The purpose of the present study is to investigatethe effects of regional
exerciseprogramfor abdominalmuscleson body compositionand serum lipids.
Forthe samplesome, male junior HS.were selectedvoluntarilymeasuringtheir
total skinfold fat of subscapular and triceps. Finally, 16 subjects were selected.
Their average age was 14.63-j;:.J.09years, and their percent age of body fat was
more than 26. They perfomed regional exerciseon abdominal muscles 3 sessions
per week for 4 weeks. The following measurements were recorded before and
afier the exerciseprogram: blood sampling from cubital vein to determine the
level of cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), skinfold-fat of subscapular, suprailiac,
triceps,and pectoral regions of the subjects using clipper. Waist, hip, and buttock
girth of the subjects were also recorded, and fmally percent age of body fat was
estimated using the method by Bioleau, Lohman and Slaughter (1985). The
data were analyzed using t - student test. The result indicated that the regional
exercise program for the abdominal muscles has a significant effect (pSO.05) on
cholesterol, TG and skinfold fat of subscapular, suprialiace, abdomen, triceps,
pectoral regions, and also on waist, hip, buttock girth, total body weight, body fat
and perce.nt age of body fat of the subjects. However, this type of exercise didnt
have any significant effect on skinfold fat of biceps and lean body weight.
Therefore, we can conclude that this ~pecific regional exercise program for the
abdominal muscles reduces fat of not only the region being exercised
(abdominal), but also the other regions of the body, which werent exercised. On
the other hand, the results indicated that spot reduction doesnt work and fatty
acids preferentially arent released directly to a greater degreefrom the fat pads
from the active muscles.