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Agile innovation is a gradual way of managing design and engineering activities, information technology and other business areas that aim to develop new products or services in a highly flexible and interactive way. The present study, by acknowledging the above, seeks to identify and present the framework of agile innovation components in defense industrial organizations and seeks to answer the main question that can be useful for the agile innovation of industrial defense organizations. This study was conducted using descriptive-survey method and using 10 experts to extract the basic components of two methods of extensive library research and Delphi technique. Finally, 31 items were categorized into three dimensions. To evaluate the validity of the model, the Level software was used. A statistical society of 220 people who were purposefully selected responded to the questionnaire questions. The main results of the research are as follows: In order to achieve agility innovation in industrial defense organizations, organizational dimensions (16 components), strategic (7 components) and industrial (8 components) should be considered.

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One of the most fundamental requirements for improving the effectiveness of crime prevention programs in any country is the design of an optimal model for planning and organizing preventive measures. Despite all the efforts made in this regard, common patterns (micro-based) of prevention planning do not have much to do with many weaknesses. In the study, during the comparison of the strategic model with the micro-based of crime prevention planning, attempted to identify the gaps in the micro-based patterns and thus the advantage of the strategic model towards the micro-based patterns. This research is Practical in terms of the purpose and the documentary in terms of method and the means of collecting information is taking notes. The results show that micro-based patterns have not made much progress, and failed efforts to improve the effectiveness of prevention programs, due to crime simplification and prevention, lack of attention to the promotion of knowledge of preventive actors, lack of transparency in the implementation process, lack of attention to strategic orientation and environmental organizations, paying particular attention to crime elimination strategies and, in some cases, not having functional aspect. In contrast, the strategic model is more efficiency, due to the presentation of a large picture of the prevention process, attention to strategic orientation, general policies, attention to together environment and crime, as well as how to determine and select strategies. Using this model can make crime prevention programs in Iran more successful than the present situation.

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Social discontent is one of the most important security priorities for government decision-makers and enforcement agencies. Identifying the factors that contribute to dissatisfaction can be effective in managing this challenge and preventing social dissatisfaction with political actors and external actors. One of the major causes of discontent can be found in the area of economics and livelihood. The main purpose of this research is to prioritize the economic factors that influence social discontent. This research is applied in terms of purpose-based categorization and is a descriptive survey research in terms of categorization. The statistical population of this research is citizens of Tehrani. The sampling method is simple random sampling. The minimum sample size required is 384 according to Cochran's formula. Data were collected using standard questionnaires whose validity was confirmed by face and content validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software and Smart-PLS software and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that undesirable economic factors such as unemployment, recession, inflation, poverty, increasing class gap, depreciation of national currency and rent have an impact on social discontent in Tehran.

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The topic of higher education and the impact of the phenomenon of globalization on it, so far, has been the subject of many studies. Generally speaking, a deep understanding of the topic of globalization of the university and the educational system should inevitably have a clear understanding of the issue of globalization and, in particular, globalization of culture. Therefore, the present study is of a practical nature and studies the effects of globalization on higher education in Iran. In this paper, firstly, research indicators have been extracted from the research literature and have been shared with 15 knowledgeable and expert experts or experienced education and teaching in this field. After the indicators were finalized, a researcher-made questionnaire was presented to the experts in order to prove its validity and reliability. Then, statistical analysis was performed based on single-variable t-tests, regression, and so on. The statistical population of this research is universities and higher education centers located in Tehran city which are: Tarbiat Modares University, Kharazmi University, Tehran University, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran University of Science and Technology, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Soore University, University of Science and Culture, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, as well as units of Tehran North, Tehran East, Tehran South and Tehran West Islamic Azad University. In this study, 400 questionnaires were distributed. Finally, 384 questionnaires were analyzed. This means that 384 students from universities and higher education institutions were distributed in this study. The questionnaire was distributed on the basis of this study.

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Today IPR have become one of the most important factors in the country's sustainable economic growth and there are various models for assessing and comparing the national system of IPR in countries. Iran ranked 91th out of 125 countries, according to 2018 IPRI[1] report and was placed 15th from among countries in the MENA region[2]. This paper attempts to review the latest IPR assessment models used by countries and relevant international institutions, and present the corresponding components and indicators of the assessment dimension of the National IPR System of Iran. By systematic study, dimensions, and corresponding components and indicators of the system compiled, A conceptual framework was developed, a Questionnaire has been adopted to collect data and the qualitative data analysis pertains to fifteen dimensions (corresponding components and indicators), identified through our collaboration with the experts. In order to determine the relationship between dimensions and to depict the driving Power and Dependence of dimensions, leveling and eliminating the content inconsistencies of the factors by the experts, an ISM approach was used. The Findings indicate, that the Assessment Dimension and Related Criteria is in the dependent cluster on the model of the IPRS and consists of ten components and eighty indicators.

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As one of the different industrial organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Marine Industry Organization (MIO) has been using the most common patterns in organizations and businesses to develop their capabilities. Due to the specific conditions of these organizations, despite some successes, they need to customize the mentioned organizational patterns in the regard of which, some efforts have been made. In the same vein, this research is aimed to present an improved model for the procedural pattern of strategy formation in MIO. To that end, the research applies Interpretative-Structural Modeling (ISM) as the method. By this method, the pattern is designed and then is approved upon experts’ opinions. The basic approach for this pattern is "capabilities" and also, it has been used through futures studies approaches, in particular "scenario analysis" to manage the uncertainty of the future environment of MIO. Finally, to avoid abstract approach, it has been implemented in MIO and its strategies for technological capabilities development are extracted.

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Zionist settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories which have been maintained since the establishment of the fake Zionist regime are considered one of the main aspects of gross violations of international criminal law. In this study, through invoking the Four Geneva Conventions(1949) and their additional protocols(1977), the provisions of statutes of International Criminal Court and international case law, the authors seek to determine what are the concrete cases of violations of international criminal law resulting from the Zionist settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The result is that by crimes including the destruction of Palestinian houses and their prohibition from access to their natural recourses, severe deprivation of social and individual rights and the transfer of the civilian Zionist population into the occupied Palestinian territories, the Zionist Regime has committed war crimes under the article 8 of the statute of International Criminal Court. However, in exercising its jurisdiction, International Criminal Court faces important challenges such as territorial jurisdiction, limiting the Court to exercise its jurisdiction following the 13 June 2014 and how to implement inspection.

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In this study, with the aim of investigating the importance of passive defense activities in the logistical for the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been studied and analyzed. Therefore, the method of this study is “ Survey” and its statistic population is a total of 200 persons; using a paired comparisons matrix, the environmental factors are prioritized separately. The sample size with a 5 % error, 95 % confidence and 0. 8 % tolerable error in measurement hits 86 persons, which is considered to be 90 persons for higher accuracy and greater reliability of the sample size. In addition, the status quo is compared with the desired state and while determining the percentage of facility allocation, the formulation of relevant passive defense strategies is carried out. Then, using TOPSIS method, the strategies are prioritized and finally the appropriate strategy for passive defense is developed upon a resistive economy approach. This study showed that by means of the important pillars of the general policies of the resistive economy, it is possible to devise new strategies in passive defense against threats that have been difficult to mitigate before, and by which, it could be possible to resolve some of the problems in passive defense logistics in the near future.

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Soft threat is one of the efficient and effective ways applied by the enemies to penetrate and damage the rival societies, especially Islamic Republic Of Iran. This study focuses on the ((destructive dimension of the religious patterns character)) this is basically assumed as one among all of the soft threat dimensions, the elements of which are checked in this study according to the holy Quran and the holy prophet’ s tradition. Method of data gathering of the present study is library based and it is an applicable-developing study, the subjects of which are twenty six experts. Applying descriptive-analytical method the researcher has done his best to identify and analyze the relateive factors through three stages of: open coding, axial, and soletive. The findings of the study show that soft threat in the assumed dimension has had internal roots and is against the reference of the Islamic society, i. e, the divine system, the people, and the Leader. The elements of the above mentioned threat are: “ humiliating islam and its followers” , “ hostility with the Islamic regime” , “ humiliating and weakening the religious characters” , and “ humiliating the leader” along with which to concepts are recognized

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One of the main issues of the deterrence is rationality and logic of the enemies that have long existed as a theory and strategy, but in the contemporary international system it has taken a new dimension. In deterrence, the rationale of enemies is assumed, so if enemies are not rational, deterrence will not be possible. Indeed, if the enemies are not logical, none of the deterrent strategies will work. Therefore, the main question of the present research is that how will different perceptions of international actors of logic and rationality affect deterrence strategy? In this article, in the framework of constructivism, it is argued that in complex containment, on the one hand, to the extent that the common knowledge and similar structural features are more symmetrical among the actors, the relations are also more linear and the probability of optimal deterrence is increased. On the other hand, whatever components of the social structure of deterrence have less symmetry and more actors involved, the likelihood of a deterioration of the system into a malicious system and falling into the trap of deterrence and security challenge is further increased.

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In an effort to protect national security of different countries, a great proportion of governments' revenues is spent on military expenditures. Military expenditures in the Persian Gulf states have been steadily increased in the course of recent years because of the highly important position of the region in providing the world’ s energy, escalating level of terrorist threats in Western Asia and increasing competition among the countries. consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting military expenditures in the Persian Gulf states using the GMM method during the period 1990-2017. This quantitative, causal study was conducted using a library research method. The results of this study indicated that an arms competition among the Pension Gulf states is observable. In other words, there was a significant positive relationship between the military expenditures in other countries and those in a particular country. The results also indicated that population, oil revenues, foreign trade, government spending and GDP growth exerted a positive impact on military expenditures. On the contrary, civilian spending had a significant negative impact on military expenditures.

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Imam Khamenei has paid special attention to the doctrine of Economic Jihad, management and jihadi morale and resilience politics. This research applies the Interpretive Structural Method(ISM) for classification of components and to study the relationships of the components obtained from the results of the analysis of content and discourse analysis of statements of the Velayat-e faqih on the subject of Economic Jihad based on resilience economy(EJBORE) And to observe the more effective and impressionable ones. The approach of this research is qualitative and its nature is practical. The definitions of Economic Jihad, the discourse of Velayat-e faqih and the theory of Economic Jihad from the perspective of the Velayat-e faqih and the background of similar issues have been presented As well as an ISM in explaining content and discourse analysis. The results of qualitative content and discourse analysis of Velayat-e faqih statements are presented separately in the subject of EJBORE And the extracted components using an ISM, Structural Self Interaction Matrices, Reachability Matrix, the Adapted Matrix and MICMAC analysis are presented and finally classes and relationships between components are identified. The components of content analysis and discourse analysis of Imam Khomeini(RA) and Imam Khamenei with 25 variables and 14 variables respectively Which is taken from the researcher's thesis, After MICMAC analysis, there were a total of 16 interface variables that had the most impact and impression among the variables, The final model has been obtained using an ISM based on separate models of ISM Analysis of the leaders of I. R. IRAN.

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As a revolutionary and efficient institution, the Guardian Council has been supported and guided by the Imams of the Islamic Revolution since its establishment, and has three main and vital missions: monitoring legislation, interpreting the constitution, and monitoring elections (the constitution). Along with other micro functions, these tasks has turned the guardian council into an important strategic body which guarantees the legitimacy of the passed actes and on the other hand, it safeguards and interprets the Constitution and by and large, it guarantess the republicanism and religious democracy through supervising the tripartite election and the referendum specified in the Constitution. The type of this research is mixed in terms of purpose, application-development, and in terms of strategic research direction and research method. In this study, the model of managing affairs based on the discourse of the Imams of the Revolution, by counting the categories and dimensions at the level of orientation pillars (goals, doctrine, policies) and the six axes of strategic management (planning, organization, guidance, coordination, implementation and implementation and control) was designed to optimize the management of affairs and promote the position of this revolutionary institution.

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Street level bureaucrats (SLBs) play an important role in giving public service to clients. Based on previous studies, SLBs have an undeniable role in public policy implementation and clients’ satisfaction. SLBs are very close to the citizens and this closeness bring them to a complicated relationship with many different citizens. Citizens with different situations and various requests, needs and expectations that come to public organizations for solving their problems and when they see unsolved problems, it might end in confrontation and some behaviors like anger. In this research, we tried to understand different causes of anger in street level bureaucrats by referring to SLBs in Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives of Qom. For this purpose, we interviewed with 12 SLB managers and then we analyzed and categorized them based on codes, concepts and categories. The main obstacles are organizational, legal, personal and context-based which lead to SLBs’ anger. Finally, the theory was developed based on the relationships between categories. Also some suggestions were given based on the obtained results.

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