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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This paper aims to make metaphor for personnel behavior of Iranian public organizations by qualitative method. In this order, two studies were constructed. In the first study, we surveyed people experiences from organizational life and behavior according phenomenology strategy.43 people from middle managers of public organization were selected by snowball sampling method and Semi-structured interviews were performed to reach theoretical saturation. Texts of the interviews performed were categorized and encoded in units of thought and they were finally classified in theme classes according to making descriptive metaphor. In the second study, in order to explore nature of experiential behavioral metaphor and its positive and negative main impact and particularly result validity of first study, we used Delphi technique from 7 experts included faculty members of university. The research findings explain the behavioral metaphor in the form of five behaviors: cognitive behavioral, political behavior, structural behavior, social behavior and adaptive behavior.

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The aim of the current research is to design and explain organizational values model based on Nahj al Balaghe teaching. The method used in this research is the combination of quantitive and qualitive methods. In qualitive method, the author extracted data by thematic analysis. Further, in orther to make thematic network and research model, the author used some interviews and questionnaires. First of all, the author searched for the themes about values in Nahj al Balaghe, and 324 codes have been extracted. Furthermore, these codes have been proposed to experts and 70 more codes suggested by the associated experts that can be introduced as the values codes. Finally, all these codes have been distributed to the experts again, by questionnaires and their idea gathered about the same. In sum, after having allexperts’ idea about these codes, and testing with Binomial test in SPSS, the author proposed the model of organizational values based on Nahj al Balaghe teaching. The model includes four main factors, i.e. Ethical-Cultural Values, Knowledge-Wisdom Values, Professional Values, and Basic Values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The question of an ideological advantage in any text representations, the most important issue that should be studied the representations to understand it. According to some experts, Phenomena represented by the media, ideological bias and weaken or strengthen a Specific discourse. This paper examines this relationship between the state and the cinema in Iran. The main research question is that what is the effect of moving the Iranian government in the representation of managers in the movies? The method used for this study, qualitative semiotic analysis. By this method four bestseller movies based on the two known pattern of semiotics were studied from four different Iranian government and Semiotic components that filmmakers have employed to represent the role of manager were extracted And is used for the final analysis. results show While cinema in the fifth and sixth states due to the lack of political were more successful In representation of the implications of organizational behavior, interaction with staff and educational issues; movies in the seventh and eighth states most political, compared to other courses. And also managers in the ninth and tenth states movies are more harmonious with the government. These differences indicates that discourse of the country affects the Iranian cinema.

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After 30 years from 1979 revolution, Islamic Repulic of Iran subsidy was engaged in fundamental change of the subsidy policy. This research is aimed to answer why and how the change was happened, using one of theoretical views of public policy process, named, Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The Research design contained pospositivist philosophical orientation, case study strategy, and process tracing as analytical method. Cues and evidence taken from direct and indirect Interviews as well as public documents revealed that there were two major advocacy coalition in the subsidy policy reform: Consumption Advocacy Coalition (CAC) with beliefs such as libertizing and modifying the prices of public goods and energy fundamentally and suddenly and supporing low income people) and Production Advocacy Coalition (PAC) with beliefs such as libertizing the prices incrementally, supporting production sector, and devising non- price solutions. Also, the evidence showed that the subsidy policy changein Iran can be explained by four casual mechanisms within ACF: policy learing, external shocks and perturbations, internal shocks and negotiated aggrement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although the term Entrepreneurship has been shaped and nurtured first time in the business area in the literarature, but today wecan see it’s entering to the area of public services. One of the promotion of this attitude, is the creating of reinventing government theory. In the present study, we decided to test the effect of injecting the mentioned theory in the public sector of Iran. For doing this, a fundamental research approach and Delphi techniqe, as well as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to assess construct validity was used. Delphi panels formed of 15 executives from administrative division population and academic faculty, consists of 15 members. For designing the primary questionnaire design, dimensions and variables was extracted from the theory. after 3 rounds of the Delphi, by eliminating the 5 variables of the 10 variables and adding 3 local variables, the 8 variables and 67 indicators of the final model were defined Variables include: community-opened, market orientated, mission-oriented, customer-driven, decentralized, promoting professional ethics, development the social justice and Jihadian management.

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This study aimed to determine the mental models of Ilam University employees about the job promotion. Research method based on purpose, nature, and data collection was applied, explorative, and descriptive survey respectively. Different mental models of employees about job promotion were recognized through Q-methodology. Among the employees that have a better position to improve their job rather than other employees, via snowball sampling method and based on information from the University of Ilam, nine subjects selected, interviewed by Q method, and distributed Q cards among them. According to distributed cardsm, of the 105 statements, 41 of them were identified as final statement and prioritized by the participants subsequently. Finally, Based on the findings of Q factor analysis, It was found that there are three different mental models (policy-oriented, unity oriented and justice-oriented) about job promotion among Ilam university employees. According to the final conclusion can assert that a large percentage of identified statements claims on unfair patterns of job promotion system in the organization and according to the staff mindset, policy dimension is the most effective factor in improving job promotion.

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Value engineering is one of the tools to create and enhance value for goods and services that used in different fields such as industry, agriculture, education, transportation and also in the transportation and Infrastructure projects. The aim of the research is to Identify and prioritize Value Engineering index with Fuzzy Delphi Technique in Semnan Department of Transportation. This research is applied and its research method is descriptive. Because of using Fuzzy AHP for ranking alternatives, our research is a single cross-survey. In this regard, after a comprehensive literature study, 23 indicators identified and standardized questionnaire among 10 experts in the field were distributed and collected. Delphi fuzzy Utilizes and win 13 indexes higher than 0.7 were screened. The investigators then to prioritize the factors identified in an integrative approach Permutation and genetic algorithms because the problem is NP-Hard were used. Based on these findings, the index of compatibility with existing machines, information and experience in working in road construction projects are the most important variables. According to research results, index Embassy completion rate was the lowest priority.

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The purpose of this investigation is to identify the principles of appointment and dismissal of officials in the thoughts of Imam Ali. The method of this study is descriptive in term of developing purposes and the method of gathering data is descriptive- analysis andaccordingly the research questionshave been answered bythe content analysis of the contents of sermons, letters and wisdom of Nahj al-Balagha and relying on family traditions or institutions within a systematic framework of the dismissal and appointment. Then Delphi method was used to validate models and 30 academic and theological experts wereparticipated in the Delphi panel. Finally, the study results were saturated by using Delphi method and research findings indicate that in the Alawite regime the positive principles (privacy, openness and honesty, commitment to quality, vehicle hire, moderation and respect) and negative principles (rejection of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, haste, laziness, denying the lust change) is the red line of officials in the removal and installation that must be fixed as positive principles, or must be avoided as negative principles and must completely be neglected.

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