This research aims to determine John Dewey’s aesthetical view for teaching and learning process. In the present research, we had two questions: 1. what is the view of John Dewey's about aesthetics and its components? 2. What is the relationship of these components to the teaching and learning process? To answer the research questions, many data were collected from library resources many notes were collected from online databases (Namaye, website of foreign language researches of TMU, website of thesis of TMU, Tehran University, Allameh Tabatabai University and Alzahra University, Magiran, ISC, Noormags, CRCIS, SID). Then by using the review – documentary method, Dewey's view about art, beauty, aesthetics and teaching and learning are described briefly. Afterwards we deduced the implications of Dewey's artistic opinion for teaching and learning processes. The results of this study is that the process of teaching and learning is an aesthetic experience and should be presented in an aesthetic way. From Dewey' 's point of view, in order to teaching and learning process be aesthetical, following issues should be applied: using scientific bases in the teaching and learning process, having one teaching method, avoiding contradiction in teaching, linking learning to social and everyday life, using psychological factors such as imagination and emotion in teaching and learning process, having aesthetic view of the teaching job, using game in this process, being honest and create an artistic discipline.