Ethics in education, as a part of professional academic ethics, consist of a set of professional affirmative and negative rules and regulations agreed upon by the scientific community. Accordingly, the actors in the field of education are required to comply with ethical rules and avoid unethical practices in the processes of science education. Faculty members, students and managers are the main groups of actors in the educational space who, proportional to their roles and the expectations of them, have to abide by professional ethics and academic ethical codes. Since complying with scientific ethics in the space of academic education has been challenging, the present research deals with the types of nonconformity to the norms relevant to the roles of the major actors (professors, students and managers) in the space of social science education in Iran. Using a qualitative content analysis technique, the authors conducted a semi-structured interview to gather information about the experiences of PhD students of social sciences at the University of Allameh Tabataba' i University, Tehran University, Shahid Beheshti University, Alzahra University and Tarbiat Modares University. The authors aim to identify different types of violation of professional ethical norms in the space of social science education in Iran, considering the status and role of the main actors in this field. The results show that the norms of scientific ethics in social science education are extensively violated. This violation include all important actors, namely professors, students and managers. It is also, affected by the structure of education at university, faculty and department levels, including rules, regulations and the procedures of the educational organization. It seems that adopting a mutual approach to identifying the types of nonconformity to scientific ethics at two levels of actor and structure and avoiding one-sidedness in examining this issue will result in an enlightened understanding of the state of scientific ethics in the structure of higher education in Iran.