This study investigated job satisfaction among managers and supervisors,
scientific boards and employes of different offices in physical education faculties of
Iran (N =201). It questioned whether there would be a significant difference between
job satisfaction scores of individuals employed in different positions such as
adminstration and supervisition, employee and scientific board domains. Job
satisfaction was measured by the Job Description Index (JDI) Questionnair.
Fifty-two (26%) of the 201 respondents held positions in the management domian,
sixty-eight (34%) in the scientific board domain and eighty-one (40%) in the
employes domain. A MONOV A with follow-up ANOV As (Duncan test) was used to
examine difference in job satisfaction scores across faculties distinction. Results show
that for job satisfaction, except for Tarbiat Moalem, Tehran (M=3.25, SD=O.66),
Tehran (M=3.61, SD=O.59) and Mashhad faculties, no significant differences were
found. Job satisfaction mean was obtained with three domain distinctions managers,
domain (M=3.51, SD=0.56), scientific boards domain (M=3.49, SD=0.54) and
employees domain (M=3.23, SD=0.67). in the physical education faculties. These
results suggested that job satisfaction levels in the three domains is average.
This article discusses that in respect to negative and positive outcomes of job
satisfaction on other organizational variables such as productivity, performance,
motivation, absentesm and turnover. Therefore higher education ministry
decision-makers and custodians must provide suitable strategies for promotion of job
satisfaction levels in all educational institutes.