The present study aimed to seek and design a model of employee incivility customers in Social Security Organization (SSO) of Iran. In this study, for collecting data we used a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with 42 managers and supervisors of SSO in 6 metropolises, and to analyze the collected data, thematic analysis was used. To determine interrelationship between the identified and how they influence employee incivility toward customer, DEMATEL method was used. We gathered 10 academic experts' opinions to perform this procedure and design intended model. This model demonstrates how experienced customer incivility, witnessed customer incivility, job demands, job dissatisfaction, organizational injustice, life-work interference, emotional exhaustion and employee prejudice (ethnic, cultural, religious, etc.) as could directly or indirectly instigate employee incivility toward customer. Personality traits of employees (e.g. emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) have moderating role in our arrow-shaped model. Finally, after discussing the results, limitations and practical implications, we recommended Empirical studies for future research.