The right path is one of the fundamental teachings of the Qur’ an, which from God’ s point of view is only one path. It is on this basis that in the Qur'anic culture, the right path is divided into two categories: "existential" and "legislative". Considering that God the Almighty has created the system of existence based on monotheism and justice by His all-inclusive mercy, and has established and moved the beings on the existential right path, in this culture, the existential right path is "immutable", "unalterable" and "incontestable", and God, the Almighty, has existential proximity to all beings and existential dominance over them. Allā ma Ṭ abā ṭ abā ’ ī proves the existential right path based on two middle terms— absolute ownership and the becoming or transformation of contingent beings toward the Exalted Existent— and Ayatollah Jawā dī Ā mulī explains it in terms of two middle terms— absolute divinity and movement of contingent beings whose mover is the Divine Essence. Assuming the existential right path, this paper seeks to prove this type of path, which is based on the relationship between "the Divine Truth and the beings", from the viewpoints of the two great exegetes of the Qur’ an, Allā ma Ṭ abā ṭ abā ’ ī and Ayatollah Jawā dī Ā mulī .