Introduction: Personality is a relatively stable pattern of traits, tendencies, or attributes that partly stabilize behavior. More specifically, personality is comprised of a collection of traits or tendencies that leads to individual differences in behavior as well as behavior stability and durability over time in various situations. This study aimed at investigating the psychometric properties of HEXACO Personality Inventory in students. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study of psychometric and validation test. A sample of 473 participants (242 females and 231 males), aged 15 to 19 years, were selected randomly among the students living in Sardasht, Iran.Results: Using Cronbach’s alpha, the validity coefficients of the overall inventory, honesty and modesty, emotionality, extraversion, adaptability, Conscientiousness, and openness to experience were obtained as 0.692, 0.480, 0.708, 0.569, 0.631, 0.548, and 0.419, respectively. Moreover, results from analysis of the main components and varimax rotation showed that the questionnaire was saturated with16 factors that together explained 59.161% of the variance. After implementation of the first-order confirmatory factor analysis, seven factors(namely emotionality, lack of self-worth, extraversion, honesty and modesty, adaptability, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) were confirmed. A significant difference was observed between the mean personality scores of male and female students.Conclusion: Findings suggest that the HEXACO Personality Inventory has satisfactory validity and can be used for evaluation of the personality of Iranian students.