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Introduction: In the recent years, family-based subjects have attracted considerable attention from pertinent investigators. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of solution-oriented teaching on marital conflicts and life quality in couples in Isfahan.Materials and Methods: The research design in this semi-experimental study was pre - and post - test with control group. The statistical population included all couples referring to the Family Interventions Center to Reduce Divorce of the Isfahan Welfare Organization in 2015. Twenty couples were then selected through convenient method and randomly into two groups of 10, experimental and control group. The data gathering instrument were Sanaie and Barati’s marital conflicts questionnaire (2011) and WHO’s marital life quality (1996). The experimental group received solution-oriented teaching for 7 weekly sessions of 90 min of and the control group received nothing. The data were then collected and analyzed through covariance analysis.Results: The analysis of the pre- and post- test data in the experimental group revealed that the means of component of marital conflicts were (150 ± 6.08) and (107.8 ± 5.20) respectively and of life quality were (60.40 ± 5.06) and (77.75 ±3.68) respectively. For control group, these values for marital conflicts were (149 ± 6.30) and (150 ± 5.93) respectively and for life quality were (62.10+5.48) and (61.95 ± 6.08) respectively. From the one hand the results showed that there is a significant in the components of marital conflicts and life quality after teaching intervention between the experimental and control groups (p<0.001). Significant differences were observed between the values of marital conflicts and life quality in the two groups (p<0.001).Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, solution-oriented method can be proposed as an efficient method to relieve marital conflicts and as a result to promote life quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Anxiety and depression are of common symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can be one of the effective interventions to reduce anxiety and depression. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on anxiety and depression in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.Materials and Methods: This research was an educational clinical trial study and the study population consisted of patients with irritable bowel syndrome referring to Kermanshah health centers. After compliance with the Rome-III diagnostic criteria and completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck depression Inventory, 40 patients was selected and randomly assigned in experimental and control groups (20 patients for each group). At the end of 8 sessions of cognitive therapy based on mind-consciousness for experimental group the post-test data was collected and analyzed by covariance analysis.Results: Findings of this study indicated that mindfulness therapy had a significant effect on reducing depression in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (p=0.000, F=19.99). Although this intervention had a positive effect on anxiety but it was not significant (F=0.011, p=0.918).Conclusion: Depression in patients with irritable bowel syndrome may be relieved by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Modification of this technique is possible able to reduce the severity of anxiety in these patients.

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Introduction: The stability of a family, as the smallest social unit, is strengthened particularly if women play an active and effective role. Sexual education is one of the most important educational needs of married women. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of sexual education on marital offence-specific forgiveness and marriage stability of married women in Abadan City.Materials and Methods: The present study is an experimental investigation with pre- and post-test and a control group. Among all married women referred to the Consultation and Psychology Clinic at Abadan Oil Hospital in the summer of 2017, 40 women were selected by simple random sampling method. They were then randomly divided into two groups of 20, experimental and control group. The experimental group received sex education for 6 weekly sessions of 2 hours. Data were collected using Paleari & et al’s marital offence-specific forgiveness scale and Edwars & et al’s marriage instability index and analyzed by MANCOVA and ANCOVA in based MANCOVA methods using SPSS-21 software.Results: The findings showed that sex education significantly led to enhancement of marital offence-specific forgiveness (F=271.68, p<0.001) and marriage stability (F=194.53, p<0.001) of the married women.Conclusion: Based on our results, sexual education could be an effective method in promotion of the marital offence-specific forgiveness and marriage stability in married women.

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Introduction: Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is one of minimally invasive methods for the treatment of renal stones. Several factors affecting success rate of ESWL including; age, gender, weight, stone size, laterality and location of stone and materials stone.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydrochlorothiazide on the duration of renal pelvic stone passage after ESWL.Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial approved by Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT20171104037212N2), 199 patients with renal pelvis stone sized smaller than 20mm referred to the ESWL department of Moradi hospital in Rafsanjan during 2015-2016 were included. After ESWL process, patients were randomly divided into two groups; experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide tablets every 12 hours for 2 weeks and control group received placebo at the same condition. The Data were analyzed using Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal–Wallis tests.Results: The success rate of ESWL was 73.0% in the hydrochlorothiazide and 71.7% in the placebo groups (p=0.840). Duration of stone passage in hydrochlorothiazide group was 5.49 ± 2.92 days and in placebo was 6.46±3.98 days (p=0.147). In hydrochlorothiazide group, duration of stone passage in patients with stone size of 16-20 mm was less than patients with stone size smaller than 16 mm (p=0.024). In patients aged 19-35 years old, duration of stone passage in hydrochlorothiazide group (p=0.004) and in the right renal pelvis stone (0.049) was less than placebo.Conclusion: The hydrochlorothiazide reduced the stone passage time after ESWL clinically, although not statistically significant. Considering the effectiveness of hydrochlorothiazide in passage of stones in young patients with renal stones of smaller size, it would be among medical interventions in nephrolithiasis.

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Introduction: Sexual desire is a complex issue influenced by a variety of factors particularly psychological factor. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on married women with hypo-active sexual desire living in Sirjan City.Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, among married women with hypo- active sexual desire disorder referred to counseling centers of Sirjan City, 30 women were purposefully selected and were then divided into two groups of 15, experimental and control group. Experimental group received 10 weekly sessions of schema therapy. The data were collected by the Holbert Sexuality Index (1992) and analyzed by covariance test.Results: The findings of the present study indicated that the average score of hypo-active sexual desire in the experimental group was significantly decreased compared to control group (59.00 ± 17.62 vs 47.98 ± 14.05, p<0.05).Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, schema therapy may be an effective method for treatment of female hypo-active sexual desire disorder.

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Introduction: One of the most important factors which may have a positive or negative effect on couples' relationships is the style by which they manage their conflicts. Recently, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has published a book to solve marital conflicts, theoretically. The present study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on conflict management styles of high-conflicted couples.Materials and Methods: The present study was quasi-experimental with a pre- and post- test design. Thirty couples from all conflicted-couples living in Qom were selected (how???) and replaced by random sampling in the experimental and control groups. For pre-test and post-test, the data collecting tool was a questionnaire derived from Rahim Conflict Management Styles second edition. The experimental group received 11 weekly, 2-hour sessions of dialectic behavior therapy and the data were then analyzed using MANOVA.Results: The results of multivariate covariance analysis for constructive conflict solving styles (F=51.21), unconventional conflicts (F=46.15) showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups (p<0.001).Conclusion: Dialectical behavioral therapy program for couples may improve constructive conflict resolution styles and reduce conflict destructive styles and it is possibly beneficial for highly-conflicted couples.

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Introduction: Student years at university are an important transitional period in which students undergo a lot of academic, occupational and living pressures. In this regard, the existence of suicidal ideation, also known as suicidal thoughts, among students has a wide range of negative psychosocial effects. The purpose of this study was to determinate the relationship between sense of coherence and cognitive emotion regulation with suicidal ideation in students.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive and correlational study, among all undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili in 2017, 367 students were selected by a cluster sampling method. The suicidal revised questionnaires (SBQ-R), a short form of Antonovsky Integrity sense questionnaire and a short form of the Gravinsky Craig and Spinach on Critical Settlement Questionnaire were used for data collection. The research data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, mean and standard deviation and multiple linear regression in simultaneously method at a significant level of p<0.041.Results: The results showed that while a negative significant relationship between sense of coherence (r=-0.25) and cognitive emotion regulation (r=-0.32) with suicidal thoughts (p<0.011) was observed, correlation between suicidal ideation and cognitive-emotional confusion (r=0.27) was significantly positive. Also, the sense of coherence and cognitive adjustment of compatible and incompatible excitement predict about 23% of changes in suicidal ideation.Conclusion: Based on these results, the sense of coherence and cognitive adjustment of compatible and incompatible excitement can be related to the suicidal thoughts of students; therefore, it could be recommended that therapists and counselors especially who working at university counseling centers to take into account these considerations to reduce the rate of students' suicidal thoughts.

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Introduction: Eating disorder has many psychological complications. Cognitive therapy is one of the most widely used methods in the field of psychotherapy. The present research aimed to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on physical self-description and repetitive negative thinking among female adolescent with eating disorder.Materials and Methods: This was a semi-experimental study with pre- and post-test design and a control group. The research population was all female students with eating disorder aged 15 to 16 years studying at secondary high schools of Ahvaz City in 2017-18. Thirty students were selected through available sampling method and randomly assigned into two equal groups. The experimental group received 8 weekly sessions of 90 min of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and the control group was put on a waiting list. Research tools included the questionnaires of Garner & et al’s eating disorder, Marsh & et al’s physical self-description and Ehring & et al’s repetitive negative thinking. Data were analyzed with MANCOVA and ANCOVA in based MANCOVA methods.Results: The findings showed that the mindfulness-based cognitive therapy led to increase physical self-description (F=5.444, p<0.028) and to decrease repetitive negative thinking (F=17.437, p<0.001) of female adolescent with eating disorder.Conclusion: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy method may be suggested as an alternative for enhancement of physical self-description and relief of repetitive negative thinking in female adolescent with eating disorder.

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Introduction: Physical activities and increased physical fitness have always been recognized as a possible factor in the reduction of diseases and the related mortality. The telomere length is considered as a major cell age biomarker and is connected with diseases. The current study was conducted aimed at examining the effects of an 8-week resistance-interval training on the telomere length, telomerase activity, and TRF2 expression in sedentary young men.Materials and Methods: In a semi-experimental experiment, 20 sedentary male students from the Islamic Azad University of Eslamshahr were selected and randomly assigned to the two groups of training (N=10) and control (N=10). The training protocol consisted of the concurrent interval and resistance trainings, with each session consisted of two steps. The first step was an interval training consisted of running on a treadmill, and the second one was related to a resistance training that was performed. Blood samples were taken half an hour before the first exercise and 24 hours after the last exercise, with 10 ml of blood taken from the brachial vein of each subject. Independent and dependent t-tests were used for the data analysis.Results: The findings of present study demonstrated that an 8-week resistance-interval training prevented the telomere length shortening (t=3.87, p=0.022) and increased the telomerase activity (t=5.107, p=0.000). In addition, TRF2 levels (t=2.463.87, p=0.014) increased significantly compared to the pre-exercise condition.Conclusion: The concurrent exercises increased the telomere length and telomerase activity of the subjects significantly. It seems that the exercises can have a favorable effect on telomere biology and the quality of life. The results indicated the importance of regular physical activities and consequently the reduced risk of diseases associated with aging.

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Introduction: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are commonly grouped under the name "the third wave of cognitive behavior therapy" and are based on the acceptance- and mindfulness-based approaches rather than challenging them. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of these two approached on behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation in men with substance abuse.Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 60 men were selected using available sampling method among all men with substance abuse referred to the Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Kermanshah City in 2017-18. The participants were randomly divided into three groups of 20, two experimental groups and one control group. Participants in the acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectic behavioral therapy received 10 and 12 sessions of intervention respectively and the control group received nothing. The instrument for collecting data was a behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation scale, which was performed in all three stages of pre-test, post-test and three-month follow up on the subjects. The data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance post hoc test.Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test, post-test and follow up values of the experimental groups (p£0.001). However, this finding was not observed between the two experimental groups.Conclusions: The results showed that men with substance abuse may benefit from recent acceptance- and mindfulness-based approaches including acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectic behavioral therapy.

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