The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method to investigate the Kelberg’s method in understanding the Imam's visual power based on the article "Vision and the Imams" – on the basis of Imāmīyya fiqh al-hadith. The results of the research indicate that: there are several cases of strength in Kelberg’s method, which can be acknowledged by some of the narratives of some narrators, the matching of individuals in hadith documents, referring to authentic Shi' ite sources, the precision of the sources of some narrations, considering possible pests during the issuance of hadiths, providing Qur' anic and narrative evidences for the theoretical powers of Imam to sighted-making of the blind, disposing of the Shiite enemies, the difference between the position of Imams on Abraham and the use of similar hadiths and controversy to explain the exact time Imam' s access to the perpendicular of light, the likeness of Imam Abraham and the Imams in observing the kingdom, Imam's visibility for all people, the sign giving away to others by Imam. On the contrary, some cases of failure such as inaccuracy in some assignments, the use of ineligible or inaccurate resources, failure to refer to credible sources in understanding the meaning of a word, and lack of respect for causes, the issuance of hadiths in some cases can be seen in his method, which has led to the presentation of some false opinions such as impossibility of seeing angels for Imam after the appointment of Imamate.