In order to obtain advanced clones of potato crop and to utilize them as seed source or developing new cultivars, an investigation was conducted in 2004 using 120 new clines obtained from true potato seed and Agria, Marfona, Draga, Agata and Arinda as control cultivars in an augmented design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications in Ardabil area. Yield of each clone was adjusted for block effects, and then compared with each other using LSD method. The clone numbers 21 and 110 had the lowest and the highest yields, respectively. The clones 110, 19, 46, 41, 91, 44, 78, 111, 70, and 101 had high tuber yield over 31 ton/ha, and the difference between them and high yielding control cultivars was significant. With respect to dry mater yiled per unit area, the clones 41, 110, 19, 44, 91, 46, 74, 42, 84, and 81 had the highest yield with dry matter content of 1.0659, 0.9406, 0.9119, 0.8980, 0.8903, 0.8852, 0.8522, 0.8352, 0.8320 and 0.8299 kg m-2, respectively and were selected as promising clones.