Logical networks, based on their specifications, provide different conditions for establishment or growth of counter-system groups. Regional disciplines are not the same as in consistency, security, and stability and confront with different security puzzles. Today, Islam world as a regional network faces with such groups so one of the most important subjects is the main reasons for establishment of such groups in regional disciplines including in Islam world geopolitics area which is the main topic of the study. Counter-system groups are multi-dimensional and considered as social, political, and cultural phenomena. For this, authors discuss that Islam world has focal position in global discipline so interferer power is so sensitive to control its order and creates counter-system groups towards dominating and controlling considered order and discipline, profiting incoherent structure of Islam world regional network.Meanwhile, resistive groups are created against interferer regional policies in social levels. Different forms of such groups such as mean, resistive, defensive, and offensive groups in Islam regional network play a role. Some of these groups help to fulfil control functions of interferer power.In this article, the assumption is surveyed via case study with theory priority. For this, in the first step, theoretical model is designed and then Islam regional network is studied as the case.