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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    پیاپی 9
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to study the effect of aerobic exercisewith 56% intensity at max HR reserve (range 30 to 70 HR%) on variation of blood plasma lipoprotients and the efficiencyof blood circulation in young diabetic men (IDDM), 25 patients with the age range of 18 to 28 years and with 5 years disease record, with daily insulin injection of 48.8PMOL, fastingblood sugar of 174mg/dl,HbA1C:3.2percent or and the practical capacity 46.5 to 55.7 MIIKg/min, in two d~fferent groups (15 experimental) and (10 control) were randomly selected. The physical variables of control and experimental groups respectively were: age (21.4±3.4 and 20.4±3 year), weight (64.9±16.7 and 61.6±5.8 Kg) , height (165.7±6.3 and 166.9±6.3 cm) and body mass index(1.06±0.01 and 1.06:t0.006 gr/cm\ The experimental group during a 65 day period and two sets weeklyfor a times of 30 to 60 mins, exercisedin a park under 23°C temperature and 57% moisture did special aerobic exercise intervally. Blood samples including lipid blood and plasma lipoproteins (HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDI-C, T-CHO, TG and the percentage HDLILDL, HDL/T-CHO) were analysed before and after training programming. The statistical method of MANOVA was used to investigate the dependent variables in independent and dependent groups and mul~i-variableregressionanalysis wasalso uesd to specifythe probability of dependence among variables. The findings indicate a significant decrease in TCH and a noticable increase in cardiovascularHDL-C and HbA1C after of aerobic exercise. It seems that rate intensity or volume duration of submaximal aerobic interval exercise in a dry environment under 56% HR.R together with the patients with high level of early physical fitness (experimental group 57.7 ml/kg / min and control group 46.6 ml/kg/min)was not so intense to stimulate the metabolic process of fat oxidation, especially in plasma liproteins. However, a change occured in lipoproteins and some of lipid blood factors is noticeable from clinical condition.

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This research was done in order to investigate "bum-out"and "locusof control" among the managers of physical and non~physicaleducation departments and faculties of higher education universities. To do so, 44 physical education managers (95% of total) and 88 non-physical education managers (40% of total) were selected. Data analysis was done using corrlation tests of Kendall, Pearson and mean comparison of Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon and Hotellings trace. There was a significant correlation between age and career and the bum-out extent in both physical and non-physical education managers. There was not any significant difference between these two and the locus of control, although in non-physical education managers a significant relation between career and locus of control has been shown (a =0.02). There was no significant correlation between bum-out level and locus of control itself, but there was a significantdifference between the current level of both and their ideal state. Obviously,both societies need bum-out managementmechanismsand tension. decreasingstrategies.

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The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of some kinematics and kineticsparameterson elite throwersp~rformance. Ten elite throwers (aged 26.1± 5.61 years; height 188 ± 5.5 cm; weight 107.2 ± 8.89 kg; mean ± SD), who participated in a national track and field tournament in the year 2001, were selected as subjects. All subjects performance was recorded from two sides by two cameras with high shutter (9000) and was analyzed with video analysis method and mathematical models. The relationships between different variables with result of performance (range of projectile of distance) were investigated. The results showed that there is a significant relationship (P<0.05) between horizontal distance and turning speed in final delivery of discus, velocity of release, centrifugal force, mechanical work and power performed by muscle, moment of force (torque) at shoulder joint, the distance covered by discus during turning, angle of release and time of flight. It would appear from these findings that the main factor for increasing the distance of projectile is centrifugalforce and muscular force will merelybe used for controlling the discus during rotation. In addition, angular velocity differs in each phase of rotating and angles of release; attitude and attack of discus should change proportional to velocity of release.

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Good validity and reliability has been Found for farsi translation of the South Australian Sport Institute Self-assessment Test (SASI Psych). This test assesses six major mental skills specially required by elite athletes. (motivation, concentration, self-confidence, control, imagery and goal setting). Because of SASI psych preferences, using this assessment tool is now widely being used in Iranian sporting fields; therefore special norms in each sport is undoubtedly needed. The present study aimed to provide such norms for each mental skill in six sports (basketball, football, volleyball, boxing, martial arts, and wrestling). Comparing mental skills in different sports was out of range of this studys objectives.

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The purpose of this study was to understand the effect of streching practice before and after sport on the reducing leg pain of female students in the physical educational field. We selected 24 students in between the ages of 20-25 years, who were taking a track and field course and having leg pain. We divided these 24 student in two 12 student groups. The first group did routine class exercise. The second group did routine class exercise plus an other special practice for 12 times each time consisting of 30 seconds of strech exercise for 3 times and 40 times power exercise before and after routine practice. We measured the range of movement of ankle joint in the first, sixth and twelveth sets, with a flexometer in both groups. Also, to detect the effect of special exercise on reducing leg pain we asked the students of both groups to fill in the verbal Rating Scale in the first, sixth and twelveth set. The results showed that: strech exercises before and after sport reduce leg pain and increase the range of ankle joint movement in both dorsoflexion and planter flexion in about 95% of the cuses.

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Blood is the third component of the circulation system,that changes along with an increase of metabolism.While the duration of exerciseincreases,the changes of body fluid play an important role in maintaining perfomance efficiencyand these changes not only effect the duration of exercise and competition but are vital for health. Some of the hematologicalchanges are non significantand this implies an over training syndrome. In this study, some RBC indexes such as RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC are evaluated before and after aerobic exercise, as a semi-experimental study. For this purpose, fourteen elite athletes who completed the health inventory, were selected as subjects. Blood samples were take thirty minuts before exercise at rest condition. Then subjects, after adapting to speed and gradient of a tredmill and reached, start aerobic exercise until exhaustion is as bruce protocol. Also heart rate was measured of different phases. Blood samples were take immediately after exercise again. Then samples frozen in EDTA were transferd to a medical laboratory for evaluation of above mentioned indexes.Data obtained from pre and post test were analysiswith SPSS.

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This study investigated job satisfaction among managers and supervisors, scientific boards and employes of different offices in physical education faculties of Iran (N =201). It questioned whether there would be a significant difference between job satisfaction scores of individuals employed in different positions such as adminstration and supervisition, employee and scientific board domains. Job satisfaction was measured by the Job Description Index (JDI) Questionnair. Fifty-two (26%) of the 201 respondents held positions in the management domian, sixty-eight (34%) in the scientific board domain and eighty-one (40%) in the employes domain. A MONOV A with follow-up ANOV As (Duncan test) was used to examine difference in job satisfaction scores across faculties distinction. Results show that for job satisfaction, except for Tarbiat Moalem, Tehran (M=3.25, SD=O.66), Tehran (M=3.61, SD=O.59) and Mashhad faculties, no significant differences were found. Job satisfaction mean was obtained with three domain distinctions managers, domain (M=3.51, SD=0.56), scientific boards domain (M=3.49, SD=0.54) and employees domain (M=3.23, SD=0.67). in the physical education faculties. These results suggested that job satisfaction levels in the three domains is average. This article discusses that in respect to negative and positive outcomes of job satisfaction on other organizational variables such as productivity, performance, motivation, absentesm and turnover. Therefore higher education ministry decision-makers and custodians must provide suitable strategies for promotion of job satisfaction levels in all educational institutes.

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Does warmup influence the muscles strength of individuals in every exercise session or match? How much does warm up, either active or passive, help one to benefit from a specific exercise program. Clarifying these points will help us to use the warm up programs in sport activities beneficiently, and to substitute each method for the other. 40 subjects taking general course in physical education were selected through random samplings, 20 of whom were assigned to an active warm up group and the remaining 20 to a passive warm up group. A dynamometer was applied in three steps in a test of maximum strength isometric having hands as options (dependent variable). The first step involved evaluating the maximumstrength isometric of hands in both groups in a pretest. In the second step having the impact of the independent variable (active and passive warm up methods), the researcher used the test of the maximum strength of hands. The third step involved eight weeks of exercise, 3 sessions per week, for both groups accompained by a warm up excersie in the beginning. Finally, the test of maximum strength of hands was applied. The results were analyzed for both dependent and independent groups at a p:SO.05 level. It was concluded that probably the warm up, active or passive, promotes the isometric strength of hands in an exercise session.

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In this research, the amount and the way of spending leisure time of Islamic Azad univesity female students and the role of sports in spending such time have been surveyed. For this purpose, 2716 female students studing at the under graduate level in Islamic Azad university were selected. The Subjects answered two questionnaires. The results showed that the average leisure time of Islamic Azad university students was 287 and the average of thd most single time spent at one time for leisure times 17-20 minutes. The most leisure time activities of the students regarding available facilities during the semester were as follows: watching T.V, listening to music, reading non-course books, speaking with. friends and visiting with family. The results of this reseach showed that the average time spent exercising by the students was 127 minutes. The students were interested in swimming, walking, volleyball, body building, horseback riding and basketball.

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The present research was conducted to investigate the attitude of female students of Tehran University toward physical education course through comparing mixed (aerobic - anaerobic) and aerobic exercises together. In order to conduct this research a researcher - designed questionnaire was distributed among 650 female students of Tehran University who had physical education course I. 380 out 650 subjects responded to the questions and after completion returned them to the researcher for evaluation. The process of interpreting & analysing data was done through descriptive and inferential statistics by the help of frequency table, Chi - Square test and T-Test. The findings indicated that the mean scores obtained from students attitude toward the two different methods of exercises had a significant difference. Based on the obtained mean scores it was proven that students had a more positive attitude toward aerobic method of exercise than mixed (aerobic - anaerobic), therefore; they obtained better scores in aerobic exercises.

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