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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: One effective ways to increase the capacity of people to cope with the harshness of life is religion. One of the most important tools to maintain and strengthen the mental health is familiarity with the Quran and its teachings. The mental health and the treatment of mental problems are very important among the students. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between familiarity with the Quran and mental health in students.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 143 nursing students in Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2012. The samples were randomly selected using block method. Data were collected by questionnaires demographic data and familiarity with the Quran and the General Health questionnaire (GHQ28) of Goldberg. Data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 and descriptive and analytic statistics.Findings: The mean age of students was 22.18±3.5 years and 53.1% of them was female. The results showed that 53.1% and 24.5% of students had high and low familiarity with the Quran, respectively and 11.2% of them had psychological problems. Healthy students than students with mental problems had high familiarity with the Quran (p<0.01). There was a reverse relationship and significant difference between familiarity with Quran and depression and anxiety in students.Conclusion: Regarding the students' familiarity with the Quran and its relation to mental health, it seems that the strengthening and improving the familiarity with the Quran is a basic way to prevent and improve the mental disorders. The lack of time, proper planning and attractive training programs in university are the effective factors in separating students from Quran. Therefore, it is necessary to increase familiarity with the Quran and mental health with appropriate measures and planning and changes in cultural policy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Spiritual intelligence as the foundation of one's beliefs has a crucial role in different aspects of human life particularly in provision and promotion of mental health. On the other hand, in recent years the sources of stress and harsh environments have been increased therefore, it is important to pay more attention to psychological well-being and the factors which increase it. The aim of the current study was to predict the psychological well-being of female students based on intelligence.Methods: The present study was conducted on all students in Raze Academic Faculty of Science (1550) in 1393-1394 of academic year with correlation method.The sample consisted of 150 students who were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling convention. The data was collected using Reef's psychological wellbeing (PWBS) questionnaires, Ahvaz hardiness (AHI) and spiritual intelligence (ISIS). Data was analyzed by using Pearson correlation and regression analysis, simultaneously.Findings: Results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between spiritual intelligence (r=0.26) and hardiness (r=0.18), and psychological wellbeing.As well as, the results of the regression analysis indicated that spiritual intelligence with b=0.24 and hardiness with b =0.15 can predict their psychological well-being.Conclusion: The findings of this study illustrated the importance of spiritual intelligence and hardiness variables in psychological well-being prediction among the students. As a result, it can be noted that having positive characteristics such challenges, commitment, hope and meaning in life improves psychological wellbeing of the students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: A country's success regarding a new economic policy entitled “resistive economics” needs recognition of some Islamic concepts and lifestyle such as savings, frugality and recycling. Obviously, the family plays a critical role in such a healthy lifestyle. With regard to the importance of recycling household waste and its compliance with issues like economic policy and Islamic teachings, the aim of this study was to investigate the behavioral pattern of some urban families.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 330 family of a small city in Mazandaran province during 2013. The samples were collected from 33 regionsusing cluster-sampling method. The data were collected by means of tailor-made data collection sheet and analyzed using descriptive statistical indexes and Chisquare test. P<0.05 was considered as significant level.Findings: Our findings showed that 66 samples were familiar with the instances of resistive economics, but around 40% of them have not recycled their household waste.Conclusion: It can be concluded that a considerable portion of the families is not able to generalize Islamic lifestyle to some hygienic and economic issues such as recycling

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Introduction: Having attention to medicine by the leaders of Islam made Moslems pay attention to the medical science and write books about it. One of the oldest books in>this regard is Teb-al-Nabi by Mostaqfari. The aim of this article was to study the documentation and authenticity of the above-mentioned book and compare its findings with the findings of medical sciences.Methods: This study is a qualitative, descriptive and analytical and the data collection method is based on library research and surveying into the medical hadiths in this book. Then, the teachings of the Hadiths are compared with findings in the medical science.Findings: findings of the study show that the hadiths in this book can be classified into four categories, namely rules of eating and drinking, introduction of solid and liquid foods appropriate to physical health, disease prevention and curing of the diseases. The study of the authenticity of the above mentioned hadiths shows the teachings of hadiths in the above-mentioned areas are not related to Nabavi era, and can be extended to several ages and places and even in this era they can be used to improve the health of the society.Conclusion: This study shows that medical hadiths about the curing effects of foods such as honny, fig, olive are well accepted and valued in terms of documentation and authenticity and scientific findings also confirm the findings of this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: psychological well-being one of the discussions in a positive attitude. In recent decades attention has been paid to it. Numerous compliments and explain the various types of psychological well-being is common in the world today. The role of positive attitudes in general and in particular psychological well-being rather than scientific curiosity. The main objective: Accordingly, the present study examined the psychological effects of Psychological tranquility Based on Islamic teaching on psychological well-being in school's Boy students.Methods: This quasi -experimental design with pretest-posttest control group. By sampling randomly selected secondary schools and then randomly selected from among three classes of 15 students in the control group and 15 in the experimental group. The investigation was done using psychological well-being Reef (1989) Questionnaire. The analysis of the variables was done using analysis of covariance.Findings: The experimental and control groups except for autonomy and Mastery of the environment significantly difference was seen.Conclusion: Based on these results, we suggest that psychological tranquility based on Islamic teachings can effect on psychological well-being and this effect is important.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Psychological well-being is a broad concept related to good or satisfactory living conditions, a state that is determined by health, joy and success. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Islamic lifestyle and locus of control in the prediction of psychological well-being of the staff of Qazvin Bu-Ali Hospital.Methods: To do so, a regression-based descriptive study was conducted on 120 individuals from all staff categories (clinical, administrative and service personnel) working in the public Bu-Ali hospital of Qazvin using stratified random sampling method and were tested in terms of Islamic lifestyle, locus of control and psychological well-being. Data were analyzed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient and the multiple linear regressions.Findings: The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between Islamic lifestyle (r=0.29) and internal locus of control (r=0.24) with psychological well-being. In addition, the regression analysis indicated that among the components of Islamic lifestyle and locus of control, the components of beliefs, family, financial and health with b=0.22, b =0.21, b =0.28, b =0.24 respectively and the internal locus of control with b =0.21 can predict the psychological well-being. In sum, the components of Islamic lifestyle and internal locus of control predict up to 15% of the variable variance of psychological well-being.Conclusion: Considering the role and importance of Islamic lifestyle and locus of control in predicting psychological well-being, it is needed to pay more attention to the application of Islamic lifestyle and locus of control in promoting psychological well-being.

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Introduction: Recently, a positive approach to mental health has been developed and emphasized psychological well-being concept with positive factors such as self-esteem, good social relationships and satisfaction. Such a conception of mental health appears to associate with the religion which has an important role in the development of human characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between religious orientation and psychological well-being among the students of Gonabad University of medical sciences in academic year of 2011-2012.Methods: In this cross-sectional (descriptive- analytical) study, 320 students with different majors in various grades were selected through multi-stage random sampling method and evaluated using Reef questionnaire of psychological well-being and Alport religious orientation. Data were analyzed by using SPSS software, independent T-test and Spearman correlation coefficients.Findings: The results showed that there was no relationship between intrinsic religious orientation and psychological well-being (P=0.128, r=0.177), while a negative relationship was found between psychological well-being and extrinsic religious orientation (P=0.009, r=-0.199). In addition, there was a significant difference between two genders in terms of extrinsic religious orientation so that the boys more than the girls were outside of religious orientation (P=0.007). The significant and direct relationship was between age and self-orientation so that the students had more intrinsic religious orientation with increasing age (P=0.012).Conclusion: Given the negative correlation between psychological well-being and extrinsic religious orientation, students are recommended to help their mental health promotion and pay more attention to strengthen their religious beliefs with intrinsic orientation.

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Introduction: Traditional medicine is the oldest medical practices whose growth is largely dependent on cultures of different nations. Hijamat is one of about 250 traditional treatment methods used today. The aim of this study was to investigate the optimism and concerns about the promotion and development of Hijamat in Iran.Methods: The present review article was conducted using the databases including SID, Iranmedex, Magiran, Pub Med, Google scholar and Google with key wordsuch as Traditional medicine, Supplementary medicine, Alternative medicine, Iranian traditional medicine, Hijamat, Hijamat rules and phlebotomy. Finally, 50 articles related to the objective of the study were extracted and assessed.Findings: This study indicated that the use of Hijamat in Iran has an ancient history and almost all the famous Iranian doctors have used it. The records illustrated that the use of Hijamat was experienced in treating more than a dozen diseases. Nowadays, some doctors believe that Hijamat can be used as an effective method in the treatment of some diseases. A number of laboratory investigations have confirmed the therapeutic effects of Hijamat for treating some diseases. However, the medical community and Iranian people do not have enough information on Hijamat and some organizations and clinicians are concerned about the risks of Hijamat for transmission of some infectious diseases.Conclusion: The results showed that despite the approved benefits of Hijamat, there are some problems in its promotion and development in Iran, which should be considered by policy makers and implementers with an emphasis on broader monitoring.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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