Introduction: Nostalgia as one of the complex emotion that discussed conceptual challenges on entity and functions of in nineteen and twenty century. Beside assessment of nostalgia is important.Aim: our objective of this research, preparation of necessary preliminary work to using Batcho’s nostalgia inventory (1995) for psychological research in Iran.Method: in this cross sectional study, 201 graduate and Ph.D. student were participated. Then, they are respond to nostalgia inventory (NI), check manipulation test (wildschut et al, 2006) and aspiration index (kasser & rayan, 2006).Results: The results showed these factors: “attachment to foretime”, “longing to home”, “tranquility of foretime” and convergent validity and reliability evidences for NI.Conclusion: the result was showed evidences for construct validity, convergent validity and internal consistency of NI, also result was showed gender difference in some of factors.