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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Electronic prescription system as a sample of multidisciplinary, socio-technical information systems has numerous complexities, various users and subsystems. Therefore, the present article is developed with the purpose of reviewing the national models of electronic prescription systems in some selected countries.Methods: This comparative reviewing study describes the electronic prescription system models in a number of EU countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and the UK) and the US. Data related to the prescription system were extracted through searching the keywords related to electronic prescription along with the names of the countries in search engines and the related data bases, as well as visiting the websites concerned with electronic prescription system of each country. Next, the gathered data were entered on the data collection form. Data analysis was performed using a descriptive-comparative analysis method.Results: Electronic prescription system in the countries under study covers the whole prescription process or a major part of it; and the models used in the system varied in different countries and even within the same country. Also, the electronic prescription system in the four European countries under study had centralized architecture and national database of electronic prescription system, but the US applied a decentralized and diffused architecture for this system.Conclusion: Based on the experiences obtained from reviewing of the leading countries in the field of implementation of electronic prescription system, this system should be part of national health care infrastructure and the necessary platform should be provided for a safe and secure electronic transmission of prescriptions between the prescribers and the dispensers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Although implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is the most effective way to control dysrhythmias and heart disorders, but patients experience tribulations with this device. The aim of this study was explaining the tribulations of life with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.Methods: A qualitative approach of Interpretative phenomenology was performed for this study. The statistical population consisted of patients referred to the heart clinic of Imam Khomeini in Tehran. Purposive sampling was used to select the samples. The sample size was determined using the law of sampling adequacy. The data of 130 participants were collected through semi-structured interviews. For the interpretation of data the pattern of six basic steps (van Manen) was used along with data collection.Results: Three themes emerged from the data interpretation. These themes including: physical tribulations (Restriction of movement, pain caused by the discharge of electric shock, the loss of self-control), psychological tribulations (living with fear, uncertainty about the future, faced with death during shock, waiting for the shock), and tribulations to the device (fear of system failure, system costs, limitations of the machine).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that patients with implantable defibrillators experience physical and psychological tribulations. These experiences affect all aspects of their life. Therefore, appropriate planning for these patients performed to profit from treatment and counseling services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: This study was carried out to determine the relationship among life style and toleration, on the one hand, and mental health and self-empathy among the students in Razi University of Kermanshah in 2014, on the other.Methods: This was a descriptive – analytical and correlational type of research. The research population included all the students at Razi University among whom 376 students (188 male and 188 female) were selected via the multi-stage cluster sampling. To collect the data the questionnaires of living style (Miller & Smith, 2003), toleration (Coner & Davidson, 2003), living style and self-empathy were used. The collected data were analyzed using data analysis software SPSS version 19 through the statistical technics of Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Regression analysis Results: The findings showed correlations between living style and mental health (p=32%), living style and self-empathy (p=18%). Also, toleration and mental health (p=46%), as well as toleration and self-empathy (p=29%) revealed significant correlation at (P˂0.05) level. The regression analysis result showed that the factors of living style and toleration could predict the 23% of the changes in mental health collaboratively, and their weight was b=0.15 and b=0.39 respectively. In addition it showed that the factors of living style and toleration, collaboratively, could predict 0.09 of the changes of self-empathy.Conclusion: Considering the results of this study it can be claimed that any enhancement in living style and toleration would result in the improvement of mental health and self-empathy.

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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a common parasitic infection in most of areas in the world which is caused by protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma gondii can be vertically transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy and may cause awid range of clinical manifistations like prenatal mortality, abortion or congenital defects. The aim of this study was to determination of seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma infection in pregnant women referred to Reference Laboratory in Kermanshah during 2014 and study of realationship between toxoplasmosis rate and risk factors like age, contact by animals nutriation and other factors.Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, Serum samples of 386 pregnant women were investigated for existence of IgG antibodies against Toxoplasma by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. A questionnaire about demographic characteristic and risk factors of cases was filled in.The data analyzed using SPSS software version 16.Results: In this study, in 386 pregnant women, 133 cases (34.5%) had positive serology tests. The mean age cases, was 29 years old There are significant realationship between infection rate and domestic animal contact (p<0.001) and significant realationship between infection rate and age was seen too (p-value=0.001).Conclusion:: Results of this study showed, the seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Kermanshah is 34.5%., it is essential to do Serological screening tests in first trimester of pregnancy and it is possible to prevent of congenital Toxoplasmosis whit health educational programs.

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Introduction: Over the years of education, nursing students are expected to achieve moral development to cope with ethical dilemmas in clinical environment. Considering the importance of this issue, this study was conducted to determine the moral development of nursing students of Hamedan University of medical science.MethodsIn this descriptive-correlative study 66 senior students of baccalaureate nursing program were evaluated using enumeration sampling method. The data was collected using a bipartite questionnaire including demographic questions and Kohlberg’s nursing dilemma test. Moral development level of the students was determined in three stages of pre-conventional morality, conventional morality, and post-conventional morality. Moral thinking and clinical considerations scores, also were evaluated. The data was analyzed by IBM SPSS 16 using independent T-test and Pearson's correlation.Results: 19% of students were in pre-conventional, 36% in conventional and 45% in post-conventional level of moral development. Moral thinking mean score was 47.52±8.13 that was in medium level and clinical considerations mean score was 20.32±4.205. There were no significant correlation between students’ moral development and their age (), gender (P=0.499), GPA (P=0.64), marital status (P=0.103), inhabitance (P=0.804) and student work experience (P=0.724).Conclusion:: half of students had needed moral development scores and in order to improve moral decision making this issue must be included in nursing curricula and apprenticeship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Angiogenesis, is involved in development, wound healing and pathological conditions such as tumor growth.Both hemostatic and angiogenic systems are applied to stop bleeding.They were activated through being exposed to subendothelial matrix. Any disturbance in hemostatic and angiogenic system lead to tumor growth and metastasis.Methods: At first related articles about angiogenesis and coagulation systems, The due systems were searched from valid databases such as WILY ONLINE LIBRARY, ISI web of science, Springer Link, Sciencedirect, Pubmed, google scholar, SID and ISC. Then, the related articles were studied from 2002 to 2014.Results: In normal condition, angiogenesis occurs through the establishment of balance among proangiogenic, anti-angiogenic, coagulation and anticoagulation factors. These factors and agents support angiogenic system and result consequently in tumor growth, metastasis and the increase of susceptible patient to coagulopathy.Conclusion:: The tight regulatory balance between pro- and antiangiogenic factors is disturbed in favor of angiogenic stimulators which lead to cancer development. Coagulation is synergistically activated, so the patient develops the increased risk of a thrombotic event. In addition to their recognized role to regulate coagulation, platelet-derived hemostatic and plasma factors also contribute to the regulation of angiogenesis. Because tumor growth and metastasis depend on angiogenesis, negative regulators angiogenesis have special interest as potential anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer agents.

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Introduction: Visual perception is one of the cognitive functions damaged in children with cerebral palsy (CP) who have a motor and developmental disability. This study aimed to assess the visual perception skills of children aged 6-12 with CP based on gross motor function levels.Methods: This research was a cross sectional study performed on children with CP and also from the rehabilitation clinics in the Karaj city. Sixty-seven subjects were selected by simple non-random sampling. The instruments used were the Test of Visual Perception Skills- Revised (TVPS-R) for the evaluation of visual perception skills and the Gross Motor Measure Function Classification System Expanded & Revised (GMFCS E& R) to assess the severity of gross motor function lesions. The data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests.Results: The mean and standard deviation of the total scores of visual perception skills in children with mild, moderate and sever levels were 74.83±27.4, 62.36±16.4 and 75.69±21.02, respectively. There were no significant differences among the seven visual perception skills in three areas of CP severity (mild, moderate and severe) levels based on GMFCS E& R (p>0.05).Conclusion: The results showed that the visual perception does not depend on the gross motor function levels in children with CP. In other words, more damage in gross motor function in these children does not lead to aggrevating their visual perception deficiencies.

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Introduction: The activities of a nurse are not limited to knowledge and skill in managing diseases, but they involve providing the safety in performing tasks in line with his satisfaction and ultimately patients’ satisfaction. Educational needs assessment of safety principles in preventing occupational risks also provides more opportunity to achieve this important goal.Methods: population of this descriptive-analytical study included Taleghani Hospital nursing staff, which 70 of them were selected as sample of study using stratified sampling. Data collection tool was two-part questionnaire, including demographic information and the five areas related to safety in the prevention of occupational risks in the form of 23 items. Data were analyzed using SPSS18 software and independent t-test and Pearson and Spearman methods.Results: The most important educational need of nurses was obtained in the area of ergonomic factors (3.15 ± 1.16), followed by chemical, physical and mental, and social factors, and the lowest important educational need of nurses was obtained in biological factors (2.63 ± 0.94).Conclusion: paying attention to in-service education of nurses has been always emphasized. With regard to improving the safety principles in preventing occupational risks of nursing, nurses require to learn five areas studied in this investigation giving priority to ergonomic factors area, which it has not been paid attention as required. In addition, planning in this regard can provide more satisfaction for nurses.

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The elderly people a Considerable part of world populations. In this descriptive study using Counting procedure out of 201 files of hospitalized patients in infectious disease ward of Kermanshah Imam Khomeini hospital between 2010 and 2014 were studied. We studied the most common causes of infectious diseases leading to hospitalization and death rate. Data was analyzed by Spss20. Out of elderly patients were 50.7% female and 49.3% male. Death rate was 12.44%. The most Common infection and sign were pneumonia (45%) and fever (48.8%), respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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