The aim of this study was to standardize gross and fine movements and to determine its validity and reliability for 3-6 year-old children in Shiraz. The methodology of this study was descriptive survey. 1524 boys and girls aged between 3 and 6 were selected through cluster-stratified sampling from kindergartens, health centers, cultural and athletic centers. The instrument of the study was Denver Developmental Screening test. In gross movement section, kick ball forward, jump up, throw ball overhand, broad jump, balance each foot (1 to 6 seconds), hops, heel-to-toe walk movements were considered. In fine section, tower of cubes (4, 6, 8), imitate vertical line, thumb wiggle, circle copy, draw a person (3 and 6 parts), copy, pick the longest line, copy / demonstration and copy movements were considered. To determine the reliability, test-retest was used based on the scores of 83 subjects with a time interval of 7-10 days. The percentage of agreement was 91.87%. To determine the validity coefficient, the score differences among children of different groups were computed using analysis of variance (Allen, 1976). Also, the trend of children's motor performances and gender differences was determined, and a norm table for each test was provided using descriptive statistics. The results demonstrated that the Denver Developmental Screening test had a high reliability and validity. Also, the ages in which those children passed the test items were compared between the research population and Denver population. The findings showed that all research population had a delay in all percentile points (25%, 50%, 75%, and 90%) as compared to Denver population. This comparison was also performed between the boys and girls. The results showed a significant difference between boys and girls in fine movements (P=0.007). No significant difference was observed between boys and girls in gross movements (P=0.33). Therefore, this study recommends that responsible centers manage physical activity programs with the co-operation of physical education experts in order to compensate the above mentioned delay. Finally, Denver test was standardized and its validity and reliability in Shiraz city was determined. The researchers, educators and clinical centers can use this test to evaluate and measure motor performances (gross and fine movements) among preschool children.