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Urban Tourism

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In the contemporary world tourism sector has a great importance for social and economic development. Country Iran despite having diverse and great potential in terms of natural and human-cultural attractions has not been able to achieve a significant position in the tourism industry. In these circumstances, "literary tourism" - considered as one of the subsets of cultural and heritage tourism that compared with other forms of tourism has a comparative advantage for the country. This research using a qualitative content analysis, through the compilation of existing discourse about "literary tourism" in Iran, deals with the investigation, representation and analysis and deduction of discourse. Any text and writing which directly or indirectly concerned with the subject of literary tourism in Iran, As was collected as a data source, Such as articles, speeches, interviews texts published in the media, scientific and news reports, notes and personal writings and so on. According to research findings, propositions raised in literary tourism discourse in Iran could be classified in four general themes, including: The concept and definition of literary tourism; issues, problems, and obstacles of literary tourism development; development and promotion strategies of literary tourism; Functions and implications of literary tourism. The results of this investigation have important implications for all stakeholders involved in literary tourism management and development in in Iran. In the contemporary world tourism sector has a great importance for social and economic development. Country Iran despite having diverse and great potential in terms of natural and human-cultural attractions has not been able to achieve a significant position in the tourism industry. In these circumstances, "literary tourism" - considered as one of the subsets of cultural and heritage tourism that compared with other forms of tourism has a comparative advantage for the country. The concept and definition of literary tourism; issues, problems, and obstacles of literary tourism development; development and promotion strategies of literary tourism; Functions and implications of literary tourism. The results of this investigation have important implications for all stakeholders involved in literary tourism management and development in in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban Tourism

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Tourism industry is increasing incredibly in Today's world. The accelerating growth of this industry has been caused that the 21 century is called the tourism century by most of exports. Yasuj city with natural tourism resources involves high quality. The present study by research on environmental and organizational factors and influential on tourist's satisfaction of yasuj, is providing the suitable cases for tourism improvement. This study is functional and based on a correlation and a questioner is used for data collection. The samples are the tourists that have traveled to yasuj in shahrivar, and also randomly sampling is used because of uncertainly of tourist's numbers. Data analysis is based on correlation. Since this is for evaluating the services quality. Then it has been performed based on tourist's satisfaction. The influential factors in tourism have been determined and they have been classified into environmental and organizational groups. Then, by the use of servequal (gap analysis), the expectation and exceptions of tourists are studied. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between environmental and organizational and also tourists satisfaction by the 0/512 and 0/676 factors. Tourism industry is increasing incredibly in Today's world. The accelerating growth of this industry has been caused that the 21 century is called the tourism century by most of exports. Yasuj city with natural tourism resources involves high quality. The present study by research on environmental and organizational factors and influential on tourist's satisfaction of yasuj, is providing the suitable cases for tourism improvement. This study is functional and based on a correlation and a questioner is used for data collection. The samples are the tourists that have traveled to yasuj in shahrivar, and also randomly sampling is used because of uncertainly of tourist's numbers. Data analysis is based on correlation. Since this is for evaluating the services quality. Then it has been performed based on tourist's satisfaction. The influential factors in tourism have been determined and they have been classified into environmental and organizational groups. Then, by the use of servequal (gap analysis), the expectation and exceptions of tourists are studied.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban Tourism

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The knowledge management in the tourism industry refers to knowledge-based strategies and it is one of the desirable business strategies in the contemporary era. Recent researches which inspired by the strategic management based on intelligence and knowledge, have shown that building sustainable competitive advantage through knowledge management is a common subject for services companies. Tourism destinations are constantly adapting itself to changing situations with the creation and using of knowledge in respond to it. As destinations and tourism organizations are unable to protect itself from the pressures, consequences and developments in the external environment. This feature approves the need to a knowledge management system across tourist destination which is available for all types of organizations to provide the required infrastructure for the cooperation between the organizations. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge management in Organizations with effect on crisis management process in Ardabil, and so five components includes: knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and application of knowledge for knowledge management are studied. By objective, this research is an applied and a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the investigation includes managers and experts in organizations concerned with crisis management in Ardabil . the research statistical sample are 120 managers and experts from 19 organizations involved in crisis management of Ardabil. Data is collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze data, different statistical methods have been used such confirmatory factor analysis and one sample t-test and in order to analyze the data, the SPSS and LISREL software were used. The results of this study support the main hypotheses of the research. The results indicated on a poor assessment of the status of all components of knowledge management in solving the problems of natural disasters and crisis in the field of tourism of Ardabil. As destinations and tourism organizations are unable to protect itself from the pressures, consequences and developments in the external environment. This feature approves the need to a knowledge management system across tourism destination which is available for all types of organizations to provide the required infrastructure for the cooperation between the organizations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban Tourism

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According to successful urban old centers renovation dependence to economic infrastructure and unresponsive of public investments to implementation of mentioned subject it is necessary to centers potential for private sector encouraging in textures renovation. If the old textures have value considering with tourism and recreational we can provide suitable and attractive places in citizens psychological and mental requirements and also it is possible to old texture development.One of the cities in Iran which suffer from old textures problems is Khoy city. So it is necessary to measure main affairs in renovation with an emphasis on urban tourism. In this research we have tried to investigate and analyze strengths and weakness, opportunities and threats points behind tourism in Khoy city old texture. Then we present optimal solutions to improve it in order to itself revocation.This research is applied in aim or purpose viewpoint and it is descriptive-analytical in implementing method. Required data are collected in documentary and field methods. Statistical populations of research are experts and related office responsibilities according to case study range. Sampling method is random case. to determine the strategy priority, we have been used SWOT analyzing accompany with ANP model. Also we have been used Delphi method to reaching the four factors of SWOT. So SWOT technique and strategies were priorited and valued by using of ANP model in super decision software.At first we gathered strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in environment factors and according to themselves results by SWOT analyzing, we presented 10 strategies for tourism development capabilities in order to revocation of old texture in Khoy city. Final priority of strategies by using of ANP model in super decision software showed that ST1 strategy in increasing specialty budget for development tourism attractions, Wo2 strategy in increasing of coordination for related organizations in tourism and ST2 strategy in creating transparent and efficient management to implementation of tourism development are three strategies with priority. In network analyzing; strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for revocation of Khoy city old texture with concept of sustainable or substantial tourism; strengths have been in the first place.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban Tourism

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The contingent valuation method (CVM) is used to estimate economic values for all kinds of ecosystem and environmental services. It can be used to estimate both use and non use values, and it is the most widely used method for estimating non-use values. It is the most controversial of the non-market valuation methods. The contingent valuation method involves directly asking people, in a survey, how much they would be willing to pay for specific environmental services. Human beings tendency to the nature of the cities ‘edge rooted in the biological, psychological and social needs. Shorabil lake in the city of Ardabil is an ecotourism potential of the tourist attractions in the province and the region. The aim of this study was to estimate the value of the tourist attractions of Shorabil, Ardabil by using contingent valuation method to determine the average willingness to pay and the factors affecting their willingness to pay that was conducted by using dichotomous choice questionnaire. To measure the willingness to pay, the Logit regression model was used and is based on maximization, model parameters are estimated. For this purpose, the data required were collected through field studies and the completion of 232 questionnaires randomly at the aforementioned attraction in June and July of 2014. For data analysis SPSS and Shazam statistical software and Maple mathematical software were used. The results show that 68 percent of visitors are willing to pay to visit Shorabil promenade. Educational level, gender, visitor satisfaction, bid, family size and income variables are factors affecting the willingness to pay, while the age variable was not significant. The average willingness to pay among visitors and recreational value of the attraction were estimated 12,000 Rials and 72/18 billion Rials, respectively. The results show that natural promenade for people in urban areas have important and significant value in which this value provides a justification for policy makers and decision makers that for the sake of development of sustainable tourism, enhancement the well-being of tourists and also protection natural ecosystems of such attractions have a more efficient management in order to create a sustainable tourism development.

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Urban Tourism

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Destination Reputation is known as a potential impact on the tourism industry and loyalty to Destination. little research has studied the antecedents of a tourism destination reputation and issue import to marketers. Accordingly, regarding vaguely identified within the reputation literature and important role in the tourism In this study we will try to deal Structural Modeling factors affecting on tourism destination reputation and its impact on Destination brand equity. The purpose of current study is Practical And based on of Type descriptive – survey. Required date of research collected by questionnaire. Volum of sampl formed of 313 persons among all of Tourist in isfahan city was chosen at random. for analyze data and confirm, structural equation modeling with Smart PLS2 is used.The results research show that Destinations reputation on Trust in Tourist Destinations and word of mouth destination has positive and significant relationship.Also Destination Reputation via Destination image affected on destination brand loyalty, destination brand awareness and destination brand perceived value. Familiarity affected on the reputation destination and 46% of a destination's reputation is explained by familiarity. Familiarity in turn, is explained by cognitive perception (33%) and affective evaluation (31%).Findings confirmed that to enhance the reputation Destination through cognitive perception and Affective Evaluation should emphasiz on mediator Familiarity. Given the important mediating role of familiarity, the various stakeholders in the tourism industry should strengthen fa miliarity in order to develop and enhance their reputation. Familiarity can be defined as the knowledge of what,why, where, and when others do what they do In fact, familiarity can be taken as the knowledge and the affective evaluations of the organization Therefore, familiarity is a broad construct where knowledge about the organization can be resourced from sources as varied as the individual's prior visits to the destination, the media, word of mouth or publicity From the point of view of tourism, it is very important that a place be considered more familiar than others. Familiarity plays a very important role in various tourists' decisions. For example, it has been argued that familiarity strengthens the tourist’s closeness to the place and on the vacation choice.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban Tourism

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The Tourisim as a privileged industry has important. Today travel for health is one of the important goals of tourism, so health tourism has rapid growth in few years. This study seeks to derive the “what” and “why” of the pattern of Health Tourism Attraction model in Iran using qualitative research and drawing on symbolic philosophy. The main problem is that this research seeks to answer the scientific and systematic it is, this is a model to attract health tourism in Iran? What factors and elements that attract health tourism in Iran? What is the function of these factors? Accordingly, this study uses classic grounded theory analysis and induction-based coding approach. The conclusions are emerged from 20 semi-structured field discourses through theoretical sampling and to reach the stage of saturation extract, and at the end of the Dell data Health Tourism Attraction Model has been articulating. This model includes five dimensions: Therapeutic value, Health promotion, Islamic health service and tourism attractive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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