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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between symbolic capital, based on the model Iranian - Islamic is to strengthen the family in terms of Razavi lifestyle.In this context, a question formed part of the four questions that related to the symbolic capital based on the Iranian model - Islamic lifestyle factors, family strengthening Razavi and its dimensions (moral factors, economic factors, Emotional factors, social factors) studied these questions were significant and equal to is 0.76, 0.64, 0.42, 0.56, 0.43. The symbolic capital, based on the Iranian model - Islam is positive and stronger, stiffer, and the stability and strength of family ties is more. Symbols of economic, social icons and cultural symbols can have a strong relationship with the strengthening of the family institution and the more symbolic capital of the moral and religious family, and adhere to these symbols, better (in terms of quantity and quality) will be together.

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One of the controversial topics in Theology is the issue of visibility of God. At one side human being habitude and familiarity is believing a matter after observing it, which has caused continuously demands for seeing God, and on the other side religious scripts has emphasized the inconceivability of this issue. Infiltration of false narrations which quoted the eyesight of Prophet Mohammad in the night of Meraj and seeing the Divinity by the believers in the day of resurrection in Sunni hadith references, created a context for Muslims to have credence on this issue until the era of Imam Reza and led to asking Imam about this issue. Imam as the true guardian of the Islam criticized this doubt by Quranic and rational logics. The author of this article in addition to discussing the opinions of Imami, Mu’tazilite and Ash’arites about the visibility of God, surveys about the principle narrations of Imam Reza on monotheism, including the conversation between Abu-Ghorah and Imam Reza on criticizing this issue.

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In recent years, the role of public participation based on incentives for charitable or religious beliefs, is considered as an effective efforts to strengthen social protection. The main goal of this research is to explain the role of religious and the public institutions for Privation elimination with emphasis on the Sirah of Imam Reza (PBUH). In this article, with Sirah research method Investigate Sirah of Imam Reza (PBUH) and presented ways to strengthening and expanding religious and the public institutions in the Islamic Society. In Islam, religious and the public institutions most important role in the development of social welfare and Privation and poverty elimination. Result of This research show that the behavior of Imams such as Imam Reza (PBUH) as respect for the poor, encouraging the generosity and etc. if Institutionalization in society cause spread religious and the public institutions in the Islamic Society. As a result of Extension these institutions in society are also reduced poverty and deprivation. Government and supporting institutions such as Islamic Relief Committee must rely on this capacity of the Islamic society, to elimination of poverty and Privation in our society.

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According to the words of its impact on the audience of the main angle of biography of the Holy Imams (AS) is, the word of the deep layers of the mind penetrated the hearts of people, life is a constant companion, the best example, according to the founder of Islam, the Qur’an is the miracle of the Word is, the more words Vnsayh Imam Reza (AS) teachings of the Koran as direct and indirect footprint ethical principles can be seen at the peak of the meanings of words, literary and moral tailored to the needs of the community.With Search in the intellectual life of Imam Reza (AS) is determined, to lead them to true happiness of man, the true utopia of human effort applied, and when the West in the Middle Ages regression was cutting through cultural decay, and the siege of the culture of their thoughts constantly circle became tighter, progressive Islamic thought and culture Razavi promoting intellectual freedom in the founding utopian ideals, thoughts and left a strong moral values, which seeks to lay the foundations of Islamic civilization, people in various fields cultural, emotional, respectively. This article is a descriptive, analytical, written using library resources for, and examples of the views of Imam (AS) in relation to human and fundamental moral principles is examined. This article is a descriptive, analytical, written using library resources for, and examples of the views of Imam (AS) in relation to human and fundamental moral principles is examined.

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Imam Reza’s hint to the rights related to friends, rules of friendship and features of a friend shows that Holinesse’s attention to the sturdiness of friendship bases from one hand and confronting against bad effects of a bad friend and favorite person on the other hand since, cultural invasion has aimed all aspects of Islamic life style such as Islamic friendship style, expressing the rules of Islamic way of making friends is useful for keeping friendship style considered by Islam. Expressing a style for facing a faithful person and his rights and also encouraging to take a brother (friend) for God, religious faith and idea shows the significance of faith in the Islamic friendship style. In the present research which has been done through the descriptive-analytic method, the response to the question Have the features of Islamic friendship pointed out in the words of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) has been investigated in order to help the style of Islamic friendship rules be promoted.

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The concept of unity and approximation of religions is very important in Islam. Therefore, it has been emphasized in the Holy Quran and Imams’ conduct including Imam Reza’s (AS) conduct. The basic question is how approximation of religions is demonstrated in in Imam Reza’s (AS) conduct and speech. Evidence suggests that Imam Reza (AS), as an efficient leader whose insights are taken from the holy Quran and prophetic tradition, made an effort during his blessed life to emphasize the importance of approximation of religions and Islamic unity in theory and in practice. Therefore, the study hypothesis is as follows: “In Imam Reza’s (AS) life, examples such as the centrality of the Holy Quran, return to the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), the correction of social morality, human equality, scientific and educational activities, and freedom of thought are demonstrations of approximation of religions and Imam’s attention to this issue. This is a descriptive analytic study. To carry out the study, notes were taken and they were categorized. Afterwards, data was analyzed and finally, the results were presented.

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Concerning the renaissance educations we see humanism and secularism emphasizing on rationality in political and social arena which carry on structural qualitative and quantitative changes. Interest oriented outlook, relative view to religion and spirituality in the world, increasing racial and ethnical conflicts, colonization and exploitation of human and natural resources, and diminishing independence and will of human resulted by instrumental rationality are products of such educations, i.e., cultural globalization. The question in this research rests on which of the liberal democracy and razavi epistemologies are able to affect more on current material and ideological world? The findings in this descriptive –analytical and discourse analytic research show that psychic difficulties, weakening family bases, and social and political normlessness remain the significant consequences of cultural globalization discourse and its central signifier, i.e., humanism. Marxism and neo Marxism could not also solve these problems. Razavi epistemologies as a comprehensive culture with its central signifiers such as friendship, kindness, morality, justiceand freedom can find good solutions for the problems.

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Life of Imam Reza (AS), has always eulogized by poets of various periods. Contemporary Arab and Iranian poets committed and praise poetry, expression of moral virtues Piety and their knowledge of various languages and Different issues. The authors of this study to analyze the Point of view of two contemporary poet Abdul monem –al-fartusi and Mohammed Hussein Behjati to Imam Reza (AS) and analysis by comparing their poems, the similarities and differences of these poems reach. Lyrics Abdul monem -al-fartusi have a style of narration and plot because the poet was under the influence of traditions and narratives about Imam Reza (AS) and poetic language is very simple and clear, and he relied on his poems details while the lyrics Mohammed Hussein Behjati addressed and literary style is complicated.

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