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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Many people think that the happiness means the dance and stomp, while the real happiness should be sought in the spirit and it can be acquired through the religious beliefs and orientations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of spiritual intelligence and religious orientation with happiness among the students. Methods: Statistical population of this study included all bachelor’ s students of Kharazmi University. Among them, 288 students were selected through stratified sampling proportional to size using Cochran formula and were asked to fill King’ s spiritual intelligence questionnaire, Alport religious orientation and Oxford Happiness Scale. Data were analyzed via SPSS 22 using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression and independent t-test. Findings: The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between spiritual intelligence (r=0/24, p=0/03) and intrinsic religious orientation (r=0/031, p=0/006) with happiness. However, there was no significant relationship between happiness and external religious orientation (r=0/11, p=0/30). Spiritual intelligence, internal and external religious orientation predicted 0. 699, 0. 096 and 0. 062 of the happiness variance, respectively. Moreover, no significant difference was found between male and female students in terms of religious orientation, spiritual intelligence and happiness. Conclusion: Regression analysis showed that spiritual intelligence had the highest contribution to their tolerance. Finally, it can be said that people who have intrinsic religious orientation, only for personal interests do not pretend to be religious, and have spiritual high intelligence enjoy higher happiness.

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Introduction: All approaches to psychotherapy, based on their definition of psychological trauma provide a different theory in the field of treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the psychological trauma based on Quran. Methods: This qualitative study was performed using the thematic analysis. Data were stories and allegorys of Quran. It was found 40 stories and 101 allegories through searching in Quranic books, websites and softwares. The data were collected, coded and classified in the form of Thematic Network during a two-year period. Findings: The results of the thematic analysis of data indicated 336 cods, 29 subthemes, 2 basic themes and 1 global theme, respectively. Conclusion: The results showed that heart disease is the base of psychological trauma. It means that the heart which is the place of emotions and psychological traits of human deviates from its natural state, becomes unhealthy, and becomes the center of the negative emotions. The roots of all these negative emotions and mental disorders (megalomania, lying, hatred, jealousy, fear, greed, betrayal, stingy, ingratitude, impatience, excus-making and so on) are egocentrism and secularity. Thus, paying attention to these two main categories in the field of psychopathology and in the practice of counseling and psychotherapy is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Hepatitis B is the most prevalent viral infection in human and is followed by several physical, mental and social complications. Spiritual beliefs are effective in having a purposeful life and managing chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to understand and demonstrate the experiences of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in terms of spirituality and spiritual values in life. Methods: This qualitative content analysis study was conducted on 18 patients with HBV, selected using purposeful sampling. In-depth and unstructured interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were recorded, scripted word by word and analyzed using a qualitative content analysis approach. Findings: By investigating the interviews and analyzing the data, "spirituality" emerged as the main theme along with four sub-themes including "illness as the divine destiny", "closeness to God", "awakeness of conscience" and "growth and prosperity". Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate the importance of spiritual experiences of patients with HBV and considering the spirituality in life can be an effective help to accept the disease and a proper backing in order to improve physical, mental and social health. Consequently, it is recommended that the managers and personnel in providing healthcare services should pay a special attention to patients' spiritual experiences and include them in routine care program.

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Introduction: Paying attention to students' vitality and alacrity because of their strong effects on different aspects of students' educational life is very important. The present study investigated the effectiveness of training spiritual intelligence on academic vitality and psychological well-being of the students of Lorestan Medical Sciences University. Methods: This semi-experimental study was conducted with pre-test, post-test and follow-up design using control group for one month in winter 2014. In this study, 30 students of Lorestan Medical Sciences University were selected using available sampling method and were randomly assigned into control group (n=15) and spiritual intelligence training group (n=15). Demographic questionnaire, academic vitality questionnaire and psychological well-being questionnaire of Ryff consisting of 18 questions were administrated as pre-test. The experimental group received 12 sessions of spiritual intelligence training and the control group received no training. At the end, the post-test and 1 month later follow-up test were administrated to two groups and repeated measure was used for data analysis. Findings: The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the experimental group and control group (p<0. 001). So that, in the experimental group, the mean of the pre-test scores for the variables of academic vitality and psychological well-being was 25. 47 and 69. 06, respectively. In post-test they increased to 30. 80 and 76. 07, respectively. In the follow-up phase, they were relatively stable. Conclusion: The results showed that training of spiritual intelligence is effective in improving academic vitality and psychological well-being of students. Therefore, considering these variables in the form of training courses for students is recommended.

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Introduction: While waiting for surgery, patients often exhibit fear and anxiety, which may lead to increased pain and vital signs' instability. Religious involvement is an appropriate alternative to relieve anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between preoperative anxiety and religious beliefs for patients admitted to the selected hospitals in Qom. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 322 patients waiting for surgery in three governmental hospitals in the city of Qom via available sampling method. Data were collected using two standard questionnaires of Hamilton Anxiety Scale (14 questions) and researcher-made religious beliefs (14 items) with reliability and validity, which were completed by trained interviewers. Finally, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients at the significant level of <0. 05. Findings: The mean± SD of anxiety was 10. 13± 6. 42. Among them, 7(1. 9%), 314 (86%) and 44 12. 1% patients had no anxiety, low anxiety and moderate anxiety, respectively. The mean± SD of religious belief was 34. 30± 4. 18 so that 9 (2. 5%), 99 (27. 1%) and 257 (70. 4%) had low, moderate and good religious belief, respectively. Pearson correlation coefficient showed there was a significant and inverse correlation between preoperative anxiety and religious beliefs (P=0. 002, P=-0. 158). Conclusion: The results indicated that there was a relationship between preoperative anxiety and religious beliefs, and anxiety was decreased with the increase of religious beliefs score.

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Introduction: God has sent the Holy Qur'an as a guidance book to humankind by the Prophet Mohammad. From Islam’ s point of view, the health plays an essential role in human growth and maturity. Regarding the importance of the health issue and the emphasis on the divine verses, the present study fully reviewed all 114 Surahs (chapters) to find the verses specifically referring to the physical, mental and social dimensions of health. Methods: This review-thematic study was performed via direct investigating of Surahs and each verse of the Qur'an, downloaded as PDF file from Google. Its interpretations, reliable religious sources, Islamic articles and software were collected to find the issues related to three major dimensions of health (physical, mental and social). Findings: The results of the study showed that in 67 (58. 77%) Surahs, the Qur'anic verses specifically refer to one, two or all three major dimensions of health (physical, mental, and social). The main Qur'anic verses of the Holy Qur'an generally cite the physical, mental and social dimensions of health, but the total number of verses particularly focused on three main dimensions of health are 264 of which 101 (38. 26%), 94 (35. 61%) and 69 (26. 13%) are related to social, mental and physical health, respectively. In general, it was found that there are many important health topics: a) on the physical aspect such as eating lawful foods (halal) (including livestock' meat, grapes, pomegranates, olives, dates), avoiding consuming wine, carrion, blood and pork, as well as regarding the sexual hygiene in the form of legal marriage, b) on the mental dimension such as patience and affection, trust in God, heart calm and assurance, avoidance of sadness, having faith that after every difficulty, there will be comfort, and ultimately c) on the social dimension such as giving obligatory alms (Zakat), alms and charity (Infaq), affection to orphans, avoidance of gamble and extravagance, regarding justice as well as avoidance of ridiculing others for all people to act them. Conclusion: It was concluded that many verses of the Holy Qur'an paid special attention to the three main dimensions of physical, mental and social health. Therefore, it seems necessary to develop further, deeper and more detailed exploitation of Qur'anic verses in the field of maintaining and promoting health by medical and health professionals, health system planners, and the religious and Qur'anic scholars in collaboration with each other.

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Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common chronic endocrine disorders. It has diverse clinical manifestations including reproductive, metabolic and mental features as well as some cancers. It is unclear how the spiritual, mental, emotional and cognitive health of PCOS women is. The aim of this study was to clarify the spiritual, mental, emotional and cognitive health concepts in PCOS women. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted to explain the spiritual, mental, emotional and cognitive health concepts in PCOS women using content analysis. Interviewing of the participants was continued to reach data saturation at the Rohani Hospital affiliated to the Babol University of Medical Sciences. All interviews were recorded and transcribed. Semi-structured open-ended deep individual interviews were conducted on 23 women with PCOS and 8 specialists. Data were analyzed using content analysis with the continuous comparison method. Findings: The qualitative study was used content analysis to reveal a) the spiritual dimension (divine providence, prayer, thinking of the hereafter, resorting to Imams and adaptation to disease problems), b) the mental dimension (depression, disappointment, fear and anxiety, distraction and introversion), c) the emotional dimension (low selfesteem, embarrassed and shameful feeling, humiliation and self-contemplation against peers), and d) the cognitive dimension (mental engagement and concentration reduction, inability to solve a problem and inability to make decisions). A remarkable point in this study was the effect of religious beliefs on accepting and adapting to the problems of this syndrome and increasing their tolerance to the complications of this syndrome. Conclusion: Considering that the PCOS women with religious beliefs were better able to adapt to widespread complications of the disease; therefore, in addition to the treatment of physical symptoms, the various spiritual, mental, emotional and cognitive aspects should be considered to control these patients.

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Introduction: Although nutrition is not the absolute reason for morality and behavior in humans, it can be regarded as the basis for it. Because one of the goals of the Prophecy of the prophets is to expand the moral virtues, especially that of Prophet of Islam (PBUH) which is to “ complete” or to “ perfect” the moral virtues, it is necessary to study the role of nutrition and its effect on morality based on Qur'an and hadith and the viewpoint of Muslim scholars, in particular the theory of Bodily Created-ness of Human Soul. Methods: This review study was conducted through searching some websites including Google Scholar, SID, Noormags, and digital libraries such as Noorlib, in order to access the previous studies on the relationship between morality and nutrition, the created-ness and the evolution of the soul and its relationship with nutrition. Findings: The relationship between nutrition and morality is explained based on the verses of Qur'an, narrations (hadiths) and the viewpoints of Muslim scholars, including the belief in Bodily Created-ness of Human Soul in the transcendental wisdom. In general, regarding the type, quantity and quality of the food, nutrition has an undeniable effect on morality of people. Conclusion: Changing eating habits can cause changes in morality and behavior. Therefore, some moral and behavioral abnormalities may be modified by changing the bad eating habits of a society.

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