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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives Rural family physician is one of the strategic reforms in Iranian health system. It has been implemented since 2005 with the aim of improving people's access to health services. Despite its pivotal role in health system programs, the program has not progressed according to its original policies. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to identify the challenges of the rural family physician to provide solutions to these problems. Material and Methods The present study is in the field of qualitative studies. This was done by interviewing and reviewing the documentation. The sampling was purposive and the documents were systematically selected. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 key informants. Data were analyzed using MAXQDA software by content analysis method. Results After more than a decade of practicing family physician, the program still faces a number of key challenges in the areas of leadership and governance, financing, service providers, training and making culture, customer behavior, and monitoring and evaluation. Most of the program's challenges are related to leadership and governance, such as the negligible role of the private sector in service delivery, politicians are not justified about the program, and failure to anticipate the infrastructure required for the program. Conclusion Given the importance and key role of the family physician in the field of health and completing primary health care (PHC), especially the effective role in achieving UHC, with proper planning, appropriate and practical interventions should be designed and implemented to remove barriers and enhance the family physician program.

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Depiction of Health

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In December 26, 2019, 4 unusual cases of pneumonia were recorded in China, three of those were from the same family. Another 3 cases of pneumonia were found in the same hospital in December 28 and 29(1). The virus started to expand rapidly so that doctors in Wuhan Hospital reported the phenomenon to China’ s CDC and WHO. The research articles began to publish online from the first of January. The Coronavirus news spread out as quickly as the virus. The virus was named new coronavirus 2019 (nCoV 2019). In January 7, 2020 the disease caused by the virus was identified as CoVID 19 (1). The altmetrics database indicates the first mentions to the peer reviewed articles about coronavirus has been tracked in social media like Twitter and Facebook since January 16, 2020. The majority of mentions aggregated from the public profiles. The scientists, practitioners (like doctors) and science communicators (like journalists) were the other group of people who mentioned the scientific articles. This could be a dangerous sign for risk communication, at the same time. The public are the main group who follow the news and information on the social media but not all of the public know how to distinguish misinformation from the truth....

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives To reduce infant mortality, attention must be paid to all levels of the health care system. This study aimed to determine the contribution of policy-making factors and access to health services in controlling infant mortality in Iran. Material and Methods This applied cross-sectional analytical study was conducted using factor analysis based on 4 neonatal mortality reduction patterns. After examining different texts and patterns, the common and non-common dimensions of these patterns were set in a comparative table. The results of the comparative studies were designed in a questionnaire and sent to 20 experts for reliability and validity. Validity was confirmed by CVI and CVR and reliability by Cronbach's alpha method. For validation of the model, the final questionnaire was completed by multi-stage interviews with 535 individuals from 11 provinces using two-stage interviews with multistage random sampling. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 25 and AMOS-18 software. Results The 83 primary variables were reduced to 48 items after expert opinion survey and 5 factors were extracted after exploratory factor analysis that included "access to health care, policy-making, community participation, technologies and types of health information systems and technologies". The share of each factor in the explained variance were 15. 052%, 11. 30%, 10. 73%, 10. 23%, 8. 72%, respectively. A deeper examination found that the 13 items related to accessibility (with 52. 47% of total variance) and 10 policy items with 45. 9% had a single-factor structure. Conclusion According to the findings of the study, the infrastructure needed to provide access as well as policy should be provided to control infant mortality. This study can provide sufficient and appropriate evidence for future macroeconomic policy-making and decision-making in reducing infant mortality.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives Brucellosis is the most common disease in humans and animals, where its distribution is roughly global, so the control of this disease has an important impact on human health and livestock industry. The most important causes of this disease are environmental parameters (location). In this regard, identifying and discovering the relationship between environmental parameters and the outbreak and incidence of the disease can be effective in controlling and providing preventive measures and thus reducing the cost of treatment for humans and animals. Material and Methods In this research, using spatial data and multidimensional association rules, the association between the occurrence of Brucellosis with environmental and human parameters such as temperature, humidity, altitude, land use, occupation and history of contact with the livestock and use of non-pasteurized dairy has been investigated with emphasis on location. The statistical population of this study is people with brucellosis in Hamedan province in 1394. Results The results of this study indicate that factors of location and non location included temperature, altitude, humidity, history used of non-pasteurized dairy, history of contact with infected animals sick people, job and land use, can be effective in the spread of the disease. Conclusion The results of the study show that the factors of temperature and elevation have had more effects in the discovered laws, so that areas with higher temperatures and lower altitudes than other areas include more patients. Also, people with agricultural and livestock jobs occupy the highest rates of patients in the laws that were discovered.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives Despite the dramatic growth of medical tourism in recent years, there is little information about the role of quality, satisfaction and trust in explaining the international patients’ behavior after the purchase. The present study investigated these variables. Material and Methods The purpose of this study was practical and it is a survey-analytic one. The statistical population of this study was all the patients outside the country (clients) of selected hospitals operating in the field of medical tourism in Mashhad and sampling was conducted as convenience. Data analysis was performed using bifurcated and multivariate regression and structural equation modeling in the SPSS and AMOS software. Based on the data gathered from 174 international patients, validity and reliability of the research were confirmed. Results The results of the study showed that the quality of medical services and the quality of services, patient satisfaction, trust in staff and trust in the medical clinic had impact on the motivation for subsequent referrals of patients and the motivation for the next visit to the medical centers of medical care in Mashhad. Also, the logical price has a moderating role for thoese relationship. Conclusion The role of tested variables, especially the reasonable price of health services, is important for the international referral of patients, and therefore requires the cooperation of all health care administrators, including nurses, doctors and managers to include these for the prosperity of the tourism industry and the development of the country.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death in many countries in the globe. Behavioral risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and the lack of physical activity are the most important determinants of these diseases and mortality. The source of behavioral risk factors in chronic diseases are in childhood and adolescence. The aim of this study was to investigate the behavioral risk factors and pattern in adolescents in Tabriz city, northwest of Iran. Material and Methods A total of 1517 high school students were recruited for this cross-sectional study in Tabriz city using cluster random sampling. The data were collected using Global School-based Student Health Survey tool introduced by the World Health Organization. Results Five percent of students had smoked once or more within the last 30 days. Nearly, twenty percent of students had a previous experience of cigarette smoking. About one percent of the cases had experienced different forms of drug consumption. Our findings showed that 4. 2 percent (CI: 3. 1-5. 2) had committed suicide at least once during the last year and 4. 2 percent of the students had carried cold weapons with them at least once every week. Eighty percent never used bike for sports, work or leisure. More than 45 percent of the students had some training courses in the classroom on the prevention of HIV infection, and 41. 9 percent had talked to their parents about this matter. Conclusion Based on our findings, more educational courses are needed in schools. Multi-sectoral collaboration in education, health and policy-making would also have a key role to improve adolescent health status in the community.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives In spite of the aging of the Iranian population, the real needs of the elderly as a vulnerable group have not been given much attention, so they need serious consideration of the authorities for their comprehensive exposure. Therefore, in this study we tried to identify the priorities of active aging policy making for planning so that it can meet all their needs. So, factors affecting large-scale managerial policies could be a good aging predictive factor in the coming years. Material and Methods The method of this project is a qualitative content analysis study. The statistical population of this study consisted of 287 elderly managers in organizations related to the provision of active aging services. The research tool was a questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. Quantitative assessment was done using content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one sample t-test and SPSS software. Results According to the findings of this study, nutrition, housing, leisure planning, income security, urban planning and spaces, mental health, community attitudes and health literacy, lifelong learning and employment are effective in prioritizing active aging policy and nutrition with 0. 512 factor loading has the most important factor and "lifelong training" with 0. 820 factor loading is the least in defining the factors of active aging in prioritizing. Conclusion If government and related organizations make policy-making based on priorities, and need-based policy-making becomes coherent and integrated, significant results are expected to improve the condition of the elderly.

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تصویر سلامت

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زمینه و اهداف پزشک خانواده ی روستایی از اصلاحات راهبردی در نظام سلامت ایران است که با هدف بهبود برخورداری مردم از خدمات سلامت از سال 1384 به اجرا درآمده است و علیرغم نقش محوری در برنامه های نظام سلامت تا به امروز طبق سیاست گذاری های اولیه پیش نرفته است فلذا در این مطالعه در نظر داریم چالش های موجود پزشک خانواده روستایی را شناسایی کرده راهکارهایی برای رفع آنها ارائه کنیم. مواد و روش ها پژوهش حاضر در قلمرو مطالعات کیفی می باشد که با استفاده از مصاحبه و مرورمستندات انجام شده است نمونه گیری مبتنی بر هدف و انتخاب اسناد با روش نظام مند صورت گرفته است. مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته عمیق با 26 نفر از افراد مطلع کلیدی انجام شد. داده ها با استفاده ازنرم افزارMAXQDA به روش محتوای قیاسی تحلیل شد. یافته ها با گذشت بیش از یک دهه از اجرای پزشک خانواده هنوز این برنامه با یک سری چالش های اساسی در حوزه های رهبری و حکمرانی، تامین مالی، عملکرد ارائه دهندگان خدمات، آموزش و فرهنگ رسانی، رفتار گیرندگان خدمات و نظارت و ارزیابی مواجه می باشد که بیشترین چالش های برنامه به حوزه رهبری و حکمرانی از قبیل کم رنگ بودن نقش بخش خصوصی در ارایه خدمات، عدم توجیه مقامات سیاسی و مردم نسبت به برنامه و عدم پیش بینی زیرساخت های مورد نیاز برنامه و. . . مربوط می شود. نتیجه گیری با توجه به اهمیت و نقش کلیدی پزشک خانواده در حوزه سلامت و تکمیل خدمات مراقبت های بهداشتی اولیه (PHC)، خصوصا نقش موثر در دستیابی به پوشش همگانی سلامت (UHC)، بایستی با برنامه ریزی های اصولی مداخلات متناسب و عملی برای رفع موانع موجود و ارتقای برنامه پزشک خانواده طراحی و اجرا گردد.

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Depiction of Health

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Background and Objectives In order to synchronize the organization's manpower, professional learning should be done continuously by creating an appropriate organizational learning climate. The present study aimed to investigate the role of educational organizational learning dimensions and job orientation on personal learning in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. \ Material and Methods This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 220 employees of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences who were selected by proportional stratified sampling. Required data were obtained through standard questionnaires including organizational learning atmosphere of Tracey & Tews, Personal Learning Orientation of Tarno and professional learning of Lei, et al questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS v. 21 software using descriptive statistics, and Pearson correlation test and path analysis were applied using LISREL software. Results The highest mean among the dimensions of organizational education was related to management support dimension and the mean of personal learning orientation was higher than the organizational learning atmosphere. The results of the analysis of the Lizerl path indicated that organizational education dimensions including management support (β = 0. 52), occupational support (β =0. 63), organizational support (ß = 0. 67) and personal learning orientation (β = 0. 87) had a positive effect on the level of professional learning of employees of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and their model has a good fit. Conclusion The organizational learning climate and personal learning orientation had a direct positive effect on the rate of professional learning of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences employees.

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Taheri sara


Depiction of Health

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Pandemic of New Coronavirus 2019 is becoming a health crisis in the world. The various aspects of the virus are still unknown. This study aims to introduce general aspects of the virus. This study is a narrative review that reviews the available literatures on the internet. Articles published from January 1, 2020 to March 3, 2020 were searched using the keywords COVID-19 and New Coronavirus 2019. The search was mainly conducted through PubMed and Google Scholar, using the keywords COVID-19 and New Coronavirus 2019. We also used Regular Google's search engine to gather news and background information. Prevalence, control, and prevention aspects of the disease were reviewed and presented. The study showed that the ways of transmitting the Covid 19 virus are through respiratory droplets and direct contact with the virus-containing secretions. The causes of the overwhelming prevalence of this disease can be attributed to its high incubation period and its transmission in the asymptomatic, mild, or pre-emergent periods. The study also found symptoms of the virus in people with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension and chronic respiratory illnesses, and the risk of the virus increases with age and a definite cure has not been discovered yet. The results showed that the epidemic of the new virus will continue for three months and can be prevented by the methods of prevention and management of the factors influencing its transmission. Suggested ways to treat the disease are also being investigated. Currently, the only way to control Coronavirus 19 is to maintain personal hygiene, boost immunity system of body and avoid staying in crowded places.

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