the social wealth concept is new and has three basic components - social trust, social coherence, and social cooperation - and has a firm and mutual relationship with the physical, economic and human wealth. It helps the economic, cultural, and informatics development to accelerate and the society to grow through creating a sense of cooperation and participation between the community members. Most importantly, it is the necessary condition for the development of every society, an introduction to the creation of a civil society, expansion of the public sphere, and, as Anthony Giddens believes, it is the infrastructure of the formation of the modern society. But if the society wealth declines, we will witness discrimination, inequality, emigration, lack of public trust, reduced social participation and charity, increased corruption and addiction, generation gap, and family breakdown. This study evaluates the effects of social relations or social wealth on the organizational commitment of the PMO employees of Gilan Province that is very important because if it exists at the workplace, individuals can act without conflicting behavior; this is possible through social wealth the theories of which have been studied in this research. To identify this wealth in the business domain, use was made of Nahapit-Goshal’s 3D model that investigates the effects of each structural, communicational, and cognitive dimension, and Alan-Meyer’s 3D model that studies the continuous, emotional, and normative commitment.Next, the effects of each of these dimensions on the organizational commitment were evaluated.