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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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According to emphasize entrepreneurship literature on social capital and cognitive biases independently, this research seeks to combine two streams of research with sociologist approach; solely emphasize on the role of social capital to decision to start a new venture and cognitive approach; merely to explain the role of cognitive biases in this field, is. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fill in the gaps about the role of social capital on cognitive biases and decision to start new ventures, using social cognitive theory. The research data from 203 student’ s faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran collecting Stratified random manner, and based on structural equation modeling with LISREL software was tested. Indirect effects were tested using the bootstrap method. The main tool used in this research to data collection is questionnaire. This study in term of purpose applied, and in terms of method quantitative and descriptive-correlation. The findings suggest that social capital on the decision of students to start new ventures direct and positive impact. As well as social capital through the mediation of cognitive biases indirectly affected the decision of students to start new ventures.

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The purpose of this study is investigating the relationship between organizational healthand human capital mediating role of career anchor. The current research method regardingto the intrinsic, is descriptive and survey and research projects used, was based on structuralequations model. The statistical population is all employees Urmia University 221 whichthey selected by Multi-stage cluster for study data were gathered through three standardquestionnaires: organizational health, career anchor and human capital, the data aftercollecting were analyzed by SPSS and Amos. Results of structural equation modelingshowed that: Direct effect the organizational health on career anchor is positive andsignificant. Direct effect the career anchor on human capital is positive and significant. Indirect effect of organizational health on human capital with intermediary of career anchoris positive and significant. As a result, it can be concluded that due to the internalcomponents of organizational health and career anchor can be seen by the human capitaldevelopment.

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Because of social and cultural changes and the importance of trust in social interactions ofcitizens in recent years, the issue of trust in individuals, groups and organizations has beenimportant in Iran. So the main issue of this study is to investigate the social factors affectingthe trust of citizens to the Municipality of Kashan. Sampling method was multiple clustermethod. 411 people were selected from two municipalities of the city. Theoretical model ofthe study is formed from theories of Giddens and Offe. This study is applied anddescriptive-correlational study. Data collected by questionnaire. The results showed thatthere are significant relations among municipal quality assessment, evaluating theperformance of municipalities and civic participation as independent variables and trust tomunicipality as dependent variable. Finding of the study also demonstrates that trust to theinstitutions directly related to the performance and quality of the institutions.

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Organization entrepreneurship is method to deal with environmental changes within the organization, which in the case of entrepreneurship non-fulfillment, organizational viability and survival will be exposed to the problem in long-term. Social capital also as the ability of employees to work with others so as to achieve the common goals in groups and organizations has a significant impact on the development of organizational entrepreneurship. In fact, the purpose of the present study was to examine and explain the impacts of social capital and its component on the organizational entrepreneurship. The method used in this study in terms of data collection is descriptive-survey method and in terms of research purposes, it is an applied research. Statistical population in this research includes 346 persons of Post office in Mazandaran province (central department) that by considering the particular limitations of data collection, 150 persons were selected as a sample. For data collection, questionnaire is used, and data analysis also was done by SPSS and LISREL software. The results of structural equation modeling showed that there were significant relationships between social capital (β =0. 95) and its components (structural capital (β =0. 49), communicative capital (β =0. 32), and cognitive capital (β =0. 52)) with organizational entrepreneurship.

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The organizations need to change during their life cycle, because the environment isturbulent and variable􀀑 Lack of compliance in environment the organizations will bedestroyed immediately. In this study, we studied the impact of organizational social capitalon the stage of awareness of the need for change, with considering to the mediating role ofknowledge sharing in education departments. Therefore, to assess the level of knowledgesharing, social capital and awareness of the need for change three types of interconnectedquestionnaires were distributed among 400 administrative staff of Tehran educationdepartments. Finally 386 questionnaires were analyzed by using Warp PLS software. Themost important finding of this research is that the social capital has the greatest impact onknowledge sharing and awareness of the need for change in organizational transformationprocess. The positive impact of the social capital, as a mediator variable, enhances theimpact of knowledge sharing on the consciousness of change. In addition, the structuraldimensions of social capital have the greatest impact on knowledge sharing and aware ofthe need to change. We found that impact of cognitive dimension of social capital throughknowledge sharing on awareness of the need for change is not significant. In terms ofimpact, the structural dimension has a greater impact than relationship dimension.

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Present paper analyzes states’ policies which do not pay attention to the necessity of assigning a part of power to citizens and to guard equal rights of citizens and state in exercising the power. The main question is to study the impacts of state’ s not participation on social capital and the main assumption is that state’ s not-participation is emerged as social and human capital reduction and makes the scope of society, citizens’ civil life and public ethics seriously vulnerable, insecure and threatening. Hence, more efforts by state in strengthening public trust and satisfaction through transferring the power to citizens and showing participation orientation in treating citizens, the society will be protected against social harms and disorders and fosters social capital. Present paper attempts to clarify and justice raised claim by a descriptive – analytical method and by using data fact-finding technique.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Society can be pioneer in development that moves toward reinforcing theentrepreneurship. Promoting of psychological and behavioral factors, including the socialcapital at the community and organizational levels, is one of the basic factors that lead toentrepreneurial behaviors. The main goal of this study was to investigate the role of socialcapital (as a cultural-behavioral factor) in the reinforcing of entrepreneurial andorganizational citizenship behaviors. This Article is applied and descriptive-correlationalstudy. Statistical Population was all staff of Bahman Groupin Tehran and the numbers wasselected randomly from and were studied. Data was analyzed by Amos Software. Researchresults show a significant and positive impact of social capital on organizational citizenshipbehavior and entrepreneurial behaviors and as well as organizational citizenship behavior isentrepreneurial behavior.

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