The study of discourse analysis on the world media in order to discover the explicit and implicit meanings in sayings and not-sayings, is one of the most important qualitative analysis methods to better know the media approaches. Accordingly, this article aims at presenting a strategic model for the National TV based on "the Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e-Faqih". Doing so, it uses discourse analysis upon the approach of Laclau and Moffe which besides recognizing the nodal point, floating signifier, elements, moments, opposition, dislocation, challenge, rival discourse and dominion, seeks to explain each one of the leaders’ approaches and discourse elements. This essay deals with "Velayat-e-Faqih" discourse on three main pivots namely the doctrine, goals and policies. In the doctrine segment under the themes "monotheistic system, elevating the public culture and the public university of observance, "; in the goals segment under "realization of Islamic-Iranian civilization, cultural supremacy, elevating the soft power of the country, directing and guiding people, realization of religious democracy, opposing the cultural invasion, adding up to the social capital and audience’s confidence, directing the society towards goodness and expediency, etc.", and in the policies under "media diplomacy, cultural independence, maintaining national identity, independence, freedom, knowing the enemy and mental security, spiritual jubilation, etc.", this paper explains the strategic model of the National TV based on the mentioned discourse.