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Nowadays, population of elderly people is increasing and diseases and problems resulting from this evolutionary stage can severely be effective on psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being. Goal of the research was determining effectiveness of group reality therapy on psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being of elderly people in Tabriz. The research was quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design with control group. The statistical population included 26 elderly men residing in nursing centers in Tabriz. The statistical population of the research was selected through available sampling method including 26 elderly men residing in Khooban Nursing Home in Tabriz who had inclusion criteria and they were randomly replaced in two experiment (13 people) and control (13 people) groups. Members of the experiment group were treated for 10 sessions under group reality therapy. Instruments used in the research included Luthanz's psychological capital questionnaire, Crooker et al self-worth questionnaire, Keyes’s social well-being questionnaire and reality therapy protocol of Gholami Heidabadi et al. Data of the research was analyzed through multivariate covariance analysis. The results indicated that group reality therapy has been effective on increase of psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being in elderly people. Findings of the research point out necessity of application of reality therapy in line with improving psychological capital, self-worth and social well-being.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Elderly, is not disease, but it’s an undeniable reality, and one of the critical stages of human development in the normal process of life span. The goal of present study was to study the Effectiveness of group logo therapy on death anxiety and social adjustment of elderly. Study type was semi experimental with pre-post-test design and control groups. Population was all elderly male who were a member of the Mehregan daily elderly centre in Kermanshah in 2016. Instruments were death anxiety (DAS) and social adjustment .30 person selected based on cut-off point in instruments and then assigned into 2 groups (experimental and control n=15) randomly. Experimental group received 8 sessions logo therapy (Frankl, 1998). Data analysed by multiple analysis of covariance. Findings showed that there is significant differences between 2 groups in death anxiety and social adjustment (p<0.001).  therefore can be concluded that logo therapy is effective on reducing death anxiety and enhancing social adjustment of elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spirituality as the foundation of beliefs is an important aspect of elderly people’s life and has a basic role in providing and promoting their psychological health and life quality. Therefore, the present research was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of Islamic spiritual therapy on loneliness and death anxiety in elderly people’s life. The research was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test with control group. The statistical population of the research included all elderly women in Ahwaz. Among elderly women in Ahwaz, as available 30 individuals were selected who had obtained a score equal to or higher than cutting point in loneliness questionnaire of Dehshiri et al and death anxiety questionnaire of Kult Leicester and were replaced randomly in two groups of experiment (15 people) and control (15 people). Then a plan of training spirituality based on Islamic lessons was implemented for the experiment group in 12 sessions for 30 minutes and during this period the control group received no intervention. After the end of the training plan, questionnaires were implemented again for both groups in the form of posttest. Data was analyzed and evaluated through multivariate covariance test. Results indicated that training spirituality based on Islamic lessons has led to reduction in feeling of loneliness and death anxiety in the experiment group. As the result, making required grounds in order to participate in religious activities for elderly people seems necessary, in this case it can be effective in improvement of elderly people’s psychological status.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of important areas of elderly people’s health is its psychological dimension that needs a certain attention especially preventing some disorders such as depression, anxiety and feeling frustration and disappointment in them and necessity of paying attention to their well-being. Therefore, this research was carried out to evaluate effectiveness of reality therapy in well-being of elderly people. The research was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of the research included all male elderly people residing in Mandegaran Center in Ardabil. First, Keys and Maghremo's emotional, psychological and social well-being questionnaire (2003) was completed by all elderly people and among those who had obtained a score equal to or higher than cut-off point in the questionnaire, 30 people were randomly selected and replaced in two experiment (15 people) and control (15 people) groups. Then, reality therapy program was implemented during eight 90-minute sessions for the experiment group and the control group received no intermediation during the time. After ending the intermediation program, the questionnaire was re-implemented for the both groups as post-test. Data was analyzed and evaluated through covariance statistical test. Results showed that reality therapy has led to increase in emotional, psychological and social well-being of elderly people. As a result, necessity of using focused therapies on temperamental and emotional problems especially increase in their well-beinf.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2044

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In recent years due to increase in elderly population, paying attention to this group especially attention to their physical and psychological health is necessary. Goal of the present research is evaluating relation between religious beliefs and psychological health through purposefulness intermediation in life and aging perception in retired teachers. The research was descriptive-correlational which was conducted in 2016. Participants in the research included 330 retired teachers (173 male and 157 female) who selected through simple random sampling method. Instruments for collecting data included religious attitude questionnaire of Golriz and Brahni, scale of purposefulness in life from Reif's well-being questionnaire, questionnaire of Barker et al and 12-question general health questionnaire of Goldberg. Path analysis was used as a statistical method to analyze data of the research that indicated significant relations between variables of the research. In addition, intermediation test through bootstrap method indicated significant mediator role of purposefulness in life and aging perception in relation between religious beliefs and psychological health. Based on the results, it can be said that religious beliefs through purposefulness in life and positive perception of aging are important factors in psychological health improvement in retired teachers. Therefore, experts of psychological health and those who operate in the field of old age should take actions to deepen religious beliefs of elderly people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1152

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Retirement phenomenon like the other transitional experiences affect people’s marital satisfaction and can cause tension, disagreement and discontent at the end of adulthood. So, this research was carried out to evaluate role of personality characteristics, religious attitude and source of individual control in predicting quality of retired people’s marital relationships. The research method was survey and correlational. The statistical population included all retired people in Nahavand that 200 of them were selected as sample of the research through simple random sampling based on backgrounds of previous researches. Instruments of the research included Short form of NEO personality questionnaire, religious attitudes scales of Khodayarifard et al, Rutter’s control source and Golombok-Rust's marital status. Data was analyzed through Pearson correlation and multiple regression. Results showed that marital incompatibility has positive correlation with mental affliction and negative correlation with extraversion, openness to experience, agreeability and conscientiousness. Also, a significant negative relationship was obtained between people’s religious attitude and their marital status and there was no significant relationship between control source and marital quality. As well based on analysis of the results, mental affliction, extraversion, agreeability and religious attitude could significantly predict 42 percent of variance of the dependent variable, that is, marital quality. Based on findings of the research, it can be said that people’s marital status especially in retirement period is affected by people’s personality traits and religious attitudes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of main factors that increases risk and likelihood of falling down among elderly people is weakness in balance and positive effect of some activities such as physical exercises has been reported in order to prevent it. This research has been conducted through meta-analysis method to evaluate value of effectiveness and to compare effect size of three intermediations of Pilates, exercise in water and yoga on improvement of dynamic balance in Iranian elderly population. For this purpose, results of 20 researches with 25 effect sizes were analyzed. Results indicated that all three exercises of intermediations of Pilates, exercise in water and yoga have been effective on dynamic balance of elderly people at the error level less than 0.05 and the combined effect sizes related to three intermediations of Pilates, exercise in water and yoga were respectively obtained 0.68, 0.73 and 0.50. Among three exercise methods based on the combined effect size, the most effective method to improve dynamic balance of elderly people was respectively specified Pilates, yoga and exercise in water. Considering findings from the research it can be concluded that all three intermediations of Pilates, exercise in water and yoga are effective on improvement of dynamic balance of elderly people but there is a significant difference in value of effectiveness in all three methods and according to the research Pilates exercise is more effective than exercise in water and yoga. Therefore, results and findings of the research can be utilized in prevention and treatment intermediations of problems related to balance of elderly people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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