The topic of higher education and the impact of the phenomenon of globalization on it, so far, has been the subject of many studies. Generally speaking, a deep understanding of the topic of globalization of the university and the educational system should inevitably have a clear understanding of the issue of globalization and, in particular, globalization of culture. Therefore, the present study is of a practical nature and studies the effects of globalization on higher education in Iran. In this paper, firstly, research indicators have been extracted from the research literature and have been shared with 15 knowledgeable and expert experts or experienced education and teaching in this field. After the indicators were finalized, a researcher-made questionnaire was presented to the experts in order to prove its validity and reliability. Then, statistical analysis was performed based on single-variable t-tests, regression, and so on. The statistical population of this research is universities and higher education centers located in Tehran city which are: Tarbiat Modares University, Kharazmi University, Tehran University, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran University of Science and Technology, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Soore University, University of Science and Culture, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, as well as units of Tehran North, Tehran East, Tehran South and Tehran West Islamic Azad University. In this study, 400 questionnaires were distributed. Finally, 384 questionnaires were analyzed. This means that 384 students from universities and higher education institutions were distributed in this study. The questionnaire was distributed on the basis of this study.