Background and Purpose: In the current world system, productivity and its promotion is one of the main goals of organizations. In the revolutionary and progressive system, the first step is to try to identify and determine the effective factors for increasing organizational productivity, which is tied to the survival and durability of nations and is one of the determining criteria of power in international societies and scientific circles. Therefore, this research conducted with the aim of knowing the effective factors in reducing the dissatisfaction of IRI Traffic Police employees in the field of traffic operations and its effect on organizational productivity.
Method: The present study is of a descriptive-analytical type, and the studied population included all the paid and contracted employees IRI Traffic Police throughout the country. 1200 samples were selected by a simple random method from the traffic police employees of the country, and then the mentioned samples completed two questionnaires, Nordic and Body Map, whose validity and reliability have already been proven by researchers. Also, in order to check the productivity of 200 employees of IRI Traffic Police Headquarters in a targeted way with physical screening in the health center of IRI Traffic Police Headquarters under the supervision of a specialist in the relevant field using a wind analysis device, checkerboard, metal goniometer, inclinometer and so on. .. Were selected as the sample to be studied and then divided into two groups A) the smallest and healthiest people in terms of stature structure and group B) the most stature complications. In carrying out this research, two groups of people completed the organizational productivity questionnaire, whose validity and reliability have already been proven by researchers. Validity and reliability of the collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software. The t-test was used to compare the mean of two independent groups of employees of the A and B samples, and the significance level of the tests was considered 0.05.
Findings: It indicates that the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among police officers of IRI Traffic Police is relatively high, and 74% of the mentioned employees have considered the cause of these musculoskeletal disorders and pain points to be related to the traffic police footwear and expressed their dissatisfaction. Also, the average score of productivity in group A (the shortest and healthiest people in terms of stature structure) is 22.6, which means that the organizational productivity in this group is probably at the optimal level, and the average score of productivity in group B) is people who have the most complications had a height (17.67), which means that the organizational productivity in this group is probably not significant.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that there is a bad relationship between the occurrence of musculoskeletal complications and pain points, especially in the waist, ankle and knee area, with the use of police footwear and subsequently creating dissatisfaction among the employees of the middle school police department. It seems that organizational productivity is lower in the group that has the most musculoskeletal complications compared to the healthy group.