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Introduction: Interaction of nutrients and water availability seems to be important environmental factors for plant growth. Furthermore, water stresses one of the most important abiotic factors and limiting germination and early seedling growth and drought stress. Germination is strongly influenced by environmental factors, especially moisture. This study aimed to investigate the effects of silver nanoparticles on germination indices. Thyme is grown in the arid regions; however the effect of moisture content of soil on germination is unclear. On the other hand, it should be possible to increase the germination of thyme by the silver nanoparticles in the soil where the moisture content is not adequate. Materials and Methods: the experiment was conducted in the controlled environment. Two species of thymus (Thymus daenensis Celak and Thymus vulgaris L. ), four moisture content (0,-0. 3,-0. 6 and-0. 9 MPa) and silver nanoparticles (0, 10, 20 and 30 mg/L) were factorial combined in a randomized complete design with four replicates. Seeds were placed in the petri dish sized 8 cm diameter. All seeds and equipment were disinfected to reduced contamination. Poly ethylene glycol (PEG) was used to reduce water potential. For calculation water potential in different concentration of PEG the following formula was used:  s=-(1. 18 × 10-2) C – (1. 18 × 10-4) C2+ (2. 67 × 10-4) CT + (8. 39 × 10-7) C2T where C; concentration, T: temperature. Germination rate and percent were estimated by the following formula, respectively. GR ni t   Results and Discussion: The results showed that germination rate, root and shoot length were significantly affected by both moisture content and Ag concentration. Reduction in moisture content reduced seed germination however with increasing Ag concentration up to 20 mg/L the germination rate was increased. The highest seed germination in all treatments was observed in Thymus vulgaris L. It seems that Ag can be used to improve germination of thyme seed in dry conditions.

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Introduction: Fruit quality has been found to be superior by the balanced application of P fertilizer in the most of fruit trees. Peach (Prunus persica) is one of the top five most important fruit tree crops in the world. It is a delicious and healthy summer fruit in most temperate regions of a large number of peach cultivars have been developed in different regions of the world with diverse fruit characteristics, adaptability and market values. Phosphorous (P) is one of the least available, least mobile, mineral nutrient to the plants in all agricultural crops based on its contribution to the biomass as a macronutrient. The efficiency of phosphorus uptake in agricultural crops especially, in fruit trees, which are perennial plants and have deep roots, is one of the major problems in nutrition programs. The efficiency of phosphorus uptake in agricultural crops especially, in fruit trees, which are perennial plants and have deep roots, is one of the major problems in nutrition programs. One of the methods to increase phosphorus absorption is to place it in the root zone. Materials and Methods: the experiment was factorial based on randomized complete block design with two factors and three replications. Factors were included as various methods and sources of phosphorus fertilizers. Methods Factor were included foliar application, irrigation fertilizer (soil surface), and pumice bag. Sources Factor including ammonium phosphate, triple superphosphate, and water. Plant samples were taken at the end of the harvesting season and the concentration of phosphorus and total absorption were evaluated. Results and Discussion: The results were showed that the consumption method had a significant effect on the concentration of phosphorus in leaves and stems. Phosphorus sources also significantly altered the concentration of phosphorus in the leaves (P ≥ . 0/01). The comparison of the means was showed that the maximum phosphorus concentration was observed in pumice bag treatment, which was increased 25% in compared with surface irrigation. However, it was resulted that the use of phosphorus in a pumice bag could be effective method in phosphorus uptake and efficiency.

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Abdoosi Samaneh

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Introduction: Cadmium is one of the most dangerous heavy metals through oxidative stress impairs the balance of plant processes and ultimately reduce nutrients in plant growth. On the other hand, this element is highly toxic for humans and cause liver and kidney diseases. Vermicompost is a source of organic matter that plays important roles in plant nutrition and decreases availability of heavy metals including cadmium in soil. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cadmium and vermicompost on morphological traits of spinach. Materials and Methods: To study the effects of different levels of cadmium and vermicompost on some morphological characteristics and nutrients in spinach, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in the research greenhouse of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center of Tehran province in 1394. The experiment was carried out factorial based on randomized complete block design with six treatments and four replications. Cd factor were two levels, 0 and 20 mg per kg and vermicompost factor were in three levels as mixing five percent of vermicompost with soil and ten percent of vermicompost with soil. Shoot dry weight, number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, chlorophyll content in leaves were statistically analyzed. Results and Discussion: The results were showed that dry weight, number of leaves per plants, plant height, leaf area and chlorophyll content were significantly reduced by the use of cadmium. Also, leaf area index and chlorophyll had the most sensitivity and least sensitivity to cadmium. Data also showed that leaf area and chlorophyll index decreased 58 and 10. 6 percent in compare to control by use in the 20 mg. kg-1 in the soil, respectively. Data also demonstrated that use of vermicompost increased significantly shoot dry weight, number of leaves and leaf area. Shoot dry weight increased 49. 4 percent in compare to control by mixing of ten percent of vermicompost with soil. The results also showed that use of vermicompost in soil, decreased the negative effects of cadmium on some traits of spinach such as leaf number, plant height and leaf area. Conclusion: The results were showed that cadmium decreased the growth of the different organs in the spinach. On the other hand, due to the effects of vermicompost consumption increased shoot dry weight and nutrient uptake, and reduced the adverse effects of cadmium.

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Introduction: Pomegranate is a sub-tropical fruit which is sensitive to chilling injury during cold storage. Fruit elements play an important role in stress resistance. Among them, potassium is an important element which is involved in plant respiration and increases plant resistance to drought stress, pests and diseases, and chilling injury. Bagging is a simple and physical technique commonly used in the garden during fruit growth and may affect fruit composition. Some of the benefits of bagging such as reducing physical damage can be expected. In addition, this may have different effects on the quality of the red color of the fruit by reducing radiation. and increase the shelf life through reduction the physiological disorders. It is likely that pre-harvest bagging reducing the amount of calcium in the fruit. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on the storage life and some of the important mineral elements of pomegranate fruit. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted on the Shishe-kab pomegranate cultivar at the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Birjand during 2015. A randomized complete block design carried out with three treatments and four replicates and each replicate comprise five fruits. objectives were included the studying the effect of fruit bagging with cloth bags in two colors (white and light brown) and non-bagged fruit (control). The fruits were harvested at commercial maturity stage in early November and after disinfection with 1% Tybendazole for 1 minute were stored in a cool room at 5 ° C for 10 weeks. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the bagging did not affect the components of aril color but showed a significant effect on some skin color characteristics so that the lightness, yellowing and the hue values in white bagged fruits significantly were increased in compared with non-bagged control. Bagging also had a significant effect on the amount of anthocyanin in fruit juice after 10 weeks of storage. The highest value was observed in nonbagged fruits (16. 7 mg l-1) and the lowest in the light brown bag (4. 04) mg l-1). Pre-harvest fruit bagging during fruit growth and development had a significant effect on the potassium content in the skin after 10 weeks of storage but did not significantly affect the amount of potassium in aril. Bagging fruit with white bag increased about 68% the potassium content in the skin compared to the control. The highest amount of calcium both in the skin and the aril was found in bagged fruit with white bag. Interestingly, white bag increased the calcium content of the skin and aril of pomegranate fruit 23% and 45%, respectively compared to the control. The results showed that bagging had no significant effect on redness and chroma values, ion leakage, chilling index, soluble solids, acidity, antioxidant activity, and the amount of iron in the skin and aril of pomegranate fruit cv. Shishe-kab. Conclusions: Bagging is a healthy and organic technique that plays an important role in improving the quality of the fruit. In general, fruit bagged with the white bag had better quality than the light brown bag on the skin color properties. In addition, enhancement the amount of potassium and calcium in the fruit skin not only improved its nutritional value but also likely it can be extended the fruit cold storage period with lower disorders and losses.

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Introduction: Strawberry is one of the most important horticultural greenhouse products in different areas. This fruit includes most economical and commercial importance. Also, it is rich in vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and other substances. The plants that grow in greenhouse have flat taste because they do not receive enough light in winter. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of glucose and mono potassium phosphate on growth and physiological characteristics, yields and the quality of strawberry cultivar "Camarosa" under hydroponic condition. Material and Methods: The treatments included foliar application of glucose (without treatment as control, 2 and 4 grams per liter) and mono potassium phosphate (without treatment as control, 0. 5, 1 and 2 grams per liter) that applied in two stages of growth. The experiment was conducted as factorial based on completely randomized design in three replications at Shahed University in 2016. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the integrated foliar application of glucose and mono potassium phosphate had a significant effect (p<0. 01) on leaf area, chlorophyll a and b, concentration of potassium and phosphorus, number of fruit, fruit total weight, firmness, electrical conductivity, pH, flavor index and glucose. Some characteristics such as chlorophyll a and b, firmness, flavor index (TSS/TA) and glucose have increased. Otherwise, electrical conductivity, pH, concentration of potassium and phosphorous and leaf area have decreased. The results showed that the highest concentration of glucose increased to 57%. in compared to the control treatment. Conclusions: The best treatment for physiological characteristics was 1 gram per liter mono potassium phosphate in combination with 4 grams per liter glucose. The best treatment for increasing the chlorophyll, TSS/TA, firmness was 4 grams per liter of sugar and 2 grams per liter mono potassium phosphate. However, 0. 5 grams per liter mono potassium phosphate and 2 grams per liter glucose were increased the concentration of phosphorus. So, foliar application of glucose and mono potassium phosphate can change the taste and it means the fruit will be sweet and delicious.

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Introduction: Lallemantia royleana L. is a plant of the Lamiaceae family. Its grain has about 18% protein and 20% fat content. Salinity stress is one of the important factors in reducing the growth and yield of medicinal plants, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Nitrogen deficiency in arid and semi-arid soils is also significant. The relative adaptation of plants for the use of nitrate and ammonium is different. Therefore, the reaction of plants, especially medicinal plants, is different in the choice of the form of nitrogen (nitrate or ammonium) after absorption and prior to entering the organic nitrogenous compounds, thus, it becomes more complicated in terms of salinity stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different sources of nitrogen fertilizers and salt tolerance on balangue herbs. In this study, the response of the herbal medicine to the nitrogen source is evaluated under salinity conditions. Material and Methods: This research was carried out in the research greenhouse of the Soil Department of Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University of Tehran. The study was factorial based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications and in early stages of seedlings growth. The treatment composition included the product of salinity factor levels and the ratio of nitrogen change. Factor of salinity (control, 40, 80, 120 and 150 mM) and nitrogen source levels (Hoagland, 0: 100, 25: 75, 50: 50, 75: 25 and 0: 100 ammonium: nitrate) and were done in a greenhouse. The greenhouse temperature is 22-25 ° C and the intensity of light is provided by a combination of fluorescent lamps and tungsten lamps. Before applying the factors, seeds were first disinfected 30% with sodium hypochlorite 5% and then washed with distilled water several times. After germination of the seeds and proper growth of root and stem, seedlings were transferred to the hydroponic culture medium. The data were analyzed using SAS software, including statistical analysis of variance of data related to different traits. Charts were also drawn by EXCEL software. Duncan test was used to compare the means. Results and Discussion: The experiment result showed that content of proline, glucose, pigments photosynthesis, and shoot elements content of sodium and potassium and nitrate reductase enzyme activity and morphological dry ground and shoot dry weight were significant, respectively. Comparison of the means was showed that salinity content of proline (55. 5 %), glucose (24. 9 %) increased in the shoot. In the other hand, with increasing salinity, sodium rate (18 %) increased significantly, potassium uptake (12 %) was prevented by sodium. Also, salinity reduced the nitrate reductase activity (24%) in balango. However, the increase of ammonium nitrogen increased nitrate reductase activity in leaf (16. 3%), stem (35. 3%) and root (16. 6%). While, an increase in the ratio of ammonium nitrogen resulted in a decrease in fresh and dry weight of the balango and airspace of the plant, it represents the destructive effect of ammonium on the plant.

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