This research aimed to study the role of social support on academic compatibility of students by mediating effect of the school's satisfaction, hope and self-efficacy of students. The method was descriptive – Correlation and the population of the research was all of the secondary school students in district 1. Statistical sample was 380 students those selected by Morgan Table with convenience sampling. Three questionnaires were used in this research for data gathering including Vaux, Phillips, Holley, Thompson, Williams & Stewart's Social Support (1989), Baker & Siryk's Adjustment (1984), Gilman, Huebner & Laughlin's Satisfaction (2000) and hope scale of Snyder and et al. (1991). To analyze the data and to study the relationship between variables, we used Pearson correlation analysis and structural equation model (Lisrel). The main findings showed that the correlation between the social support and hope (r=0. 38), social support and efficacy (r=0. 37), social support and satisfaction (r=0. 16), social support and academic compatibility (r=0. 18), efficacy and compatibility (r=0. 23), hope and compatibility (r=0. 19) and satisfaction and compatibility (r=0. 27) were positive, straight and significant. Analyzing the structural model showed that social support have indirect and positive effect on academic compatibility by mediating hope with 0. 13. There was indirect effect of social support on academic compatibility by mediating self-efficacy with 0. 11 and indirect effect of social support on academic compatibility by mediating satisfaction of school with 0. 12. The analysis of the correlations between exogenous and endogenous variables showed that any increasing in social support resulted in increasing hope, self-efficacy and school satisfaction, also, increasing in the hope, self-efficacy and school satisfaction resulted in academic compatibility. Finally the results of research showed that the structural model was confirmed and school's satisfaction, hope and self-efficacy of students were mediating relationships between social support and academic compatibility of students in schools. Finally practical suggestions were presented by following the research results.