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Behrooz Seyede Ziba

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The use of dictated words in texts and related issues is as important as their production in the Academy of Persian Language and Literature and other formal or informal institutions. As long as words are not put into the text, their usability, linguistic and semantic capabilities are not revealed, and the user does not understand the word as well. Moreover, his level of linguistic knowledge remains hidden in the case of not applying the words. Also, on the other hand, texts are measured in terms of structure originality by word replacement. Since the use of equals in textbooks has been on the agenda for reviewing the Educational Writing and Planning Organization, research on the quantity and quality of that use has received the attention of researchers. This research concentrates on some of the problems in textbooks regarding using of these words and their quantity. The research texts include the books of the elementary course and the first and second years of the theoretical branch of the 1400 edition. The research method is based on studying and examining the content of texts from different aspects of form, linguistics, semantics, and teaching of these equivalents in books and finding out the problems and causes of its occurrence. The purpose of this study is to refine the Persian language from the harms caused by the influence of foreign words and applied errors; Such as inappropriate context, inappropriate foreign word, incorrect category structures, ambiguity, redundancy, and incorrect application of dictated words. Therefore, according to the findings of this study, most of the problems are in the field of syntactic relations between words and also the inconsistency in using the correct way of inserting equals in books. From a quantitative point of view, these cases include more general words with abstract meanings than specialized and objective words. Therefore, it is necessary to review most textbooks for proper use of this group of equals. This study will help to smooth the path of the use of dictated words in Persian language and its fluency, both in the field of word selection and in the field of contextualization, in textbooks.

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Jam Bashir

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The present/ future forms of the infinitive verb "XAstan" (to want) are made by adding the prefix /mi-/ and the inflectional endings /-am/, /-i/, /-ad/, /-im/, /-id/, and /-and/ to the verb /XAh/. These forms include [mi.XA.ham] (I want), [mi.XA.hi] (you (singular) want), [mi.XA.had] (s/he wants), [mi.XA.him] (we want), [mi.XA.hid] (you (plural) want), and [mi.XA.hand] (they want) respectively. The pronunciation of these forms in colloquial Persian has decreased from three syllables to two syllables. As a result, they are pronounced [mi.XAm] (I want), [mi.XAj] (you (singular) want), [mi.XAd] (s/he wants), [mi.XAjm] (we want), [mi.XAjn] (you (plural) want), and [mi.XAn] (they want) respectively. This research aims to identify and analyze the phonological processes causing the various pronunciations of these forms. The primary cause is the deletion of /h/ in /XAh/ at the word level. Then at the post lexical level in which the prefix /mi-/ and inflectional endings are added, /h/ deletion leads to hiatus. The hiatus of the vowel /A/ and the vowel /a/ in the endings /-am/, /-ad/, and /-and/ is resolved by /a/ deletion. However, the hiatus of the vowel /A/ and the vowel /i/ in the endings /-i/, /-im/, and /-id/ is resolved by inserting [j] as an intervocalic consonant. The phonological processes that occur at the post lexical level include /d/ deletion, [n] insertion, and syllabification. Since phonology and morphology interact in the application of these processes, their analyses are done using Striatal Optimality Theory (SOT) at word and, post-lexical levels. Striatal OT which draws heavily on the tradition of Lexical Phonology is a hybrid model of OT in which the insights of Lexical Phonology and Morphology are broadly combined with parallel OT. It posits three distinct levels or strata including stem, word and post lexical levels. Striatal OT assumes that, in each phonological cycle, the mapping from input to output is effected by means of parallel constraint-based computation in the manner of OT.

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Dibaji dialect is one of the linguistic types along the Caspian Sea, which has a morphological and syntactic similarity with the Mazandaran language, which is one of the northwestern languages. Dibaji dialect is the language of the people of Dibaj, which is located between Semnan and Mazandaran provinces. In this research, by analyzing more than 140 verbs from the Dibaji dialect, we examine the prefix "/ba-/" and compare it with the standard Persian language. The method of this research is descriptive, analytical and comparative. To compare the grammaticalization procedure of the prefix "/ba-/" in both linguistic species, we have inevitably used ancient iranian language and the Middle and old periods sources and texts. In this research, we seek to discover the differences between this prefix in Dibaji and the standard Persian. To achieve this goal, we have categorized verbs with the prefix "/ba-/" in different verb paradigms. Then we have studied the role and function of this prefix in Dibaji verbs in comparison with Persian. The findings of this study show that the prefix "/ba-/" of Dibaji, like the Persian prefix "/ba-/", has undergone grammatical evolution;It means that this prefix has evolved from free polysyllabic morpheme in the role of adverbs to a dependent syllable, and in this path of change, it has been exposed to various grammaticalization mechanisms such as decategorization, desemanticization, phonological erosion, regidification and so on. Based on the evidences, we will compare the grammaticalization pattern of this prefix with Persian. We will also show that this prefix in Dibaji has not been eliminated by reaching the end line of the grammaticalization path, but by semantic fusion in the present simple form, it has figured out the phenomenon of lexicalization, which is a kind of degrammaticalization.

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Heydari Abdolhossein

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The aim of this paper is to study the verb borrowing of Persian based on matrix language frame model. Myers-scotton (1993-2006) proposed matrix language frame model due to eminent role of one language in the bilinguals’ speech. Only one language as matrix language determine morpho-syntactic patterns of sentences containing the elements of two languages according to uniform structure principle of matrix language frame model. The data is corpus-based and they have been collected from Persian speakers’ speech in different contexts. The research method is descriptive-analytic. At first, Persian verb and its inflectional morphemes were classified into: content morphemes (non-verbal elements in compound verbs and bare form of the verb in simple verbs) and late outside system morpheme (inflectional morphemes of the verb and light verbs) according to differential access hypothesis or 4-M model. Then the data were analyzed based on the principles and hypothesis of matrix language frame model. Persian is matrix language in all data due to uniform structure principle of matrix language frame model. Persian acting as matrix language has caused the inflectional morphemes of its verb have been added to non-Persian verbs entered Persian verb construction through light verb construction and indirect insertion process. Matrix language has caused inflectional morphemes of Persian verb activated and selected at formulation level to assign Persian morpho-syntactic frame on the sentences. So non-Persian verbs have been activated and selected at conceptual level as content morphemes. These content morphemes are realized as infinite verbs in Persian speakers’ speech to carry meaning. It seems there is a relation between different morpheme nature (their selection at different abstract level) and their transferring to other languages. Myers-scotton (1993-2006) emphasizes this relationship. As he has predicted matrix language frame model is efficient in explaining language contact phenomenon so more expansive studies can be based on it.

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Medadian Gholamreza

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This descriptive-analytic study aimed at investigating the semantic interaction of negation with the epistemic and deontic possibility and necessity senses of a select group of central Persian modal verbs (i.e., tavanestan, shodan, momken budan, emkan dashtan, bayestan and lazem budan). Among these modal verbs, the first four express the notion of possibility and the rest express necessity. Necessity and possibility constitute the core of modality domain. Modality as a semantic category mainly deals with speaker’s attitude or opinion regarding the state of affairs. Epistemic and deontic modality are the two main types of modality. The former expresses speaker’s judgment regarding the truth or falsehood of propositions while the latter deals with speaker’s influence on actualization or non-actualization of actions. Modal verbs are among the commonly used modal forms in Persian. Negation has logical and semantic interactions with modality (especially, possibility and necessity notions). Negation appears in Persian modal verbs and main verbs as ن- prefix. In this study, the views of Palmer (1995) and de Haan (1997), who both investigated the interaction of negation and modality from typological point of view, were used as the theoretical framework. The examples used as evidence in our analyses were mainly extracted from the corpus of Academy of Persian language and literature. The study showed that the interaction of negation prefix with the modal verbs of possibility domain (i.e., tavanestan, shodan, momken budan and emkan dashtan) is “regular” in the sense that there is correspondence between the form and meaning of the negative modal verbs. Thus, a negative modal form negates the modality and a negative main verb negates the proposition. In the necessity domain, the interaction of lazem budan with negation prefix is, also, “regular”. In fact, the co-occurrence of negation prefix with bayestan negates the proposition (not the modality). In addition, bayestan cannot express the epistemic “lack of necessity” of the truth of a proposition and deontic lack of necessity for actualization of an action. Other modal verbs (e.g., lazem budan and modal verbs of the possibility domain) express these notions through “modal suppletion” or “logical suppletion” strategies. Bayestan is a “uniscopal” modal form interacting only with “narrow scope” negation while other modal verbs investigated in this study are “biscopal” as they interact with both narrow and wide scope negation. Except bayestan, for which “modal suppletion” and “logical suppletion” strategies are employed to express wide scope negation, for other verbs investigated in this research “negation placement” strategy is used to distinguish between narrow and wide scope negation.

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In this study we have investigated the coordination of constructions from different grammatical categories, with a Cognitive Grammar approach. Haspelmath (2007: 1) and Langacker (2009:349) have argued that common category membership in not the only criterion for coordination of two grammatical groups. They have both given some exaples where different grammatical categories have made well-formed coordinative constructions and they have considered meaning as the key factor for two grammatical categories to coordinate. There are also similar examples in Persian. The studies which have investigated coordinative constructions in Persian are mostly carried out in Generative Grammar framework and none of them are devoted to investigation of this specific problem. So, since Cognitive Grammar is a meaning-based theory and investigates the language with all aspects of it, adopting it can render new and different results. According to the researches done on English language, it was expected for Cognitive Grammar to manage to describe this type of coordinative constructions, using the meaning-based definitions for grammatical categories and the schemas offered for each of them. Investigating 200 coordinative constructions gathered from major Iranian newspapers, showed that that all the grammatical categories belonging to atemporal relations, and also having compatible trajectors can act as the coordinands of a coordinative construction. In conclusion, we can say that in Persian, propositional and adjective phrases, and also propositional and adverbial phrases, dispite belonging to different grammatical categories can appear as the coordinands of a coordinative construction.

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