In today's world, we are witnessing the launch, maintenance, control and exploitation of various projects. Projects that have high costs and optimal use of this capital in the current economy of the country are highly regarded by managers. On the other hand, each project is expected to achieve its predetermined goals at a specified time. Today, the necessity of rapid construction of subway lines in Tehran's metropolitan area, which is involved in severe traffic jams, is not covered by anyone. Despite the understanding of this issue by the authorities and the good actions taken so far in this direction. However, more effort and a greater determination to reach the acceptable speed in the construction and completion of metro lines is necessary. Quick implementation of projects is based on the principles of concurrent engineering, called fast tracking, in construction projects. In the fast delivery method, solutions such as resource enhancement, synchronous engineering, overlapping phases, value engineering, teamwork by the multi-functional team, improving communication and information transfer, and accelerating decision making, using efficient contractual methods (transferring risks as Effective way, which by using the correct methods, accelerates the implementation of the project. Therefore, in this article, management strategies for implementing fast tracking projects in the development projects of the country have been investigated.