsy which referred to medical centers in Tehran in 2013.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 50 children with spastic cerebral palsy were chosen by stratified sampling method from Roshd Occupational Therapy Center in Tehran, in 2013. The “quality of the upper extremity skills” test was performed by the evaluator and “the quality of life questionnaire for children with cerebral palsy” was completed by the parents. Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used in order to analyze the gained data by SPSS version 19 software.Results: The results indicated that there is a significant relation between upper extremity factors and all criteria. Regression analyze showed that 35% of variance of the welfare and social acceptance criteria (P<0.001), 53% of participation and physical health criteria (P<0.001), 41% of function criteria (P<0.01), 28% of emotional welfare criteria (P<0.001), 29% of pain criteria and dissatisfaction with disability (P<0.001) is explained by factors of upper extremity function, respectively.Conclusion: Our study states that having high level of upper extremity function is equal to higher level of quality of life and its scope. Therefore, in order to improve the upper extremity function, by programming and clinical reasoning, it is possible to promote the quality of life in spastic cerebral children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Adolescence is a period of change in the development of body, mind and social relations. During this period, persons gradually assume responsibility for their health. These changes put adolescents at risk of developing health-risk behaviors. This study was conducted to evaluate the health-promoting behaviors among high school students in Hamadan in 2013.Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional study. High school students were selected as target group and 360 of them were selected using the multi-stage cluster sampling method in 2013. Health-promoting behaviors questionnaire was used to collect data. For data analysis b software SPSS version 16 mean, standard deviation and frequency were used.Results: The results showed that from six health-promoting behaviors, physical activity and health responsibility were not in good condition among the students.88.1% of the subjects had well status in self-actualization and 48.9% of them had good health responsibility behavior.57.8% of the students had appropriate nutritional behaviors and 91.9% mentioned perceived social support status at the high level.55.8% found stress management behaviors good and 41.9% of the subjects expressed that they had good physical activity.Conclusion: Providing training programs, in order to improve health behaviors and prepare training materials and textbooks suitable for the needs of this group of the society, can be entirely beneficial and enhance the level of physical and mental health of the students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: To identify early changes in growth and ensuring proper continued development of children, evaluation of development and improvement of children’s health is very importance. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of stunting in first-grade students and its association to parental education, socioeconomic status and household size in Hamadan.Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, a number of 32 elementary schools were considered by cluster sampling method, in 2012. Required data was collected through 1257 first-grade students’ records in elementary schools. One way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation test and logistic regression were performed to analyze data using SPSS software version 16.Results: The stunting prevalence was found 6 percent in Hamadan. Also, the results of this study didn’t show any significant association between father’s and mother’s occupation and household size with stunting in first-grade students (P<0.05). A significant association between education level of father and first-grade students’ stunting was seen (P=0.002, r=0.308). Moreover, significant correlation was recognized between education level of mother and stunting in children (P=0.001, r=0.388). Logistic regression represented an adjusted significant association between age and parental education level and stunting prevalence (P<0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that parental education level is highly associated with stunting in the first-grade students. In this regard, it is suggested that mass media, healthcare and educational centers personnel have interventions to increase awareness of parents.

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