In order to study the genotype x environment interaction, replicated yield trials were performed using 19 barley genotypes in a randomized complete block design with four replications, at eight agricultural research stations of temperate regions for three years. Mean grain yield and two environmental variables, mean air temperature and mean soil pH were used for Redundancy Analysts. In this method, two variables RA1 and RA2 were constructed. Each one was the linear combination of environmental variables mentioned above. The genotypes 3 and 15 in relation to RA1 and the genotypes 1, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 19 in relation to RA2 had large percentage sum of squares per genotype (R2) These values for genotypes 3 and 15 were 87 and 81, and for next six cultivates mentioned above were 22, 20, 38, 29, 18 and 36, respectively. Thus in comparison with other genotypes, the interactions among these cultivars and the locations under study were determined mainly by air temperature and soil pH, and these genotypes were more sensitive to the temperature and pH. The R2 for RA1 and RA2 models were small for the genotypes 2, 4, 5, 7 and 16. Therefore, these cultivars were considered to be adapted and insensitive to the environmental factors. The genotypes 5 and 7 had the high grain yield, too. The replacement of residuals obtained from the regressions of local indices and the environmental variables in Redundancy Analysis model, and doing Partial Redundancy Analysis, showed that in addition to the air temperature and soil pH, the other environmental variables were more or less effective in forming the genotype by location interactions. Cultivars 5, 17 and 18 showed smaller interactions as compared to others. To construct the LISREL model, the means of air temperature, soil pH, date of maturity, date of heading and plant height as the environment and phonologic variables, and the mean grain yield and 1000 grain weight as the variables related to the genotype × environment interaction, were entered in the model. Results indicated the further importance of air temperature and grain yield variables. Also combination of LISREL and Redundancy Analysis models indicated that because of large coefficients of grain yield and air temperature in the LISREL model, study of genotype× environment interaction using these variables by Redundancy Analysis model was worthwhile.