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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic central nervous system disorder, which leads to myelin destruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic training on physiological cost index and VO2max in women with MS.Materials and Methods: Fifteen women with MS (aged 33.68±8.22 years) and EDSS<4 participated in this study. Participants randomly were divided to experimental group (n=8) and control group (n=7). An aerobic program of 8 weeks’ duration, 3 days/week, 20-40 min/day, with 60-80% of HRmax was designed. To measure of physiological cost index, VO2max and additionally, walking endurance of subjects were measured before and after program in both experimental and control groups.Results: Data analysis showed that the aerobic training significantly decreased physiological cost index in experimental group. Additionally, after 8-week aerobic training VO2max and walking endurance significantly increased in experimental group.Conclusion: Aerobic training can increase walking endurance and improvement physiological cost index in MS diseases and increase VO2max. This indicate the potential for aerobic training in treatment of patients with MS.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Multiple studies have been shown neuroprotective effect of Gallic acid (GA) as a potent anti-oxidant substance. Furthermore, Trimethyltin (TMT) is a methylated organotin compound which induces neuronal degeneration in the brain of human and rodents. This study examined the effects of GA on wet weight of the cerebellum, cerebellum to total brain weight ratio, and purkinje cells number in lobule IV, V, and VI in the brain of TMT-intoxicated rats.Materials and Methods: Fifty adult male sprague dawley rats were divided into five groups; control, TMT+Saline group received saline after TMT (8 mg/Kg/BW) intoxication as well as TMT+GA50, TMT+GA100 and TMT+GA200 groups. Animals received GA 50, 100 and 200 mg/Kg body weight seven days before and seven days after administration of TMT.Finally, through transcardialy perfusion, the rats were sacrificed and the weight of total brain and cerebellum was measured and then histopathological analyses were conducted.Results: The wet weight of cerebellum were significantly decreased in TMT+Saline group compared to controls and increased in GA-treated rats compared to TMT+Saline group. However, the average cerebellar to total brain weight ratio was not differed in different groups. The number of Purkinje cells in the specific folia was significantly increased in the GA-treated rats in comparison to that of the TMT+Saline group.Conclusion: Our data indicate that GA reduced TMT toxicity and associated cerebellar damages possibly via its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties.

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Introduction: Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder is a complicated psychological problem and has traumatic consequences for patients, their families, and society. The objective of this study was to evaluate the self-concept in patients with gender dysphoria and compare that with healthy individuals.Materials and Methods: This study compared sixty gender disappointments, including 15 patients undergone male-to-female gender reassignment, 15 patients undergone female-to-male gender reassignment as well as 15 males and 15 females requesting sex reassignment, with 30 healthy individuals (15 females and 15 males). Identity Style Inventory and self-concept test were used for this evaluation.Results: Our findings showed that style identity was different between patients with gender disappointments and healthy people. Patients with gender disappointments exhibited less informational identity than healthy individuals. In addition, patients underwent gender reassignment, especially male to female gender reassignment, showed higher score of informational identity than patients with requesting sex reassignment.Conclusion: Dissatisfaction of gender identity affects self-concept and identity in patients with gender disappointment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Chronic diabetes, via reduction of brain neurons, is associated with impaired learning and memory. According to the antioxidant effect of Avicennia marina, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the neuroprotective effect of aqueous extracts of Avicennia marina on neuronal density in the hippocampal CA1, CA2, CA3, and dentate gyrus in diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: In this study 28 male rats were allocated into equal groups of control, diabetic, and treated diabetic 1 and 2. The diabetes in diabetic and treated diabetic groups was induced using an intraperitoneal (ip) injection of alloxan.The treated diabetic groups 1 and 2 received the aqueous extract of Avicennia marina (ip, 100 and 200 mg/kg, respectively) in alternate days for one month. Sterile distilled water was injected to the animals of control and diabetic groups. At the end of herbal treatments, animals were anesthetized and their brains were removed. After tissue processing, tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Then, the neuronal density in the hippocampal CA1, CA2, CA3, and dentate gyrus were investigated.Results: Treatment with Avicennia marina at 200 mg/kg in diabetic rats, but not 100 mg/kg, prevented neuronal loss compared to nontreated diabetic group.Conclusion: Administration of Avicennia marina extract could be protect neurons against diabetes mediated cell degeneration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Using direct electrical stimulation of is a therapeutic technique that directly affects the spontaneous activity in the cortical regions. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of direct stimulation of the brain lining the skull (TDCS) on improving the mental health of veterans with psychiatric disorders.Materials and Methods: This study was quasi-experimental investigation with pre-test and post-test computations. Sixteen veterans with psychiatric problems from Yasouj city were assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 10 sessions of treatment. The SCL-90 questionnaire was used to collect data. All participants took part in the pre-test and post-test.Results: The results showed that the treatment with TDCS had significant therapeutic effects on mental health.Conclusion: The results demonstrated the effectiveness of treatment of TDCS on the mental health of veterans with psychiatric disorders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: sexual addiction is a psychiatric disorder with unpleasant personal, interpersonal, legal, social, and physical outcomes. Sexual addiction is mainly rooted in unpleasant experiences within family and during childhood. This study aimed to examine and compare childhood traumas in sex addicts and normal individuals.Materials and Methods: This study was a causal-comparative investigation. A total of 30 male sex addicts were selected, using a snowball sampling method, from the population of sex addicts in Tehran. In addition, a total of 30 normal men were selected as control participants form the general population and were matched to the patients in terms of demographic characteristics.Participants first completed the Sexual Addiction Screening Test–Revised (SAST-R), and then, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ).Results: The results showed that the sex addicts scored significantly higher in the CTQ than control participants. Discriminant analysis revealed that physical abuse trauma can predict the membership in sex addiction and nonsex addiction groups.Conclusion: The frequency and prominence of childhood traumas is higher in sex addicts than normal individuals. Individuals experience sexual traumas are more prone to sexual addiction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease which can induce neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy. Exercises have a major role in reduction of these complications.Data on the role of exercises on BDNF and insulin levels in diabetic patients are controversial and there is no suitable exercise program for improvement of these indexes in diabetic patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of endurance trainings on BDNF and insulin levels in diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: 32 diabetic rats were divided in 4 groups of 8 rats; (1) diabetic rats sacrifice at first week, (2) diabetic rats sacrifice at last week, (3) diabetic rats with moderate intensity endurance training and (4) diabetic rats with high intensity endurance training. In addition, 16 healthy rats were divided in 2 groups of healthy sacrifice at first week and healthy sacrifice at last week. Rats of groups 3 and 4 ran on treadmill for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week, 60 minutes per session with intensity of 10- 17 and 17- 28 meter per minute).Results: Induction of diabetes by streptozotocin significantly reduced BDNF and insulin levels in rats. Eight weeks’ moderate and high intensity endurance training significantly increased BDNF level but had no effect on insulin values in diabetic rats.Conclusion: Moderate and high intensity endurance training may have protective effect on diabetes–induced complications in diabetic rats.

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Introduction: Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an herbal medicine that has been used for treatment of many disorders. Ginger have been identified for antioxidant activity and neuroprotective effects. Ginger can alleviate cell death and regenerate the motor function in rats with spinal cord injury. In the present study, we investigated the effect of ginger on neural induction of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and their differentiation into neural cells.Materials and Methods: Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) were isolated from the femurs and tibias of rat and these cells were induced with the appropriate dose of ginger extract. These cells were assessed by crysel violet staining and immunocytochemistery.Results: The results showed that cells isolated from bone marrow were immunoreactive to CD106 (95.67 ± 2.26), CD90 (71.52 ± 6.64) but not to hematopoietic cell markers (CD45).Induced BMSCs by 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 microg/ml of ginger after 12 and 24 hours were positive for nissl body. The highest percentage of live cells was observed with 30 microg/ ml of ginger and maximum neural-like cells was induced with 60 microg/ml ginger after 12 hours.Conclusion: Ginger can be considered as a potential alternative non-toxic substance for induction of neuronal cells and can be used for induction of BMSCs to neuron-like cells.

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Introduction: Neurons secreting gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, as their primary neurotransmitter are named GABAergic neurons.Phylogenetics based on sequence data provides more accurate descriptions of patterns of relatedness.Materials and Methods: After alignment of mRNA complete gene sequences of alpha GABAA subunits in homosapiens and rattus norvegicus species, the phylogenetic tree were constructed with CLC Main Workbench 5.5 software.Results: The findings revealed 100 percent similarities between alpha 1, alpha 3, and alpha 6 subunits of GABAA receptor in homosapience and rattus norvegicus. Furthermore, the highest rate of divergences observed between alpha 1 subunit with alpha 3, alpha 4, alpha 5, and alpha 6 subunits in both species.Conclusion: The highest similarities among alpha subunits of GABAA in human and rat suggest the accuracy of rat models for experimental studies on inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.

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Introduction: The central nervous system is one of the most sensitive microenvironments of the body thatprotected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB). BBB is a highly complex structure thattightly controls exchange of a range of small and large molecules, which protects the brain from damages and diseases. The promising feature of BBB in molecular movement from bloodstream into the nervous tissue affects delivery of several drugs to the brain. In order to increase drugs permeability through BBB various strategies have been developed. Among them, nanotechnology has provided effective methods for researchers in the field of drug delivery to the brain.Conclusion: In this paper, the structure and physiological properties of BBB as well as new strategies for drug delivery to the brain by using nanoparticles are discussed.

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Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain dysfunction, which damages and destroys neurons and results in memory loss. Selective Alzheimer’s disease indicator-1 (seladin-1) is a gene and protein that is found to be down-regulated in specific areas of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Seladin-1 has neuroprotective properties and inhibits caspase-3 activity, a key mediator of apoptosis. Seladin-1 is a multi-functional protein and independently of its activity as a caspase-3 inhibitor, it acts as a cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme.Cholesterol enhances the formation of lipid rafts inhibits the production of β-amyloid in the membrane of neural cell. Cholesterol homeostasis disorder in neural cells may enhance susceptibility of cells to the toxic agents.Conclusion: Studies have shown that the level of seladin-1 increases during brain development to prevent the loss of neuronal precursor cells.Estrogen and thyroid hormones stimulate the expression of seladin-1. It seems that seladin-1 may act as a mediator of these hormones.

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Introduction: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the community; affected of about one-eighth of the world’s populations. These disorders are an important area of research for psychiatrics. Neurogenesis plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of mood and anxiety disorders. Neurogenesis is the process which occurs in the adult mammals’ brains and provides the potential for brain repair. Therefore, we might gain a better understanding about the pathophysiology and treatment of anxiety disorders through study of the relationship between neurogenesis and anxiety disorders.Conclusion: There is a direct relationship between neurogenesis and anxiety disorders. Reduction of neurogenesis leads to development or enhancement of anxiety disorders. The type of examined animals may influence the neurogenesis and its effect on anxiety disorders. Several internal and external factors play important roles in reduction of neurogenesis and affect the cell behaviors, especially on neurons. Stem cell therapy might be used as a strategy for treatment of anxiety disorders in the future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the main illnesses of the human nervous system. People with epilepsy are exposed to a set of psychological disorders. Psychological factors play a crucial role in aggravating or healing of epilepsy. The first step in treatment of epilepsy is drug treatments. Most psycho-behavioral therapies aim at improving psychological wellbeing and seizure control. Behavioral approaches, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindbody interventions, and acceptance and commitment therapy are the most widely applied approaches for treatment of epilepsy. The psycho-social difficulties, such as negative public attitude toward epilepsy and problems in stigma, family relationship, quality of life, marriage, and personality traits (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, cognitive processing, and theory of mind), are commonly associated with epilepsy. These points alongside with the key role of psychological treatments with conventional treatment are discussed.Conclusion: Epileptic patients are tending to have more psychological problems. This emphasizes the necessity for psychological treatment along with drug therapy.

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Introduction: Ecstasy is a strong hallucinogenic drug, which is widely used as a street drug. It can improve mood and social relationships in the short term. Studies in humans and animals have shown that ecstasy can cause toxic effects on the nervous system. Although many research has been done on ecstasy but its mechanism of action is still not fully understood. Ecstasy is capable to inhibit serotonin in axon terminals of the brain in rats and mice. It destroyed neurons in the hippocampus, basal ganglia, insula, and parietal cortex. Heat gain, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, liver dysfunction, seizures, memory loss as well as cognitive and mood disorders are among toxic effects of this drug. There are some reports of its toxic effects on the nervous system. Evidence suggest that it can cause resistant psychotic disorders and depression in some consumer. Investigations have shown that the major cause of complications of this drug is reduction of serotonergic system activities. Frequent use of ecstasy (or its addiction) can cause the loss and degradation of the serotonergic neurons.Conclusion: Use of ecstasy is increasing and prevention of its damage to nervous system should be considered. Administration of neuroprotective substances may prevent these complications.

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Introduction: Environment color design includes all surfaces and interior furniture from the light and color to the feature and internal atmosphere, aesthetics and efficiency. Color design can play a role in the treatment procedure andefficiency. Considering that there is not a general and simple basis for environment color design, this essay states some principles to help complete color design in order to address most queries. If environment color design is produced carefully and through plans, it can develop the sense of health in medical facilities where patients are hospitalized for long terms. To get reasonable conditions in hospitals, we need tobenefit from all current knowledge.Conclusion: Color design has a direct effect on people’ s spirits. Bright, subtle, and soft colors should be used and somber and saturated colors should be avoided. It seems necessary to use the combination of color with appropriate lights for all hospital’ s clients to orient themselves and find directions. This is especially important in the elderly patients who are a major part of hospital population and are hospitalized for long- term periods. The disabled and those with mental problems feel extremely in danger when surrounded within a closed space with strong colors, like orange and red. For children and teenagers, good lighting and color design can make a less organization - like and more pleasant and interesting place. For hospital staffs, proper color design and lighting can create a suitable environment to work effectively with delighted Spirit.

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