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imamat is one of the important principles of Shia, and from political point of view, it forms the basis of political thoughts in this sect. Accordingly, leading the society based on the infallible imams’ viewpoints has always been emphasized in Shia’s literature in order to gain prosperity for individuals and community. Meanwhile, derivation of components of politics is one of the primary necessities which has to be taken in to account to gain the happiness. This article takes an attempt to investigate imam-Reza’s components of politics through searching in his sira, for it was driven from divine principles and should be a basis for arranging the political and social occasions in an Islamic country. The results of the descriptive-analytical method indicate that politics in sira of imam Reza contains principles such as negation of tyrant sovereignty and prohibition of cooperation with them, dissimulation (taqia), expediency, and nonviolence – besides the other political considerations.

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Razavi Culture deriving from the theoretical, practical life of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) and also religious doctrines includes a group of beliefs, values and all the things are true or false. Related to this culture, prayer is considered a commandment or a divine order making humans’ life with the Islamic concept. On the one hand, this command is taken into account as a practical component in life style, on the other hand, it is an indicator for the different dimensions of life to be formed and directed in the Islamic way. Moreover, institutionalizing worshippers’ beliefs, it causes them to testify their important faith per day and night.Through making an actual relationship between the creator and creatures as well as preparing some behavioral approaches, prayer keeps worshippers and their life steadfast under the most tension-filled conditions, too. This religious order not only presents or describes socio-practical approaches effectively in life but also changes the generalities and specifics of Islamic life style to a real structure.In the recent article, emphasized in the Razavi Culture, impressive and favorable prayer principles have been analyzed in 3 aspects: The importance of performing prayer foremost Presence of heart Congregational prayer Which role prayer characteristics play in individual and social life has been discussed here, as well.As shown by the results reported in this research, since prayer consists of special components in the Razavi Culture, it is a religious element guiding both personal and social life. In other words, this concept can provide useful features for each person and even the whole society to be blissful and matured.

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Khorasan was dealt with religious, social and political evolutions in Hegira first three centuries. Among the religious revolutions of this realm, the people’s tendencis to Alavi’s thoughts was more appeared. The interest and fondness of Khorasan’s people to the Prophet’s family increased through Imam Reza’s political needs in Marv. Imam’s position of crown prince obtained suitable opportunity in developing Shiism thoughts and khalifate rostrum supplied the possibility of people’s vast familiarity to the Shiism culture. in fact the importance of Imam Reza’s in khorasan can be more searched as an important researching subject in people’s social similarity with the Alavis. The people who themselves became the cause of the Taheries support toward Shiism, because of their more understanding of Imam’s view. The Taheries who undertook Khorasan’s governship after two years of Imam’s martirity, undoubtedly were under the influence of this interest. the taheries performance toward the shiism apart from its previous fields, was more influenced through community and familiarity with imam Reza in Khorasan. In this regard it may be said that the Taheribn-al-Hossein’s action in disobediance form khalifate and being invited to the Alavies was one of the reason that he was assured of the Marve people’s support who were the Alavies supportess. The main question is the research of the searchong of the importance of imam Reza’s presence in the governors and important members of the Taheries dynasty’s inclinations to the Shiism. The documentary reasons in this case make more known theimportance of effectiveness in attracting the Khorasanians' attention to the prophet's family.

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Although, Imam Reza (AS) implies Tawhid (Oneness) and Vellaya (Guardianship) OF Allah in “There is no god except Allah/ لا اله الا الله” in his sayings, he expresses the sentence “بشرطها و شروطها و انا من شروطها” and directs Muslims’ attention to the Velaya of Innocence Imams and in this way he links Tawhid to Imamah and creates an epistemic and practical commitment. The saying of Imam means that reaching to Tawhid position and entering the territory of God results in security and immunity for human and such an entry is only possible through belief in God’s Hojja (Proof of God) and accepting their Velaya; they are all mirrors of God’s characters, principles and fundamentals of Tawhid, and represent God’s Velaya. Their satisfaction is equal to God’s satisfaction and referring to them means referring to God. Moreover, another Hadith is used which says Velaya of The commander of the Faith is the secure shelter of God and accepting his Velaya and his government is the source of the dignity of the Muslim Ummah and relieves discomfort and confusion of human being. Using Quranic verses and mystical texts, this articles strives to explain relationship between Tawhid with Imamah and Velaya, as well as its role in immunizing and saving human being from deviations in behavior and belief.

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The present paper aims to investigate and describe educational impacts of Imam Reza (PBUH) in elevation of spiritual beliefs in Iranian people. This study applied a qualitative approach and was conducted through analytical and descriptive research methods using available literature in order to analyze and explain the outcomes of his presence in Iran while living and after his martyrdom. This could be done with an understanding of spiritual condition of Iranians before Imam Reza’s arrival and especially in the time of the Sassanid. Oppressed People at that era were looking for a religion that would have justice and equality as the main indices. This new religion of Islam could be their savior. However, improper rule of the Omayyad and Abbasid rulers in Islamic world including Iran not only could not quench their thirst for justice but also increased oppressions and degradations. The arrival of Imam Reza in Iran and his position in the Caliph’s court along with proper effective measures he took [6] for promotion of true spirituality and the pilgrimage couture initiated by his martyrdom and the Sayids invited by him to Iran elevated Iranian people’s spirituality significantly.

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Different schools have tried to offer a kind of life style on their bases and their ideology. Islam, also offer an effective lifestyle on the basis of the Quran and the household of the prophet. In the version presented by Islam, a woman has a special effective status protecting her dignity in playing this role is effective.Infallible Imams (AS) and among them Imam Reza (PBUH) have delineated the sanctity and dignity of Muslim women in Islamic intellectual system. This study attempts to consider that image which has been provided for a Muslim woman by Imam Reza (PBUH) in respect of sanctity and dignity. Recognition the dignity and status of women in Islamic society is essential due to providing an identity for the Muslim woman and being far away from subservience to secular culture.The present article believes that the women's true dignity is in obeying and executing the commands of their religion in their life, family and society and thinks that man and woman are equal in creation, but the tender and sensitive spirit of woman needs special protection. The dignity of a woman is protected by herself and society and how social and personal interaction with her is very effective in this regard. Woman has a special personality with regard to her specific physical and psychological structure. Type of attitude toward women, her presence in the community, marriage, relationships with husbands and financing are important issues that the Eighth Imam has presented the way of protecting the dignity of women in each of them.

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The Holy Quran describes different discourse techniques and introduces 3 techniques namely wise reasoning, good preaching and the best contention as the Prophet’s (PBUH) techniques for invitation to Islam. Meanwhile, in logics, five reasoning or discourse techniques have been proposed in accordance with the purposes of discussions, the techniques include contention, demonstration, rhetoric, fallacy and poem.The Qur’anic discourse techniques are different from the logical discourse techniques and the five techniques of reasoning in terms of principles and ends. In the present article, attempts are made to investigate these differences and to answer this fundamental question: Is it possible to consider the Qur’anic discourse techniques consistent with the techniques of logical reasoning.With careful consideration of the two techniques’ characteristics and the close investigation of the Imams (AS) debates including the debates of Imam Reza (AS) which are based on the Qur’anic discourse techniques, it becomes clear that the most important difference between the two techniques is associated with their goals, in other words, The Qur’anic discourse techniques aim to guiding the audience, on the contrary, the Five Techniques of reasoning aim to pacify the audience.Careful study of the Imam Reza (AS) debates, and their reliance on solid and logical foundations as well as Qur’anic discourse techniques suggest that the statements of Imam Reza (AS) just like the statements of his fathers, can be used, in terms of method and content, to answer the corresponding questions and doubts not only in that historical period, but at all times.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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