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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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in this research, the effects of macroeconomic variables on the demand for ship entry to shahid rejaee port have been studied through a small scale econometric model the equations of which can be divided into two sets. In the first, the effects of such macroeconomic variables as the GDP, oil export, inflation, and exchange rate on the country’s import demand and export supply are examined while in the second the effects of the variations of the import/export rates on the ship entry demand function are studied. Because of the differences in the logistic transportation systems, the cargo ship demand has been selected for the study. The equations have been solved using monthly time series (2002-2010) and autoregressive-distributed lag (ARDL) in the structure of co-integration method. Results have shown that the ship entry is more elastic to GDP growth variations and the elasticity between these two variables is a little more than one. But, the function of the ship entry demand is, to some extent, inelastic with respect to other economic variables.The elasticity values of the ship entry to the port for import, export, and oil revenue are 0.7, 0.3 and 0.2 respectively.

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ports are considered as the sea-shore interaction gates because ships bring goods to consumers and beneficiaries through ports and about 90% of the global trade, according to UNCTAD, is carried out through the sea, but in Iran, the share of the marine shipment is estimated to be more. For a safe entry to or an exit from a port, an appropriate depth is needed that is provided by dredging operations and the related equipment. In maritime construction projects, the dredging volume forms the main part of the total work; however, in the general dredging documents, it receives relatively less attention.In this article, effort has been made to adopt a suitable structure for the execution of the dredging contracts in Iran and to that end, all the related risks have been considered based on the PMBOK standard and some guidelines and important issues which are based on the current laws and regulations and need to be considered in such contracts have also been pointed out. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine such contracts and their related affecting factors quite carefully to provide appropriate conditions to facilitate their execution. Presently, the application of such contracts in Iranian ports is accompanied with some problems resulting from complicated conditions, lack of integrated mechanisms, and uniform contracts. These problems, mainly rooted in clear legal frameworks and/or specific laws, have led to some disorders in the trend of the execution of such contracts in Iran. Therefore, selection/prioritization of the goals and precise preparation of the contract documents including the exact description of the works, working (specific) situations, a suitable payment procedure, and distribution of the possible risks (identification and minimization) can definitely result in a satisfactory contract.

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the economic decision/policy making regarding the Iranian ports necessitates thorough information about each port’s performance and, therefore, the objective of the present study is to compare the performance of Iran’s three northern ports (Amirabad, Noshahr, and Anzali) during 2013-2014 and propose a model for their ranking. The research methodology is of the analytic-applied type and the required data have been collected from the PMO data bases. To identify the port performance evaluation indices, use has been made of the related literature and to weight them, the AHP technique has been used; the ports were then ranked based on these indices using the TOPSIS technique.Results have shown that in 2013, Anzali and Noshahr have stood first and second (with ratings equal to 0.982 and 0.559) respectively, and Amirabad has been third (with a rating equal to 0.094) despite its extensive resources and portal space. This means that Anzali has made a relatively better use of its resources and has obtained better results compared to the other two ports.

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the present study has been done, with a descriptive practical goal, to evaluate the impacts of the strategic performance measurement systems (SPMS) on the organizational performance in planning strategies. It was performed (in fall 2013) on 44 managing directors in Khorramshahr Port & Maritime General Office because the research was about performance and those who run the office through their decision making are the managers. Data collection instruments were questionnaires validated by the related experts resulting in an invariance value equal to 0.849 based on Cronbach Alfa; SPSS and AMOS were used to analyze the data.According to the results, impacts of the SPMS on the organizational performance results are determined by three main factors: 1) degree of BSC adoption, 2) impacts on the HR performance, and 3) design objectives; the first being obviously the most significant. Together, these three factors account for 69.6% of the variations in the impacts on the organizational performance. Our finding that the impacts of the SPMS on the HR performance have positive effects on the organizational performance reinforces the BSC framework with this necessary explanation that it shows the relationship between the perspective of learning and organizational growth and other BSC perspectives. Our results further show that 41% of the SPMS impacts on the HR performance is determined mainly by the degree of the BSC adoption, designing purposes based on the SPMS, and its effectiveness.The research model offers this insight that the variables related to the degree of the BSC adoption and designing purposes based on SPMS have gained the highest ratings through their direct and indirect impacts on the organizational performance via the HR performance and other variables; the two variables (degree of BSC adoption and designing purposes based on SPMS) affect the organizational performance by 48 and 40% respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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considering the growing role of the information security in the administration of every society, the public (state) and private organizations and institutions have to provide the required infrastructures for the accomplishment of this important issue. In addition to the material resources, management techniques too have considerable impacts for the optimal and successful implementation of the information security management systems. Registration of the management standards in the field of ICT information security can be so planned that the organizations’ security situation may vary according to their needs, and security is insured in terms of continuing business and somewhat at other levels (crisis management and soft war).Despite extensive research in this regard, unfortunately not much clear and useful information has been provided in the past years up until now regarding the implementation and necessary prioritization in terms of the deployment of a system due to such reasons as different security levels required by the public and private sectors or the direct relation of the related field with their interests. Therefore, effort has been made in this research to provide others with the unclassified information that can enhance similar organizations while maintaining the main organization’s classified information. This research began with library studies and reviewing the related theses. After gathering the basic, important information regarding the subject, we interviewed some experts and those responsible in the related tasks and obtained a set of “key indices” which were classified in groups conforming to the title “Key Parameters Effective in the Implementation of the Security Management System”. These were then analyzed and evaluated using the designed questionnaires. A total number of 126 questionnaires were distributed and gathered in all the ports and the required statistical tests were performed on them. Results finally convinced the central office to hold related training and retraining courses on such subjects as the “information management system”, “planning”, “media allocation”, and “software”.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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the role of maritime transportation in international relations, and the need for safe navigation reveal the significance of aids to navigation and its notification. To improve safe navigation, national and international communities enforce regulations on notification of aids to navigation. Every year, because of massive marine accidents, partly as a result of non-compliance with technical and safety issues, and their effects on the marine environment, this article has focused on examining the national and international regulations concerning the notification through the deployment of navigational aid signals, especially the provisions of the SOLAS and IALA, to prevent possible accidents. The research done in this survey shows the need for a coherent policy on notification through the deployment of navigational aid signals at the national and international levels for the maritime safety and prevention of the relatedaccidents. We hope that the Islamic Republic of Iran too may compile and codify comprehensive rules and regulations in this area which is the role and duty of the PMO as the custodian of the Maritime Affairs according to Article 71 of Iran Constitution.

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the social wealth concept is new and has three basic components - social trust, social coherence, and social cooperation - and has a firm and mutual relationship with the physical, economic and human wealth. It helps the economic, cultural, and informatics development to accelerate and the society to grow through creating a sense of cooperation and participation between the community members. Most importantly, it is the necessary condition for the development of every society, an introduction to the creation of a civil society, expansion of the public sphere, and, as Anthony Giddens believes, it is the infrastructure of the formation of the modern society. But if the society wealth declines, we will witness discrimination, inequality, emigration, lack of public trust, reduced social participation and charity, increased corruption and addiction, generation gap, and family breakdown. This study evaluates the effects of social relations or social wealth on the organizational commitment of the PMO employees of Gilan Province that is very important because if it exists at the workplace, individuals can act without conflicting behavior; this is possible through social wealth the theories of which have been studied in this research. To identify this wealth in the business domain, use was made of Nahapit-Goshal’s 3D model that investigates the effects of each structural, communicational, and cognitive dimension, and Alan-Meyer’s 3D model that studies the continuous, emotional, and normative commitment.Next, the effects of each of these dimensions on the organizational commitment were evaluated.

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n the turbulent business environment, organizations try to develop their agility; therefore, they need to consider business process re-engineering (BPR). The present study is aimed, using the system dynamic approach, at investigating and analyzing the effects of BPR factors on the organizational agility in the PMO which has the biggest container ports in Iran handling the highest volume of container operations and playing a very important and vital role in the country's economy and Trade. PMO also tries to maintain a high level of responsiveness to achieve agility and remain competitive in the global marketplace; therefore, it needs to consider BPR which is operationalized through cultural factors, communications, methodology, project management, strategic alignment, information technology, leadership, empowerment, and performance management. Initially, the literature was reviewed and the gathered data provided us with the possibility to present a conceptual framework for the study. Subsequently, some indices were identified for model variables evaluations through interviews with experts. Effort has been made in this research to simulate successful BPR key factors and organizational agility. Accordingly, first the main system defining variables were identified and realized to a great extent. Then, their relations were codified according to the casual loop diagrams.Next, its technical structure was completed through the main model design according to the stock-flow diagram and was assimilated in the VENSIM software, and some effective parameters were identified through the model execution and analyses of its results. Finally, more effective, principal indexes were determined. Although more detailed studies and model development deem necessary and real world variables need to be added to the model, it can still test and assess any strategy and solution almost satisfactorily.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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