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The term “azm” conveys determining concept in different areas of Islamic culture including beliefs, morals, commandments and political thoughts.This term is seen in nine verses of the Holy Quran and it seems that its morphophonemic study and lexical analysis causes more precision in the Quranic conceptions. In exegesis and vocabulary books, there is obvious dispersion in explaining this term, which is, to some extent, due to getting away from the descent time language and to some extent is due to the multiplicity of the roots themselves in its history. The main question in the present research is that what roots the term “azm” has in different uses in the Arabic language. What are main meanings and meaning extensions of each of these roots? and to what extent are these meanings followed up in Quranic uses.The method applied in this research is the morphophonemics in its usual practice in historical linguistics. Data from vocabulary and exegesis books are interpreted and located in accordance with morphophonemic patterns.When the meaning relation doesn’t have enough clarity, in order to make it more clear– beyond genealogy relationships between words – meaning construction typology is also used and another example based on that construction pattern is presented by the use of another vocabulary item or in another language. In this article at first, all the possibilities in morphophonemics and then the possibility of the extension of that historical roots to the Arabic language of The Holy Quran is investigated. The present study shows that all the Quranic uses of the word “azm” are put under the meaning “being or making firm” and the meanings close to it which have roots in the term “zm” in Afro Asia and Sam and other roots have not been practically used in theQuran. The meanings “intent” and “decide” that are used in some exegesis and translations are not approved by morphophonemic evidence and it doesn’t seem that the term “azm” conveys this range of meaning in the Arabic language of the Quran.

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Knowing the meaning of the Koranic words and explaining their semantic field have always been taken into consideration by the interpreters of Quran. The word “Zalaal” and its derivatives are one of those words which frequently used in the Holy Quran. The word is used in Koranic context as “مبین ” (explanatory), “ بعید ” (unseemly), “ کبیر ” (great), and “ قدیم ” (old).The current study has discussed the explanation of this word as well as its usage, emphasizing different morphological structures and syntactic composition of the signs through a descriptive-analytic method. The results show that “ مبین ” is of the most frequent use whereasکبیر“ ” and “ قدیم ” are of the least one. The word “ مبین ” is used for both religious obliquity and irreligious obliquity. The word “بعید ” is used for real obliquity and the words “ کبیر ” and “ ”قدیمare used for unreal obliquity. Different uses of the word “Zalaal” along with the abovementioned adjectives are of such considerable distinctions with regard to morphosyntactic meaning and structure that they have been morphologically used as both definite and indefinite forms whereas they have been syntactically used as majrur, absolute object as well as rheme.

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The semantics of Koranic words is one of the modern methods of study in the Holy Quran. In this view, having chosen the Koranic keywords, we studied the semantic fields of each word as well as the systematic relationship among them, as a result of which the semantic layers of the signs would be determined. This approach, considering the context and register of as well as the stressed words of the Holy Quran, would clarify the cohesion and coherence of the Koranic epistemologies. The current research tries to explain the semantic fields of the word “wajh” with regard to the register as well as the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships among the words. First, the meaning of these words was found and then their various senses were clarified and finally via the syntagmatic axis, the signs and their senses were identified. Moreover, the semantics of this word in a variety of fields such as God, Prophets, immaculate people and the guilty was explained.

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Language and words stem from cultures, traditions, and specific system of life in each society. Most Koranic words have gained new meanings after passing through ignorant ideology and entering into Koranic ideologies. It is necessary for one to know the semantic changes of those words which have been referred to in developing movement as well as mental, cultural, and social processes.One of these words is “Sho’oub”, a word by which“Sho’oubiyah Movement” has affected the cultural and social situations in Abbasi Period.The current study has analyzed the word “Sho’oub” based on historical and descriptive semantics to recognize Sho’oubiyah, concluding that the singular form of this word, i.e.“ Sha’b” enjoys such concepts as “split, separation, dispersion” whereas its plural form enjoys such concepts as “distributed groups=death” in the Ignorant Period. In the Holy Quran, it has the opposite concept of distributed groups. In the following centuries, it referred to political issues dependent on racism and affected by discursive thoughts in the concept of non-Arab nations especially Iranian one.

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Asceticism, sensual phenomenon that has deep cultural roots and amongst nations, each of which refer to different interpretations; In the Islamic culture, including a concept which has a major effect on human life and social relations between individuals This research is descriptive-analytic approach to the issue of asceticism and draw the right semantics And explore the relationship between advanced components and other systemic moral vocabulary related in the Qur' an deals And perhaps each of these components itself, meaning the system (subsystem) form that leads to draw a semantic network-wide. The technical aspects of the great Shi' a scholars and poets Court, Sharif Razi is studied And the power and ability of the poet to understand the words and meanings of the Quran to follow the awakening of spiritual and intellectual trends reveals Abbasid And attempts to flavor teaching the values of Islam and in particular Shia reveal. Finally, using the right semantics of positive piety by Sayed Sharif Razi educational approach is fraught with numerous references to the combination of emotion and wisdom and expressive styles accompanied And by citing Quranic verses and Shiite nature of worldly offers a complete program.

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To achieve the intention as well as the aim of Quran, it is necessary for one to know the semantic analysis of words. One of the most frequent concepts in the Holy Quran is the concept of “rezq” [sustenance] which has been reflected in some attributes of God such as “الرزاق” [Supplier] and is closely related to some basic concepts within the semantic system of the Holy Quran. In this paper, we have attempted to discuss the semantic and conceptual relations of “rezq” as well as other syntagmatic and paradigmatic concepts relevant to it. Syntagmatic relations of “rezq” are classified into 3 groups based on the subject of “rezq” whereas its paradigmatic relations are identified based on similar structures such conceptual relations as hyponymy and synonymy are identified. It is concluded that in addition to the explanation of the position of “rezq” in relation to other Koranic concepts in the syntagmatic axis, its paradigmatic concepts will be identified as well.

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The stylistics approach researches the unique beauties of discourse in artistic work which show the out standing features of style, their role and their in a text in accordance with the semantic continuum of the related meaning. This linguistic emphasis in the text’s language implies the relation between formal features of a text and its content. One of these features in the syntactic foregrounding in a language which shows the writer’s point of view in the form of Vocabulary orders, Length of the sentences and their kinds, and also their tense, in other words, from the syntactic point of view of a text, the style and the potential of its values will be appeared and this approach is called syntactic deviation. Some times, these fore groundings are shown in non parallel repeated sentences. This reseaechthier to show the aesthetic features of Ensan’s chapter of Quran which are related to the syntactic factors of omittion, deviation and priority. By stylistic analysis of this chapter, it is implied that these syntactic eharactristics cause in musical beauties and the difference in the variety of verbs as future, past, imperative cause extra meaning in this chapter.

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Discourse markers are usually treated as one of the original domains of studies in the field of linguistics whose history dates back to twenty years ago. These units, whether considered as textual connectors or as functional, function more than propositions of a text. They should have pragmatic as well as meta-grammatical values so that they can play many roles in the field of textual & interpersonal relations. For instance, they are expected to determine the beginning, middle and end of a conversation as well as organize the macro-structure of the text. So, the study of these linguistic elements would be possible solely from a discursive perspective. Revelation is a kind of discourse which has a discursive nature much more than other kinds of it. This text is an interactional phenomenon that stemmed from the exchange of meanings in society. Text is a kind of interaction whose fundamental form appears in dialogue. In a nutshell, text is a language having function.This article aims to examine the functions which have been used in the signs of Quran related to 3 domains of self, heart and soul, in order to determine what kind of relation is held between the signs and their discursive relations and how these discourse markers can help in forming a united inspirational discourse.

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One of the problematic issues in the translation and interpretation of Quran is paying attention to the particular alphabetic form of some words which are written in two different ways, causing different semantic interpretations exist. In line with this, the current article have analyzed duality of the alphabetic form of “انما انما کل ما و این ما” based on the grammar of Arabic language and literature via a descriptive-analytic method, then through finding equivalence, has evaluated Persian translations of Quran. Finally it is concluded that some translators have paid attention to the differences between such alphabetic forms. They have chosen wrong equivalences while translating. However, by choosing appropriate meaning, the translators have understood such distinctions. Although the major problem of the translations refers to lack of attention to the original alphabetic form of the words, the basic problem refers to the translator’s weakness in recognizing morphological and syntactic structures of the source language which itself leads to choosing inappropriate equivalence in the target language. However, “Rezaei’s translation” is the best among all.

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“Descriptive” as a means of processing speech as well as the best means of artistic picture, makes ground for most figurative speeches such as similie, synecdoche, and metaphor. In creating literary goals such as eulogy and ode, it plays a role and is paid attention to in morphological, syntactic and rhetoric criticism. Moreover, the frequency of descriptive interpretations in the Holy signs of Quran is the trigger of some Koranic studies. In this study, some of these interpretations have been analyzed, identifying that Koranic descriptions are one of the means of revelation to persuade addressees. Such descriptions have helped the clarity of speech in the form of audio-visual pictures. Koranic descriptions make abstract and spiritual items so that they can become tangible by the addressees, playing a role in persuading them. Such a convince results in guiding people, the ultimate goal of Quran.

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Radial meaning is a set of lateral lines including meaning shades which are the outcome of context-dependent elements as well as expressive perceptions in an applicable context. The study of context-dependent elements in the Holy Quran in the two intra-textual and extra-textual structures has provided us with radial as well as meta-situational meanings, opening a new way toward the literary miracle of Quran. Hence, the present article aims to imply the effective role of radial meanings in making the Koranic text responsible for affecting the body and soul of readers as well as the better understanding of the intentions of its signs by the use of semantics and descriptive-analytic method. It also aims to answer such an important question: what kind of context-dependent elements do the radial meanings of Quran do produce? Studies showed that anomaly mechanisms, word order, the compatibility of voiced and voiceless sounds, repetition, metaphor as well as synecdoche as the most important context-dependent elements play a role in producing radial meanings. Likewise, in non-linguistic contexts, observing theological and psychological situations as well as social tableaus has created some prominent radial meanings.

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Today knowing Quran has drawn most interpreters and Koranic researchers’ attention methodologically. Among the sciences which have been used in achieving such a holy goal, it can be referred to morphology, pragmatics as well as semantics playing a significant role in understanding the Koranic meanings as well as God’s intention. The science which is now more important than semantics is discourse analysis which is a combination of the aforementioned sciences. In this approach, having been determined the words’ meaning and their syntactic relations, speakers and listeners’ characteristics as well as their exchanges situations would be discussed. Discourse analysis which enjoys 6 steps aims to discover linguistic exchanges with social-cognitive structures in spoken or written texts as well as the way meaning relates to intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. The current study, having defined “speech act” and the relevant history, aims to illustrate discursive context of annunciation as well as the discursive situations between God and His slaves via a descriptive-analytical method. Finally, it examines the conditions of actualizing the speech act of annunciation and the degree of its impact by using mundane as well as future promises to persuade addressees to accept Islam. It is worth mentioning that in doing a speech act, it is necessary to have all components and indexes, and the combination of these components makes a distinction among speech acts.

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