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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This paper aimed to study the significance of professional growth, supervisor support and empowerment on job attitudes and organizational- civil behaviors. Due to its purpose, data, nature and method, this research was an applied, quantitative, non-experimental and correlational survey respectively. All Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization (Iran TVTO)’s headquarters staff were the research population. 225 people were selected based on a simple random sampling. Pearson correlation coefficient and regression were utilized for data analysis. The obtained results indicated that there is a significant correlation between “professional development, leadership support and empowerment”, and “job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment)”. Additionally, the findings showed that professional development and empowerment predicted 32 and 21% and job attitudes and leadership support predicted 16% of organizational citizenship behaviors among Iran TVTO’s headquarters staff.

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Women empowerment is a process in which women become aware of their internal needs and desires, reinforce self-confidence in order to achieve the goal, and gain the ability to implement their wants. The paper aimed to study the relationship between technical and vocational training (TVT) and women empowerment from the viewpoint of female skill graduates in Kerman TVT centers. It is a survey- type research. A researcher- made questionnaire was used to collect data. Expert views have been used to check the validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient method has been used to check the reliability of the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics methods, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression have been used to analyze the data by using SPSS22. The research findings showed that there was a positive significant relationship between TVT and women empowerment Therefore, the focus on women skill training in human resource education is one of the important policies that government must pay special attention to it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, one of the important problem in terms of labor market is that many universities provide education for many students in various fields regardless to the real need of labor market. But labor market only focuses on a part of those graduates in order to meet the needs for labor forces. Universities incapacity in providing job skills needed for labor market or students unwillingness to acquire these skills is the main cause of this group’s high unemployment rate. It was expected that the group’s unemployment rate would be in a suitable position, but the unemployment rate here is two times the national average. In this regard, skill training plays a key role in human resource development by preparing the skilled labor forces needed for labor market in many different countries. This paper aimed to study the role of skill training on employment of university graduates. The research was a descriptive survey and field method were used to collect data. The instruments used among 385 university graduates were the distributed questionnaire. Content validity was measured by ralying on experts’ views. Using Chronbach's alpha coefficient formula, the reliability proved to be 0.81. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling Technique have been used to analyze the data. Results showed that skill training influenced the employment of university graduates. The amount was 0.33.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays internet has created the cyber world and provided some incentives for companies to invest in e-learning. But what makes clear the importance of issue is efforts to be succeeded in using of e-learning system and measure the success of this system. This study aimed to identify the measuring criteria of e-learning system’s success in Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization (Iran TVTO) and explain its current status. This study, in terms of purpose is applied- developmental and in terms of nature is descriptive-survey. Two groups of research statistical population were as follows: 1) experts of E-learning system 2) users (learners) of Iran TVTO’s e-learning system. So two questionnaires were designed to identify the measuring criteria of success in Iran TVTO e-learning system and its current status. One sample t-test was used to analyze the data by using SPSS software. 7 criteria and 28 indexes were identified and finalized as success components of Iran TVTO’s e-learning system. The current status of Iran TVTO’s e- learning system were evaluated in an ideal position based on these criteria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Reviewing the existing litrature indicates that there is no standard model or framework for implementing Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organization (Iran TVTO)’s skill assesment and tests. And no reseach or work has been done in this area. So, this subject is new in the Technical and Vocational Training (TVT) litrature. The main objective of the paper was to introduce “A Practical Model to Improve Iran TVTO’s Skill Assessment System”. The research method was sequesntioal exploratory mixed model. The respondants in qualitative research phase included 200 trainees (testees), 10 skill test designers and 20 managers and experts from Bushehr Provincial TVT Head office. Open and axial coding were used for data analysis. The research findings can be aid to policy making, designing, and improving Iran TVTO’s Skill Assessment System.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, one of the interpretations regarding to the service quality is offering the best services in most appropriate time for right person with the best results. Due to the importance of this issue, organizations should evaluate the quality of their services. This study aimed to evaluate the service quality of market- oriented skill training in Isfahan Provincial Technical and Vocational Training (TVT) Head office. All trainees and skill learners participated in market- oriented skill training courses in Isfahan Provincial TVT Head office were the research population. 196 samples were determined as adapted from Cochran formula, and selected in a random sampling way. It was a descriptive survey that used a standardized questionnaire including 22 questions in two levels as the data collection tool. Research data analysis was done in two ways, descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings showed that clients/ trainees’ expectations are met in both dimensions; “responsibility” and “empathy”.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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High rapid developments and changes in ICT era made the role of public relations (PR) more remarkable in one hand and modification in different aspects of PR from other hand. The remarkable role and modification require professional experts and specialists in different sections of PR. Therefore, it is necessary for PR human resources and practitioners in this field to be equipped with the required specialized competencies. The paper aimed to introduce a proposal framework on “competency- oriented considerations of PR practitioners in Iran”. This was done by reviewing the related literature and documents and analyzing them.The present study is done through the analysis of other research findings and data via grounded theory with the employment of inductive logic. Then, accreditation is applied through referring to distinguished specialists in three groups including; experts in the field of competency, PR professional, and experienced managers and communication and PR professors as well as utilizing their opinions and views via deductive process for tests. The findings showed that the competency model of PR practitioners in Iran has classified in two dimensions-general and specialized. General dimension includes three components; human, personal and value competencies. Specialized dimension has five components including; technical, conceptual, contingent, ethical, and PR certain competencies. 82 significant indexes of vocational competencies of PR practitioners in Iran are classified under these two dimensions and 8 components.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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