Organization entrepreneurship is method to deal with environmental changes within the organization, which in the case of entrepreneurship non-fulfillment, organizational viability and survival will be exposed to the problem in long-term. Social capital also as the ability of employees to work with others so as to achieve the common goals in groups and organizations has a significant impact on the development of organizational entrepreneurship. In fact, the purpose of the present study was to examine and explain the impacts of social capital and its component on the organizational entrepreneurship. The method used in this study in terms of data collection is descriptive-survey method and in terms of research purposes, it is an applied research. Statistical population in this research includes 346 persons of Post office in Mazandaran province (central department) that by considering the particular limitations of data collection, 150 persons were selected as a sample. For data collection, questionnaire is used, and data analysis also was done by SPSS and LISREL software. The results of structural equation modeling showed that there were significant relationships between social capital (β =0. 95) and its components (structural capital (β =0. 49), communicative capital (β =0. 32), and cognitive capital (β =0. 52)) with organizational entrepreneurship.