Study Spatial Pattern and biodiversity in plant communities the basic requirements to solve a lot of issues in ecology and forest management. West Oak Forests were formed of the structural composition in two types' high forest and coppice. Understanding the structure combination of each part separately and in comparison together is necessary for the correct management. In this study, the landscape structure of the Karzan forests, Ilam Province were investigated using modeling quantitative analyses.The results of implementing of metrics such as number, density, canopy cover and statistical metrics canopy area of (mean, weighted mean, median, range, and coefficient of variation) in two types of high forest and coppice showed greater amounts in coppice type. In this framework, the distance between trees statistical metrics (mean, weighted mean, median, range, and coefficient of variation) as well as indicators of richness, Shannon, and Simpson were greater in high forest type than coppice.According to the dispersion index (R), the distribution range of high forest type was pile and coppice type was random–uniform. This model predicts structure transformation from high forest to coppice type in future properly. This Subject shows the necessity and importance of taking proper management policies to prevent such a structure transformation in future.