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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Over recent years (rigorously in 1395 & 1396), resistive economy has introduced an appropriate pattern to overcome the general challenges of the country although its movement dates back to 1388 (August, 2012) when the credo of „correcting consumption pattern‟ initiated the proceedings (1).By its international definition, resistive economy is a way "to circumvent sanctions against a country or region experiencing sanctions, which involves raising resilience or substituting local inputs for imported inputs" (2).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Today premarital friendships between boys and girls is one of the most important cultural and social issues which can greatly affect the health of young people. The role of religion and self-control in mental health is of particular significance. Given the importance of these issues, this study aimed to determine the relationship of self-control and religious orientation to attitude toward premarital relations.Method: This study was correlational.357 students at Robat Karim Azad University were selected for stratified sampling. Then, they completed the Tangney self-control questionnaire, Allport religious orientation scale and Inventory attitude to Pre-marital relations with the opposite sex. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation. In this study, all the ethical issues were considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results indicated that there is a significant relationship between self-control and intrinsic religious orientation (r=0.148), and between self-control and external religious orientation (r=- 0.153), self-control and attitude toward premarital relations (r=-0.107), intrinsic religious orientation and attitude to premarital (r=-0.174), external religious orientation and attitude toward premarital relations (r=0.197).Conclusion: Religious orientation and self-control are determining factors in attitude to premarital relationships. It seems that investigating religious orientation and self-control can predict attitudes to premarital relationships.

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Background and Objective: Given the prevalence of depression in different societies, identifying its predictive factors with the purpose of prevention and early intervention is of great importance. In Islam, emphasis has been put on patience as a determining factor in preventing depression. The aim of this study was to predict depression based on patience and its components.Method: This study adopted a correlational method. The population included Shiraz University students, from whom 209 were selected through convenience sampling. Research instruments were Patience Scale and Beck Depression Π Inventory. In order to analyze the data, stepwise and enter regression were used. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered; besides, the authors declare no conflict of interest.Results: The results showed that persistence and contentment can predict depression both significantly and negatively. Moreover, the total score of patience could also predict depression significantly and negatively.Conclusion: Regarding the role of this religious variable in developing and prevention of depression, therapists and researchers should pay more attention to patience and its components.

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Background and Objective: There is strong evidence to suggest that psychological distress and emotion regulation problems have adverse effects on life. Given that, finding the underlying processes seems important. Besides, since religion is a determining factor in emotion regulation and mental health, this study aimed to investigate the role of religious attitude in emotion regulation difficulties and distress. (Depression, Anxiety, stress).Method: This descriptive-correlational study used multistage cluster sampling from all students at University of Tehran in academic year of 94-95.211 students (120 female and 91 male) were selected. They were asked to complete Religious Attitude Scale-Short Form (RAS-R), difficulties in emotion regulation questionnaire (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale or DERS-16) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21). Then, the data were analyzed with using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results show that religious attitudes negatively affect depression, anxiety and stress. Also, anxiety has negative relationships with inner spirituality, worship and religious morality. Besides, morality had predictive power for anxiety. Moreover, among the four dimensions of distress, only anxiety negatively correlated with religious attitude (morality, inner spirituality and worship) and morality had predictive power for anxiety. Furthermore, the results indicated that morality had predictive power for difficulties in emotion regulation (limited access in emotion regulation, impulse control) and the inner spirituality had predictive power for non-acceptance of emotion.Conclusion: It can be concluded that different aspects of religious attitude can both directly and indirectly play important roles in anxiety and difficulties in emotion regulation. Therefore, paying attention to religious attitude in pathology and treatment protocols of anxiety disorders is necessary.

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View 1583

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Background and Objective: Nowadays, beliefs and religious coping are regarded as significant factors in developing psychological comfort and personal adaptation among patients with chronic diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of teaching Islamic-based coping strategies on women with fibromyalgia in terms of chronic pain and quality of life.Method: The research design was a semi-experimental one with pretest-posttest and control group format. The sample included women with FMS who referred to Pain Clinics of Kermanshah in 2016. After ensuring research entry requirements, they were assessed based on IASP, ACR criteria, Demographic Questionnaires, PIS, CPAQ and WHOQOL-26. Those who got the highest scores were selected via convenience sampling. Then, the participants were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of covariance. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results indicate a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in reduction of pain intensity and increase in pain acceptance (P<0.05). In addition, the total scores of the quality of life as well as subscales of psychological, physical, social and environmental health were significantly different (P<0.05).Conclusion: Teaching Islamic-based coping strategies affects the chronic pain and quality of life among people with fibromyalgia. As a result, such teachings used in conjunction with standard medical care would have a beneficial effect on health, reducing the severity of clinical disorders.

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Background and Objective: Resilience is one of the issues discussed in health psychology. Numerous studies have focused on factors related to this variable. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of religious orientation and spiritual health in predicting resilience.Method: This study is of descriptive and correlative nature. The statistical population of the research includes all 4611 female students of the second year of high school in Kerman. The sample of 360 students was selected through multistage cluster sampling method. Data collection instruments were religious orientation questionnaire (Allport, 1967), spiritual health questionnaire (Palutzian & Ellison, 1982), and Connor and Davidson’s resilience questionnaire (2003). To analyze the collected data, the statistical indices which are mean and standard deviation along with correlation and regression were used. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: Analysis of data showed that there was a relationship between religious orientation as well as spiritual health and resilience among female students. In this regard, 0.51 and 0.54 of the resilience variance is predictable through internal and external religious orientation, respectively. Moreover, 0.48 and 0.56 of resilience variance is predictable through religious health and existential health, respectively.Conclusion: Considering the obtained results, those hypotheses which are based on the significant relationship of religious orientation and spiritual health to resilience are confirmed. Therefore, attaching importance to religion in educational contexts helps young adults to increase their resilience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2014

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Background and Objective: Spirituality is a global phenomenon which recognizes human as a whole and his connection to a Supreme Being as a reason to live and to find meaning and purpose. Students of medical sciences are a large part of health care providers all over the world, and the quality of their services is directly associated with the effectiveness of the health system. Having said that, this study was conducted to determine the level of spirituality and its related factors among students of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences.Method: The present study is a descriptive-analytical one conducted on 540 female and male students residing in dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Multistage random sampling was used. The inclusion criterion was students’ consent to participate in the study. The data were gathered through two questionnaires, namely Demographic Factors Questionnaire and Spirituality Assessment Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by T-test and one-way analysis of variance. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between some demographic variables (economic status and academic year of students) and spiritualty as well as spiritual attitude. Besides, variables of marital status, faculty, economic status, and academic year significantly correlate with spiritual ability.Conclusion: To promote spirituality of university students, cultural values should be designed and implemented more effectively. Moreover, faculty members need to be selected more carefully because spiritual professors have the ability to revolutionize their students.

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View 799

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Background and Objective: HIV is a social phenomenon whose investigating needs to take culture, traditions, and religious beliefs of the society into account. Given that, the aim of this study is examining the role of religion in policies made to control AIDS in Iran.Method: This qualitative study adopted the content analysis technique with inductive approach in which 30 policymakers, key informants, stakeholders and AIDS patients were given semi-structured interviews and also 21 documents on related policies were analyzed considering factors influencing AIDS policymaking. Then, the data were analyzed using framework method and MAXQDA. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: After coding, approximately 300 primary codes were extracted. These codes were checked again and then categorized into three areas: the functions of religion and its preventive and encouraging factors in the related policies; different roles of the clergy as religious authorities, politicians and advisors; and the way religious institutes and organizations play their roles in AIDS policymaking process.Conclusion: Religion and its corresponding ideology have critical encouraging and preventive functions in implementing plans for control and prevention of AIDS. Neglecting religious aspects of the Iranian society in policymaking has led to less effectiveness of policies and failure in controlling AIDS.

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Background and Objective: Numerous studies have indicated the essential role of religious places in the promotion of community health. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the role of religious places in communities’ health and to propose solutions for health promoting mosques.Method: This review study is based on PRISMA flow diagram probing in databases such as PubMed and Science Direct. To do so, 20 articles published over recent ten years were investigated. Based on the purposes of the research, the required data were charted and then analyzed. In this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: As the Persian databases were searched, no articles in Persian related to health promoting mosques was found. All the articles found were in English conducted in Holland, the USA, Africa, Congo, and Kenya. The findings show that religious places and clergymen were vital in fostering will-rounded health. The common thread running through all these studies was promoting health, mainly done on spiritual health, cancer prevention, promulgating physical activities, individual and family health, organ donation, fostering social health, food health and nutrition, women and men’s health, end-of-life spiritual care, chronic pains, healthy lifestyle, social capitals, and self-care.Conclusion: Because of the differences in cultural and religious characteristics, it is essential to conduct a pilot study in Iran in order to design the regulations of health promoting mosques. In addition, establishing a collaborative committee between Ministry of Health and other organizations related to mosques can be fruitful.

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View 906

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Background and Objective: One of the unpleasant outcomes of today's society is aggression, which can have many reasons behind. The Qur' an perceives anger as an instance of ignorance; on the other hand, its controlling is considered to be one of the features of pious people. The aim of this research is to find the right Quran-narrative solutions to treat aggression given the behaviors that are regarded as aggressive, and need to be dealt with.Method: This research adopts a descriptive-analytic method and, by using the Quran-narrative approach, is looking for ways to treat aggression, namely determining the contributory factors and preventing them, addressing aggression, and also preventing its catastrophic consequences. To collect the data, information centers like the database for the magazines of Iran (Magiran) and Scientific Information Database (SID) were utilized. Moreover, in this study, the ethical issues were all considered and the authors declared no conflict of interest.Results: The results of this study show that in order for the strategies to take effect, it is necessary that all three solutions of cognitive, behavioral and emotional be used together to succeed in treating the aggression to a great extent.Conclusion: From religious viewpoint, the first way to treat aggression is cognitive. This solution which is also called cognitive therapy aims at changing the attitude of the individual, explaining the concept of anger and its effects and consequences, along with changing the view of one's self, the world and others in the light of the orthodox monotheism. Therefore, it will guide individuals and save them from plunging into abyss of anger. As the next step, this helps individuals through emotional and behavioral solutions to become aware of this realization, thus internalizing it.

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