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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Spirituality is the most important aspect of human existentialism. This dimension is considered as a strong force in the center of life for more than one-third of the people worldwide. Spirituality is linked to health, a sense of goodness and recovery, and a factor in the continuation of life, finding its meaning and purpose. Aim: This study aimed to determine spiritual health level and its related factors in the students of Sanandaj universities in 2015. Method: The present study was a cross-sectional. The study population, were students of Kurdistan University, Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj and Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Five hundred persons of them were selected and studied using One-stage cluster sampling method. A two-part questionnaire including demographic characteristics and 20 questions about spiritual health was used. The data were analyzed using SPSS 20. Results: The mean score of the belief system, intellectual, moral and life style of spiritual health were 25. 78± 3. 95, 25. 54± 4. 37, 22. 97± 4. 65 and 23. 04± 4. 75, respectively. The mean overall score of spiritual health was 96. 33± 14. 92. The score was at the high level of health. There was a statistically significant difference between degrees (p<0. 001), university (p<0. 001), group study (p=0. 007), pray and fasting (p<0. 001) with mean total score of spiritual health. Conclusion: In the dimensions of the ethical system and lifestyle, the mean score of students was lower than the other dimensions, which could be somewhat alarming. It is recommended that the cultural planners of the universities Pay close attention and apply appropriate training.

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Introduction: Body dysmorphic disorder is one of the common adolescence disorders which is characterized by mental occupation with bodily deficits. Aim: The overall aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral art therapy on the self-concept, body image in adolescent girls suffering from body dysmorphic disorder in Ahvaz city. Method: The sample consisted of 30 students (15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group) from the students who were selected by convenience sampling. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up and with the control group. For data collection, Yale-Brown obssesive compulsive scale and Self-concept questionnaire, multidimensional body-self relashionship questionnaire were used. Results: To analyze data, multivariate covariance analysis and SPSS16 software were used. Data results analysis indicated that cognitive-behavioral based art therapy in the experimental group compared with the control increased self-concept and body image and this effect continued during the follow-up phase. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that principles of art therapy based on cognitivebehavioral therapy can be used in the treatment of people with abdominal disorder.

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Introduction: Life satisfaction is so important that it can be said that it is the goal of life. However, reports show life satisfaction is low among Iranian students. The result of this issue, for example, is leaving the country. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between personality and satisfaction of life among students. Method: A sample of 407 students were employed in this study and the measument instruments were five factors of personality (NEO) and Diner, et al, 's life satisfaction. Results: Results show 56% of the respondents had a high level of neuroticism and agreeableness. Also, 48% had high-level of Conscientiousness, 51% had low level of extraversion and 56% had low level of openness. Conclusion: Extraversion and Conscientiousness were the most important predictors of students' life satisfaction, respectively.

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Introduction: For people with developmental disabilities, understanding motor development provides a good basis for intervention, treatment and improvement. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of environmental affordances on attention and memory of 6 to 9 year-old children with intellectual disability. This was a practical and quasi-experimental (intervention) study. Method: Target population included all children (6-9 years old) with intellectual disability. 50 male students were conveniently recruited as the sample of the study and randomly divided into two groups: experimental and control group (25 per each group). The subjects of the experimental group went under training and exercises for 36sessions, (3 times per week for 3 months), and 30 to 45 minutes per session. Tolouan-Pyrene attention test and Andrew Ray memory tests were employed to assess attention skills. Single variable covariance was used to analyze the collected data. Results: The results indicated that the environmental affordances were effective in improving motor skills such as the perception of vision and balance (p<0. 01). Also, the results of this study showed that the providers did not have any effect on the visual acuity variables (p>0. 05). Findings: Results of the study suggested that affordances were effective in improving attention skill (p<0. 01), also results indicated that the affordances had no impact on memory variables (p>0. 05). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that it is necessary to pay attention to the environment and environmental abilities, and applying appropriate methods for improving attention in children with mental disorders. On the other hand, memory needs more organized clinical research, so that they can be sure of the effects of providers in memory.

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Introduction: Identifying the factors related with the affective family climate are among the most important family psychological research goals. Aim: This study was conducted with the aim of examining the relationship of affective family climate with emotional self-regulation and resiliency of students. The statistical population of this research consisted of all the students of Azad University of Mashhad who were busy studying during the educational year of 2017-2018. Method: The method of this research was descriptive of correlational type. The research sampling was done using stratified sampling and included 150 students. Research instrument consisted of three questionnaires of affective family climate (Hill Berne, 1964), emo tional selfregulation questionnaire (Hoffman and Kashdan, 2010) and resiliency questionnaire (Cutter and Davidson, 2003). The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and multivariate regression. Results: The findings showed that, affective family climate is significantly correlated with emotional self-regulation and resiliency (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be stated that, regulation of emotions and resiliency are two important variables that are associated with the affective family climate in the students.

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Introduction: The chronological types are the effective factors in psychological indexes. Aim: This research aimed at comparing suicidal thoughts and stress levels among depressed students with morning and evening types. Method: The research design was a comparative research and its statistical population consisted of the students of Payame Noor University and Islamic Azad University of Semirom during the academic year of 2011-2012. By using available sampling, 300 students selected and asked to complete Beck Depression Inventory (1976), morning and evening Types of Horn and Stanger (1976), Beck Suicidal Thoughts Questionnaire (1976), and Lewibond and Lewibond Stress Questionnaire (1995). After scoring Beck Depression Inventory, 153 students were diagnosed with depression, 18 of whom (according to the time scale questionnaire) as morning type and 64 as evening types. The data were analyzed using SPSS 21 and independent t-test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between suicidal thoughts and stress levels of depressed students in morning and evening types (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, one can consider the probable role of time types in the severity of suicidal thoughts and stress in depressed students. Further studies in this field are needed.

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Introduction: The psychological well-being refers to the ability of active participation in work and recreation; create meaningful relationship with others, develop independence sense and goal life and also experience positive emotions that include all necessary activities for human-being vision. Aim: This study is designed to investigate the effectiveness of training behavioral activation and education based on acceptance and commitment on psychological well-being among high school students of grade nine in Kerman. Method: The method of this study is semi-experimental based on pre-test and post-test and control group. 45 students were chosen among whole schools in district 1 and 2 of kerman by multistage accidental sampling in three groups (two experimental group and one control group) each group include 15 student. Results: The findings show that acceptance and commitment had more effectiveness than behavioral activation on increasing psychological well-being. Conclusion: The results show that there is a difference on the level of 0. 5, between the training behavioral activation and education based on acceptance and commitment on psychological well-being.

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Introduction: Perfectionism is a capacity belonging with high action criteria and critical selfappraisals. It is necessary to check its psychometric properties in Iranian samples to use Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) as perfectionism assessing tool. Aim: The aim of current research has been the determination of FMPS psychometric properties in Iranian non-clinical samples. Method: In this descriptive study, 304 B. A. and M. D. students of Shahed University completed FMPS. The methods internal consistency and splitting were utilized to investigate reliability of FMPS. The tools Experiences in Close Relationship-Revised and Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Short Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 item were applied to investigate convergent validity of FMPS. FMPS factorial structure was checked with Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results: Data analysis showed acceptable reliability and validity of FMPS in Iranian nonclinical samples. Six-factor structure of FMPS was also confirmed. Conclusion: Findings of the current research confirmed the usage of FMPS in psychological research and clinical Trails.

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Introduction: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders that will become the world's second largest by 2020. Aim: To compare the effects of psychodrama and cognit ive group therapy and their combination on depression and purpose of seeking admission among patients with major depression. Method: The study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test and with control and experimental group. The statistical population of the study was major depressive patients (Razi and Lavasani Hospitals in Tehran). 40 patients were selected randomly and were randomly assigned into three groups. Twelve sessions of intervention were held according to the classical psycho-pacific protocol and Frei's cognitive therapy group. Beck Depression Inventory (2007) and Cohen Coaching Inventory Questionnaire (2012) were applied to them. In the analysis of data, one-variable covariance analysis and Tukey's post hoc test were used. Results: There were significant differences between the three groups in depression scores and amortization intention (sig < 0. 001). Conclusion: The findings showed that all three interventions were effective in decreasing the rate of depression and increasing the level of intention seeking, but cognitive group therapy was more effective in decreasing depression and psychodrama.

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Introduction: Subjective wellbeing is one of important constructs of the positive psychology and identifying the factor affecting it is of paramount importance and promotion of subjective well-being is one of the objectives of the modern psychology. Aim: This study examined the effectiveness of the intervention based on positive education on subjective wellbeing in students. Method: Research design was semi-experimental and pretest-posttest type with the control group. The study population included all the male 6th grade students in Marvdasht, Iran. From among these students, 30 were selected through cluster sampling as the samples of the research. For the collecting the data Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were used. For the data analysis, multivariate analysis of covariance was used. Results: The results showed that the intervention positive education enhanced positive affection and life satisfaction and reduced negative affection in the expremental group in comparison with the control group. Conclusion: The findings of this research has practiced implication to pay special attention the effects of intervention positive education on students’ subjective wellbeing.

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Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is generally known as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to ambiguity situations. Several studies have considered the intolerance of uncertainty as a common factor across all of emotional disorders. The intolerance of uncertainty has two important dimensions: prospective and inhibitory. Each dimensions is also involved in a specific disorder. Due to important role of IU at development and maintenance of emotional disorders, clinicians sought to treat it. Finally, changes in IU can be contributory to recovery of various emotional disorder symptoms in transdiagnostic treatment. In this study, we have tried to address the importance of intolerance to uncertainty, investigate its place in the development and maintenance of emotional disorders and the implications for the treatment of this structure for professionals.

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Mehrabi Fatemeh

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Introduction: Epilepsy is a brain disease along with paramount neurobiological, cognitive, psychological and social consequences for patients. Aim: Present study is conducted to study the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on life quality and the number of convulsions in those patients who suffer from epilepsy. Method: In present semi-empirical study on clients to Isfahan Epilepsy Charity Association in 2016, 26 epileptics were selected by available sampling method and they were divided into two experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. Life quality questionnaire for epileptics (1995) and structured demographical data questionnaires were used in three pretest, past-test and follow-up (75 days) steps). Acquired data was analyzed by variance analytical technique. Results: Data analysis findings indicated that the effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction improves components and aspects of life quality (P < 0. 04) and reduces convulsions (p < 0. 03) in epileptics in past test and follow-up steps significantly. Conclusion: This study suggests that mindfulness based stress reduction is effective in improving life quality and in reducing the convulsions of such patients.

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