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Nowadays, the use of talents as leading human resources in various organizations, including national media news, has become an essential matter, and a special educational model should be designed and presented for them; Empowerment and promotion is a part of this educational model that this research tries to achieve. For this purpose, in order to determine the criteria and methods of empowerment based on Hatum's model and using pluralistic hybrid research (simultaneous collection of qualitative and quantitative data, combining them and using the results to understand the problem) and using interview and questionnaire methods. , from the target population of 50 people consisting of Khabar Sima experts, the required data in the qualitative part with a sample size of 20 people based on theoretical saturation and selection with the snowball technique and in the quantitative part with a sample size of 44 people based on the Cochran formula and sampling It was collected by simple random with replacement. Qualitative data were analyzed using the theme analysis method and using the Atride-Sterling approach, and finally, the network of themes including 35 basic themes, 13 organizing themes and 2 overarching themes was obtained, which as a result of criteria In order to empower talents in accordance with strong performance in the past and strong potential in the future, as two overarching themes, methods were proposed to increase cognitive learning, emotional intelligence, and experience to improve technical competencies, interpersonal competencies, and managerial competencies.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of improving the quality of higher education in Islamic education from the perspective of professors and students in post-corona by descriptive survey method. The statistical population includes professors and students of Islamic education courses in national universities. 354 professors and 384 students were selected as a sample by random sampling method. Data were analyzed based on descriptive statistics and T-test using Spss22 software. Findings show that adapting the content of curricula and educational programs, providing physical infrastructure of universities, improving the level of capabilities and abilities of professors, a fundamental review of teaching methods and delegating authority to teachers in education And research, the job status of teachers of Islamic education courses in the future, highlighting the role of Islamic education courses in removing students' skepticism, the need to synchronize the processes of teaching and instructing teachers and determining the position of professors of Islamic education in the goals of the Islamic Revolution have high priorities. Also, the opinion of the statistical sample group is that the classes should be continued in combination (present and virtual). With the implementation of this research, we can take a step towards achieving the educational goals and appropriate policy-making in the group of Islamic education courses of universities.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of teaching the educational conduct of the prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS) on vandalism and psychological Well-Being of high school male students. This research was a quasi-experimental research with two experimental groups and two control groups. The study population included all male high school students in Najafabad in the academic year 2020-2021 and four schools were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and four classes were selected from schools. And in Shad application, 43 students in two experimental groups and 49 students in two control groups participated. Afshani and Javaherchian (2016) Vandalism scale and Ryff (1989) psychological Well-Being scale were used to collect data. The validity of these questionnaires was reviewed and confirmed by subject matter experts and the reliability of the questionnaires was reviewed and confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. Descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that the educational conduct of the prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS) has a significant effect on reducing destructive behavior inside and outside the school and also increases the overall score of students' psychological well-being and all its components except the component of autonomy and environmental mastery. Therefore, by investing and promoting educational programs based on the educational conduct of the prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS) in educational institutions, it is possible to reduce the destructive behavior of students and increase their psychological well-being.

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Abstract The purpose of this study was to obtain the components and indicators of the Civilization making political ideological education and training. This qualitative research and its method is Glyzer's data theory and emerging design. The source of the research was the Supreme Leader's statements on political ideology. Depoy and Guiltin themes were used to analyze the data. Regarding the components of quality assurance, 7 main categories were obtained at the end. 71 open codes were obtained for policies and actions related to each component After axial coding, 18 actions and policies were identified. For the category of selection, good family reputation, revolutionary spirit and spiritual readiness, In order to assess individual, social and organizational needs, On the issue of education, religious, cultural, political and military education, In the category of executors, seminary and representative of the Supreme Leader, In the execution method, dynamics, In empowerment, beliefs, thinking, repetition and indoctrination and organizational atmosphere, In the category of value creators, the trained were also identified, Finally, a model was developed to realize the ideological and political training of the civilizing armed forces.Keywords: education؛ political ideology؛ Civilization making؛ statements of the Supreme Leader

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Gheysari Godarzi Kiumars

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This study aims to investigate and and extracting the foundations and principles of intellectual Education in Nahj al-Balaghah view.Since thinking and contemplation is the main factor in achieving guidance and guidance towards human perfection, the study and analysis of this great element of the education system are of great importance in the geometry of Alavi education. In this research, using descriptive, analytical and inferential methods, .In relation to the basis of the ability of the intellect to achieve cognition, the principle of rationality focused on cognition and guidance and in connection with the basis of the limitation of intellect, the principle of thinking in the field of intellect was introduced. Also, the principles of acquiring knowledge and experience, the principle of consultation, the principle of openness and the principle of linking with revelatory teachings under the avoidance of fundamental self and the control of love and hate were examined in relation to the basis of the ability of dementia.Finally, regarding the multilevel intellect, the observance of each order of contemplation and excellence in intellectual order were scrutinized

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Dehghani Leila | Jowkar Najaf

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This research has tried the method of contend analysis and inductive method to investigate opinions and thoughts of Abu-Muhammad Al-Ghazali-philosopher and wise person in the fifth century (AH) and Abraham Maslow-humanistic Psychologist in the 20th century to compare the training model they presented aiming for the human to attain highest levels of transcendence. The statistical population under study is the works of these two thinkers, including The books, letters and lectures. study shows that training system of these two philosophers have many similarities and differences. The most important difference is the eventual aim of transcendent training which Al-Ghazali identifies as an otherworldly aim. Al-Ghazali’s methodology emphasizes on moderation, making proper habits and advantage of having superior teachers. On the other hand Maslow emphasizes on fulfilling lower level needs and relying on person’s creativity and freedom. Although Al-Ghazali’s training system seems to be more organized, this research finds the combining use of creativity and freedom of choice with benefit of having superior teachers to be helping this system become more effective.

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The research and conceptualization in the field of Islamic education and the study of the educational perspective of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) with an exploratory approach through the study of reliable religious sources and documents was the main goal of this article. This task was done by analyzing the content of hadiths, sermons, letters and wisdom related to the educational perspective of Imam (peace be upon him) in Nahj al-Balagheh, Gharar al-Hakm, etc. The analysis of the materials and content related to the research topic was done in the framework of the qualitative content analysis method, using a four-step process including "choosing the unit of analysis", "categorization", "counting the frequency of each category" and "interpreting the results". In this research, frequency was used to count the sub-categories and to classify and determine the main categories and dimensions using the inductive development method. Based on the findings of the research, 98 subcategories were identified and edited, and based on them, the main dimensions and components of Imam Ali's educational perspective were identified and determined. Based on the results of the dimensions and components including: A- Personal education dimension with four main categories: 1- Religious education (eight sub-categories), 2- Moral education (with 22 sub-categories), 3- Quranic education (with seven sub-categories) 4- Scientific education (with 20 sub-categories). B - The dimension of social education with five main categories including: 1- Cultural education (with six sub-categories), 2- Political education (with seven sub-categories), 3- Legal education (with 16 sub-categories), 4- Jihadi education (with six sub-categories) and 5- economic education (with five sub-categories), was classified, organized and its conceptual model was compiled, drawn and presented.

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هدف این پژوهش، فهم دیدگاه کارشناسان در مورد روش های انتقال مفاهیم فرهنگی و اجتماعی از طریق پویانمایی است. دلیل اصلی توجه به این امر، استراتژیک بودن ژانر پویانمایی برای کودکان است؛ ژانری که می تواند به عنوان جزئی از فرآیند رشد کودک و وسیله نهادینه شدن انواع مفاهیم اجتماعی و فرهنگی موردنیاز وی در طول زمان رشد به حساب آید. از این رو مفاهیم منتقله و روش های نهادینه شدن صحیح مفاهیم، برای استفاده از این ابزار در فرایند رشد کودک، اهمیت خواهد داشت. این پژوهش با استفاده از روش کیفی انجام شده و از طریق مصاحبه عمیق با کارشناسان، اطلاعات و داده ها جمع آوری گردیده است. همچنین، از روش مقایسه دائمی برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شده است. به منظور همگرایی مصاحبه ها و نیز نگاه عملی به موضوع، تأکید در مصاحبه ها بر نمونه ای ایرانی از تولیدات مرکز صبا با نام «پهلوانان» بود؛ که به داستان هایی از زندگی پوریای ولی به عنوان یک اسطوره ایرانی می پردازد. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که : «ساخت مفهوم توسط کودک به جای انتقال آن» ، «تقویت بازارهای جانبی (ایجادپیوست فرهنگی) به عنوان تحکیم کننده انتقال مفاهیم»، «تولید پویانماییهای صامت(بدون دیالوگ)»، «الگو پروری»،«توجه انتقال مفاهیم بر اساس مقتضای سنی کودک»، «انتقال مفاهیم در حاشیه به جای متن پیام»،«استفاده از روش یادگیری پنهان»،« اصالت داستان زیبا و متناسب با مفهوم در نوشتن فیلم نامه»، از مهم ترین روش های انتقال مفاهیم فرهنگی و اجتماعی از طریق پویانمایی است.

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The purpose of this study was to design and explain the model of ethical leadership with social responsibility of high school staff in the seven districts of Mashhad. The research was in development-applied and mixed method. First, with the Delphi technique, the opinions of 24 experts in educational management and experienced management of the seven districts of Mashhad were collected. Then, the research questionnaire was designed according to the obtained dimensions and components. The face , content validity (15 experts in the field of study) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.80) confirmed, and among 377 Mashhad high school staff , which were selected randomly, distributed.Data analysis was performed using structural equation methods and Spss and Amos software. Ethical leadership style had 4 dimensions (14 components) that individual and managerial dimensions had the highest importance. Also, organizational social responsibility had 4 dimensions (16 components) which the environmental and social dimensions were the most important. Given the importance of ethical leadership with organizational social responsibility in promoting the level of organization productivity and individual , managerial, environment and social dimensions priorities , managers of education and schools should pay special attention to such components.

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The main purpose of this study is to identify the Basic competencies of teachers to achieve the domain Islamic (ideological) and moral education. In order to achieve this objective, the present study is based on a qualitative research approach and has used the Phenomenological method to answer the questions. The statistical population included three groups teachers of teacher training centers, faculty members of the departments of educational sciences and Islamic Studies of Isfahan and Yazd universities and experts in Islamic theological. Purposive sampling method based on snowball was continued until the researcher reached a theoretical saturation using semi structured interviews with 22 members of the sample. After transcribing the interviews, in order to analyze the information coding and categorization methods were used. According to the experts, the Basic competencies of teachers in in the domain Islamic (ideological) education include categories of religious insight and love and in the Worship dimensions categories competencies expected is Worship insight, Worship tendency and Worship behavior and three categories of moral cognition, moral feeling and moral behavior are the competencies expected in moral education.

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The aim is to study the anthropological foundations of Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli and the principles of social education resulting from it using the Franken model. In this method, by combining descriptive propositions of anthropological principles and prescriptive propositions related to the purpose of social education, prescriptive propositions related to the principles of social education can be achieved. The results showed that the main anthropological foundations of Allameh are: the originality of the individual and society; Existence of individual differences in the equality of human beings; The power of thinking in man; Tendency to altruism and kindness in human beings; The nature of justice in man; Freedom, will and authority in man. Based on the above principles, the principles of social education include: "We must pay attention to the interaction of Fordo community with each other"; "Individual differences must be taken into account"; "Man's intellectual powers must be nurtured"; "A rational human society must be created"; "The interaction between science and practice must be taken into account"; "People should be treated with the nature of altruism and kindness"; "Others should be respected and appreciated"; "We must cooperate with each other"; "Must be reconciled with mercy"; "We must seek justice and fight against oppression"; "There must be moderation in life"; "A free man must be raised"; "You have to be responsible"; "It is necessary to pay attention to the lack of evasion (being gradual) in social education."

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Many factors are effective in improving the quality of the education system and improving the teaching and learning process. But the extraordinary role of leadership as a facilitator and accelerator of the flow of education indicates the special place of educational leadership. The aim of this study is to develop a Model of Religiosity Leadership for the Secondary Schools in Iran. This research is developmental in terms of purpose and has a qualitative approach. Research data were collected through interviews with 15 experts. Data analysis and model design were performed using the foundation data method in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. According to the conceptual model, the causal variables of the research were identified in three sections: individual, organizational and governance factors. Organizational factors, skills of effective leaders, and characteristics of effective leaders also identified as contextual variables. The nature of education, legal factors, technological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors and socio-cultural factors were also identified as intervening variables. Religiosity leadership strategies were defined in two parts: governance and organizational strategies. The results also showed that Religiosity leadership will have consequences such as increasing the effectiveness of responsibilities, improving schools, honoring stakeholders, helping the overall development of individuals and effective management of relationships with individuals.

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The issue of one-dimensional view of evaluation in educational systems causes problems for students. In Islam, the view of evaluation is more comprehensive. The purpose of this article is to explain the quality of evaluation in the Islamic educational system. In line with this goal, three basic components of the purpose, method and characteristics of evaluation in the Islamic educational system were explained. Quranic verses, hadiths and commentaries were used to collect data in a documentary manner. The results showed that the evaluation system in Islam, in terms of features such as comprehensiveness, quality, quantity, accuracy and reliability and the basic components of purpose, time, place, methods, tools and criteria, are different from conventional evaluation methods. Assuming that education in our country intends to rely on the teachings of Islamic education, then it is necessary to turn to the basic features and components of evaluation in the Islamic educational system. Thus, research proposal to policy makers, planners and educational factors in education is to turn to the tradition of evaluation in Islam.

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Friendship and tolerance is one of the important and key elements in civilization and social institutions, especially in the family system. On the other hand, Sahifah Sajjadiyeh is one of the most documented Islamic sources that specifically deals with the issue of family, and is considered a valid reference for extracting moral and educational components in this field. The purpose of this research is to extract the opinion of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) in the book of Sajjadiyah regarding friendship and tolerance in strengthening the family. The research method of this study is descriptive-analytical and library sources were used to collect data. The results of this research showed that tolerance, as an efficient component, has always been emphasized by Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him, in the Sahifa of Sajjadiyah, which includes God's tolerance with his servants and human tolerance with family members, especially relatives, parents, children, and spouses. Also, explaining the proposed solutions, including promoting forgiveness and forgiveness, preferring mercy over punishment and cultivating a sense of virtue, can help to solve the massive problems of the family institution in today's world and prevent problems such as disagreements, emotional divorce and separation and the problems caused by them.

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