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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    پیاپی 6
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    پیاپی 6
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NASR A.R. | Javid Pour S.


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To a large extent, the physical education courses improve the physical, Moral and mental health of students and facilitate the growth of their academic achievement. Unfortunately, at the moment, physical education is confronted with many problems in schools which prevent it from attaining its accomplishments.' The low level of skills of teachers in this field is one of the major problems which, to a large extent, is due to the insufficiency of their training. As a result, the present paper examines the curriculums of the associate degree program of physical education. The population is all of the teachers with associate degree (n=150), and all of the related authorities in middle schools of Isfahan (n=15). To collect the data from teachers, the researchers' made a questionnaire with 43 closed - end questions and three open questions. An interview with six questions was also used to collect data from the authorities. It was found that to the teachers and the authorities, the number of exercise courses e.g. football, is not sufficient in number. However, their viewpoints were different about the related courses to physical education, e.g., first aid in health problems, and the related courses to the art of teaching.

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Today, leisure time is an important part of human life. An open question has always been which pattern is the best to follow to enrich leisure time and what are the components of this pattern. Based on the literature, physical education and sports play a crucial role concerning this issue. Thus, the purpose of this survey was to study their current pattern of leisure time, to find any possible deficiency and problems. The method of this study was a closed questionnaire, covering different aspects of the issue under study. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi Square model. In general, disabled subjects selected sports and physical activities as the second most important tool by which they wished to spend their leisure time. Whereas most of the money was spent on other tools and sports and physical education did not received the attention of the planners and programmers. To solve the problems interfering with their use of therapeutic and psychological benefits of physical education and sports. Also, data analysis by Chi Square model showed the relation/interaction between different personal characteristics of the subjects and the components of their leisure time pattern. The conclusion of this study is that based on the interests of the subjects, and concerning the nature and the effectiveness of physical education and sports, these activities are important components of the leisure time pattern of all groups of disabled men which should be in center of attention of planners and programmers in Iran.

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The present investigation examined the effects of hyperglycemia throughout prolonged intense exercise on hormonal responses. Eight male subjects undertook two trials during which they exercised on a cycle-ergometer at an intensity of 70% VO2max for 120 min. In the first trail (Trial A), subjects had their blood glucose concentration clamped at 12 mmol/1 30 min before exercise and throughout exercise. The same rate and volume of infusion of 0.9% saline as had occurred for trial A were used in a placebo trial (trial B).Plasma lactate concentrations were elevated during exercise in both trials (P<0.01); but glucose infusion produced a significantly higher response than did saline infusion (P<0.05). Glucose infusion and maintained hyperglycemia resulted in significantly lowered plasma concentrations of NEFA, glycerol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GH (P<0.001) during exercise, whereas concentrations of plasma insulin were significantly elevated (P<0.001).These data suggest that glucose infusion and maintained hyperglycemia during prolonged intense exercise prevent the hormonal responses to exercise, which are responsible for hepatic glucose release and muscle glycognolysis.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the microstressors that contribute to stress in university physical education & sport coaches. A 17- item survey was administered to randomly selected subjects (N=193) to assess occupational stressors (os) on a 7-point Likert scale. For statistical purposes, independent t-test and Pears on correlation were used at level of (P>0.05).Findings revealed that coaches stay at more than a moderate level to us. The greatest amount of perceived stress was qualitative and qualitative overload followed by time pressure. The comparisons of os indicated that there is no difference between P.E major and P.E major coaches; and coaches with & without a second job. However, the effect of gender on os was significant. Females perceived a greater source of stress especially in time pressure. There was also no significant relationship between academic degrees to stress.

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This study has been carried out to examine the experts, researchers, .and sport managers' views, on newly established structure and organization for school sport. The statistical population consists of 235 university lecturers for sport sciences and physical education, high -ranking Sport Managers in different sections among which 187 (69 women, 118 men) are considered as the statistical sample. The research method was descriptive and has been carried out both by field and library methods. The major means of data collection in this research was a questionnaire including two sections: first was based on eleven close questions to gain respondees data and second was based on 49 close questions to gain access on the. detailed outlook of responsees regarding the separation of the physical Education section to two general phsical Education sections for boys and girls. For the purpose of description, comparison and analysis of the research data different statistical methods were used, i.e., descriptive (tables, figures) and inferential (Chi-statistic). The major results are as follows: Most of the men believed that this separation would not be advantageous to school sport nor to the country's overall sport. Among 49 questions regarding the second section of the questionnaire there was only one question (No. 44) in which the opinion of men and women did not differ significantly but in other cases the difference was significant. Three outstanding structure, for Education Ministry's Headquarters of physical Education from the view point of all responsers (women and men) are: 1. Deputy of school sport with the sub-category of three general sport offices for elementary, guidance schools, and high school and pre-university working under the supervision of the Education Minister.2. Deputy of school sport with sub-category of two general sport offices for girls and boys working under the supervision of the Education Minister. 3. Ministry of school sport working independently as a special ministry where the president is also Deputy Education Minister.Most of the research population were university graduated (91%) of that from 73% were graduated in the field of p.e in different levels, i.e. BS, MS, Ph.D 49% of respondees believed that separation under the government's goals dose not cope with concentration and elimination of parallel activities.Responsers women believed that separation would cause more interference of Educational Deputies in all levels sport programs.

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The purpose of this study is to predict percent fat of female athletes and non-athletes through measuring different body dimensions. Subjects of this study were divided into 2 groups. Sample of group 1 were 74 elite female athletes (members of the national teams) with a mean age of 22±5 yrs. Samples in group 2 consisted of 100 subjects with a mean age of 21±3 yrs who were selected from non-P.E. Major students in the University of Gilan.Variables to be considered were the following; height, weight, age, percent body fat (by using caliper) and measuring body dimensions (hip girth, waist girth, abdominal girth, thigh girth, shoulder cuff, leg length, arm length, wrist and ankle girth, and length of the extremities) by using measuring tape. The acquired data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and the following results were concluded. 1. There was no significant correlation between the results gained from estimated percent body fat by using skinfold fat measurement, and body dimension measurement among athletes in the national teams. 2. There was a significant correlation between the results gained from estimated percent body fat by using skinfold fat measurement and measuring body dimension among female non-athletes. The coefficient of correlations were the following; hip girth 0.59 (P≤0.05); waist girth 0.79 (P≤0.05); wrist girth 0.66 (P≤0.05); and ankle girth 0.53 (P≤0.05). The highest correlation coefficient existed in measurements of waist girth, thigh girth, and abdominal girth. According to results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between estimated percent body fat and body dimension measurement among the female non-athlete group.

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This study investigates leadership styles, abilities, and the functional performance of football first and second adult league (Azadegan cup) coaches.This study following a significant relationship between age, educational degree, coaching degree, coaching precedent, playing precedent, number of justification classes with leadership style, ability regulating physic energy, communicational ability and transfer of effective messages to players and functional performance of coaches in coaching the existing problems in the coaching profession. Instruments were different questionnaires personal characteristics, leadership style, ability to regulate physic energy, Functional performance, and communicational coefficients were calculated and their Kronbakh coefficients were found to be significant. Statistical population is equal with statistical sample and consisted of all the football first and second leagues coaches (72). Analysis of data in descriptive statistics consisted of frequency, percent of frequency, and inferential statistics consisted of chi square test and T-test. Results showed: Professional and humanistic leadership style of subjects was "moderate". Leadership ability in most of the subjects was "Weak & moderate". The ability to regulate physic energy and happiness was "moderate & good". Their ability in communication and transferring effective message to players was "good".

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and causes of physical injuries among elite and national (free style) class wrestlers. Fifty elite wrestlers since 1995 up to 1998 where qualified 3 times for the national team, were selected as subjects. For data collecting, we used a closed 5-part questionnaire included bones, skin, muscles, joints, and causes of injuries. Results showed that subjects had 96%fractures 48% scratches, 100% graze, 98% laceration, 98% sornee. 30% strain, 26% torn tissue, 90% sprain, 58% dislocation, 20% disc, 50% menisce injuries. In relation to causes of sporting injuries it was shown that 62% were due to fatigue, former injuries 60% , inappropriate psychological condition 58%, and finally erroneous exercise and techniques and non-sporting movements were 56% of those factors causing important injuries.Regarding the obtained results. it can be said that authorities and in charge managers in sharje of this style must provide a suitable approach for prevention of such damages and instructors and wrestlers must become familiar with required fundamentals of sporting exercises.

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