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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Poly semic (Ambiguity) is one of the most important features of poetic language. It is thought that This figure of speech is kind of semantic norms which is created in proximity and companion. Base that is based on combination and it binds speech to ambiguity which is of important elements of litrary language. Foroughi Bastami is one of the most outstanding and capable poets of the Qajar era and thirteenth century. He is the master of his contemporaries. Love, mystrisim, and praiseare the basic topics of Bastami's sonnets. His romantic themes are taken from Saadi and mystical themes from Hafez, and many of his lyricsareimitated from them. His poems are plain, comprehensive and free from ambiguity and complexity. Ambiguity kind’ of this figures of thought and one of semantic norms of litrary language, This matter led consider ambiguity, and then to appear the ability and art of poet in this field. the applied method in this analytic-discreptive article, is based on the data, in this way first three comperhensive defenitions were showed kind’s pun, and then accurate drawing of frequency pun, kind’s and analysis of them. Results of this study indicate Preportional ambiguity with frequency of 33.7 is the most frequent figure and blame like praise with frequency of zero is the least frequent one, and foroghi has special effort to this nice trick.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In all Centuries of Persian poem, there are some poets which do not have much literacy but they have a great rhythmic nature. They have been named in biography. In this article, we study about one of this contemporary poets ‘Heidar Yaghma’. This essay study about Yaghma’s poem in three branches. First: literary features Of Yaghma’s poem; in This Topic we mention innovation of poet in rhetoric. Then we research about Yaghma’s various themes and some of eminent human thought is one of his themes. Many of that themes he selected for religion poem are new and creative. Other themes are about pains and affliction of hard working people in society and because he was one of them, he can reflect it very well, and in continue, we study about communication between Yaghma’s poem and the other great poems of Iran. Second: content features; the Poet always tell about not to concern to the world and about instability of this world. In some poems he talks about authority of humans. Third: Yaghma’s imagery and sentimentalist; he Hide the bitterness of his painful life within the thin imaginary which lead us to literary delight.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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Attar is one of the poets that used humor to criticize politics and Social inequality in his era. He used allegory and critical reviews to describe the injustice and social informality. Humor is one of the form of speaking in which aims to refine and purify. The poet or the writer creates humor in order to refine in various ways. Creating humorous conditions, Crazy and simple - minded characters, lingual combinations, invalid argument of introduction, unexpected answer, similarity to animals, destroying Symbols, paradoxes and … are among humorous factors in Asrarnameh. Studying humorous styles in Asrarnameh show that Attar has used various linguistic and semantic deviations in text in order to surprise and defamiliarize reader. In most stories of Asrarnameh, creation of humor tips is come from a mutual dialogue and less action is seen. Narrativization is one of the most common methods of reasoning in Educational and mystical texts which Attar gets help from to describe stories according to characteristics and goals, mocking public ignorance and superstitions and criticize demagogic and hypocritical behavior of the government. Here we study the humor tips in Asrarnameh.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Along with political and social change in an era of constitutional thought and perception of contemporary poets and writers from around events changed and consequently, reflects changes in the literature in the past, the major change was found. Yadu'llah B. Kermanshah" the poet is able, truly the most - human subjects, a new community in the form of poetic images - ancient to offer. This article is to reflect on some of the political and social developments in the analysis of his poetry. seeking freedom, fighting injustice, social criticism, patriotism, according to labor issues, the main theme song of the B form. She had a special attention to national myths of ancient Persia. His poetry is often mixed with complaints from unhappy all the time and frustration and sometimes, especially in poetry in praise of the residents of domestic and homeland defense, with passion and epic. His poetic art, at all, in that Mzmamyny deep in the hearts of the simple words to put down a deposit, the concept is simple poem

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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When Sufism created as a known social institution, its proper language and semiotic system were also created, thus a special jargon with its own connotations, nonsense to those unfamiliar was revealed. Sufis having personal pure experience, have their own imaginations and personal interpretations in literature and their uniqueness and creativity can easily be recognized through their innovative images, while the imitator Sufis who merely gets acquainted with Sufism via reading the progenitors’ works and the common symbolic images in the Sufism literature, stuck in their minds, therefore the color and smell of individuality cannot be found in their produced poetry and speeches since they take advantage of public images and interpretations. In this paper, however, in addition to discovering the artistic manifestations in Riyadh Al-Aryfyn, we provide readers, as much as possible, the illusionistic images and the created aesthetic issues so as to introduce them, to some extent, their inner and outer side experiences and the world. After Sufism was created as a known social institution, its proper language and semiotic system were also created, thus a special jargon with its own connotations, nonsense to those unfamiliar was revealed. Sufis having personal pure experience, have their own imaginations and personal interpretations in literature and their uniqueness and creativity can easily be recognized through their innovative images, while the imitator Sufis who merely gets acquainted with Sufism via reading the progenitors’ works and the common symbolic images in the Sufism literature, stuck in their minds, therefore the color and smell of individuality cannot be found in their produced poetry and speeches since they take advantage of public images and interpretations. In this paper, however, in addition to discovering the artistic manifestations in Riyadh Al-Aryfyn, we provide readers, as much as possible, the illusionistic images and the created aesthetic issues so as to introduce them, to some extent, their inner and outer side experiences and the world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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Hafiz is a poet of perfectionism, and his existence does not bear the limitations of words, concepts, images and the structure of poetry. Therefore, it seems quite natural that he seeks to establish a suitable ground which can take the infinite flow of his grand thoughts from his inner world. The research question is: "What relations are there among the elements of the Hafiz poetry structure? And how do these relations contribute to this structure?" By deconstructing the framework of poetry and sonnet-production, and by breaking the conventionally inevitable rule that all versicles of a sonnet must have a relation and dependence on each other, Hafiz has unbounded the environment of his Divan and developed the structure of each versicle. In designing the new framework, Hafiz managed to create an unlimited relation between the general structure of his Divan and each tiny detail in a sonnet (versicle, hemistich, word) through building bonds between internal elements of his poems. In this paper, we have studied the relations among sonnets and versicles, and analyzed the different kinds of connections between the two hemistiches of a versicle which contribute to the development of its structure. Connections such as: "cause and effect", action and reaction" as well as "defect and compensation" or "the collectivity of paradoxes" etc.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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Metaphor in terms of innovation and imagination Charisma that creates reflection in the lives of listeners, it's a wide scope for surprises and speech competition. The importance of metaphor is very high in poetry, so the number of literary theorists believes that language is just "imagination and metaphor". Cognitive linguistics is one of new schools considers the metaphor. In this view, the metaphor is a mental lingual process. They analyze metaphor as a semantic topic in memory. The metaphorical terms, based on data in memory recover in Long-term memory. This system considers any understanding abstract concepts as a more concrete and practical concepts metaphoric one. Ibn Khafajha is one of artistic poets who create conceptual metaphor and conceptual schema as one of the critical infrastructure of the metaphors in his artistic odes. His metaphor is a powerful tool to express complex ideas, vague and far-fetched using the experience of poetry and poets are the best way to fruition. Some of his metaphors were created through conventional concepts and automatic language and others by extending the conventions, in the guise of prose and on several occasions innovative and creative metaphors. The aim of this cross-sectional study is to discover the secret of survival metaphors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (11)
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The ancient Persian literature is containing the contextual depth, intellectual movements, and the contemporary issues such as story. One of methods of literary forms is Novel in the ancient Persian texts. There are many examples in Iran classical literature that is matched with literary genres. The authors suppose that some short stories of Shahnameh are matched with the minimal stories due to structure, plot and moral message. This point shows Ferdusi’s skills in the different (short, middle and long) stories to express Iranian Behaviores. This study is analytical-descriptive due to library sources, it concludes that Shahnameh short stories are not completely matched with the structural models of minimalism movement, and their differences are visible in comparison with minimalism structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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