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In order to investigate the morpho-physiological responses of purslane plant to humic acid under Nickle stress a split plot experiment based on a completely randomized design with two factors and three replications were carried out in the greenhouse. The factors were nickel concentrations with four levels (0, 0. 2, 0. 4 and 0. 6 mM) as the main plots and four levels of humic acid concentrations (0, 200, 400 and 600 mg/L) as sub-main plots. The results showed that different nickel and humic acid concentrations had significant effects on most of morpho-physiological traits such as; root length, MDA, SOD, CAT chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. By increasing nickel levels, the growth indices such as shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll, a, total chlorophyll and the amount of carotenoid decreased, while by increasing the nickel levels the proline content, MDA and CAT decreased. By increasing humic acid level, the proline content and the activity of CAT increased, while the amount of MDA and SOD enzymes decreased. The highest yield and chlorophyll and carotenoid contents was obtained at 0. 4 mM nickel and 600 mg/L humic acid. However, it can be concluded that applying the humic acid can be a suitable procedure to reduce the harmful effects of nickel stress and improving in physiological and biochemical parameters and plant tolerance to nickel stress in Portulaca oleracea.

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Introduction: Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis thaliana) is the most important model plant in plant nutrition studies, genetics, and plant biotechnology. Arabidopsis cultivation is mainly done in either soil or soilless systems. Soil cultivation of Arabidopsis in compared to soilless culture does not have precise control on the concentration and ratio of mineral elements in the substrate, salinity, and pH, which results in negative effects on plant growth, biochemical reactions, etc. However, soilless or hydroponic systems due to the exact control of plant nutritional needs and the substrate are more compatible for high accuracy experiments such as plant nutrition, especially for primary seedling growth. Accordingly, this experiment was conducted to provide an optimized Arabidopsis germination system for production of healthy seedlings for soilless systems based on the agar-nutrient media. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted based on the importance of the development of Arabidopsis in soilless systems in order to provide accurate nutritional and physiological trials and the importance of effective germination and the production of healthy seedlings in an agar-nutrient media. Therefore, two milliliters microtubes were cut into 10 mm in length, and connected upsidedown to the table with adhesive tape then were filled with agar (0. 55%) and mineral elements (Hoagland formulation) medium. (1: 1 V/V). Sterilized and stratified Arabidopsis seeds were sown on filled microtubes and then transferred to the growth chamber with controlled environmental conditions. Germination percentage and growth and development parameters of seedlings were measured for three weeks. Results and discussion: Results showed the effectiveness of the optimized germination system and also the agar-nutrient medium for Arabidopsis. Accordingly, seed germination percentage was more than 97. 5%. Also, production of healthy seedlings with optimum growth (85%) especially the production of intact roots for various biological root and nutritional studies was another advantage of this experiment. Based on the results three weeks old plants were ready for transplanting to the main cultivation system. Conclusion: The results of the present study led to the conclusion that optimized system and medium due to high efficiency, simple and possible design, precise control of the substrate and root medium, could be recommended for Arabidopsis germination experiments and also arabidopsis cultivation for nutritional purposes.

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Introduction: High bicarbonate induced by soil and water alkalinity is a limiting factor of agricultural crop production especially in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. Materials and Methods: A factorial experiment based on completely randomized design was carried out to evaluation of effects of nitrogen source on growth parameters and nutrient contents of arial parts of garlic under alkalinity conditions in hydroponic system. The factors of the experiment were including: sodium bicarbonate (0, 10 and 20 mM), nitrogen source in nutrient solution (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or calcium nitrate at 5 mM) and garlic genotypes (white and purple). In the experiment, one-month genotypes of garlic were treated in hydroponics system for 8 weeks. Results and Discussion: Based on the results, shoot and root fresh and dry weight of plants decreased by increasing sodium bicarbonate from 10 mM to 20 mM in nutrient solution. Application of ammonium nitrate and sulfate decreased the negative effect of sodium bicarbonate on shoot and root fresh and dry weights. The results showed that nitrogen and potassium concentrations in plants nourished with ammonium sulfate or nitrate were increased by increasing bicarbonate level in nutrient solution. Also, calcium and magnesium concentrations in the plants treated by ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate were increased under these conditions in both genotypes, while iron concentration in all of nitrogen sources decreased with bicarbonate stress. Conclution: According to the results of the experiment, the use of ammonium sulfate and nitrate sources had a better efficiency on nutrients uptake and concentration in shoot of garlic under high bicarbonate conditions.

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Introduction: The winter cherry is a species of the family Solanaceae that have several names in Iran. This plant is effective in numerous diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, hepatitis, Asthma, cough, and blood purification in the kidneys. The greatest amount of nitrogen used by the plants is absorbed in the form of nitrate and ammonium ions. According to previous studies, an appropriate ammonia/nitrate ratio is required for an optimal growth of the plant. In various plants, the ratio differs. The effect of each of them depends on the growth stage of the plant, the amount of nutrients absorption, plant species, and nitrate /ammonium ratio. The ratio of nitrate/ammonium is very important in preparing nutrients solutions and regulating plant growth. Regulating the ratio of these two ions affects the growth and physiology of the plant, and more specifically, it affects the soils without pH in growth medium. In preparing the nutrient solutions, hence, the ratio of these two ions should be adjusted according to the growth season and plant type. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out with three replications in a completely randomized design. The test factor included five different nitrate/ammonium ratios (0: 100, 25: 75, 50: 50, 75: 25, 100: 0). At the six-leaf stage, the treatments were manually administered on a daily basis at a rate of 500 ml until the physiological development of the fruits was achieved. At the end, growth, physiological, functional, and qualitative parameters were evaluated. Data was analyzed by SAS V9. 2 statistical software. Results and Discussion: The results showed the significant effect of the treatments on plant growth in terms of dry weight of aerial parts, plant height, leaf number, leaf area and stem diameter (Table 2). Maximum dry weight of aerial part, leaf number, and leaf area were observed at 50: 50 treatment (Table 3). Treatments had a significant effect on the concentration of the elements in the leaf (Table 4), so that the highest amount of nitrogen was observed in 25: 75 and 0: 100 and the lowest amount of nitrogen was observed in ratio100. The highest concentrations of calcium and potassium elements were observed with 100% nitrate consumption and the lowest concentrations were observed with 100% ammonium consumption (Table 5). The treatment had significant effect on plant function. Increasing the amount of ammonium from 50 to 100% in the nutrition solution reduced the function in terms of fruit weigh by 67% and the number of fruits by 57%. Fruits in treatment 75: 25 and 50: 50 had the largest length and fruits in treatment 100% nitrate, 75: 25 and 50: 50 had the largest diameters (table 5). Different ratios of nitrate/ammonium had significant effect on qualitative features such as amount of the soluble solids, titratable acidity, and vitamin C (Table 6). The lowest amount of vitamin C and acidity were observed in treatments with more than 50% ammonium (Table 7). Antioxidant, lycopene and chlorophyll levels were not affected by treatments. The results showed that 75: 25 and 50: 50 ratios had positive effect on plant growth and the use of nitrate or ammonium as a nitrogen solution is not recommended as a sole source in solutions for growing Physalis.

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Introduction: Seedless barberry (Berberis vulgaris L. ) is one of the most valuable products of Iran's exports and is one of the most promising products of Southern Khorasan Province, the only seedless barberry production center in the world. The area under cultivation of this product in South Khorasan as the first producer (with 98% of Iran's barberry production) is 14656. 5 hectares, indicating the important position of this product in the region's economy and creating productive employment in the province (Kamyab et al, 2016). This shrub is one of the plants that all its parts (leaf, root, stem and fruit) are used in medicine and food industry (Martynove et al., 1984). The fruits of the barberry have a cool and dry nature, and in the traditional medicine, the liver and heart are supplemented, the gastric hemorrhage and the blood supply and hemorrhoids. Also, the leaf is an appropriate drug for ulcers and diarrhea (Mirhaidar, 1993). The integrated application of organic and chemical fertilizers sustains the intense production system, which can be attributed to the improvement of soil quality characteristics and release of nitrogen (Salehi et al., 2014). Organic fertilizers with the production of humus reduce the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and increase the efficiency of fertilizer application (Yang et al., 2005). The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of the integrated nutritional composition of organic, biological and chemical fertilizers on the yield as well as physiological and biochemical characteristics of barberry. Since barberry has fruiting period, in this research the effect of fertilizer treatments on high yielding years has been investigated. Materials and methods: This experiment was conducted as split plot randomized complete block design with three replications in commercial garden in Qaen during 2016. Main treatments comprised four application type of fertilizer (1-no fertilizer application, and application of 2-Chemical fertilizer, 3-organic fertilizer and 4-50 percent of chemical along with 50 percent of organic fertilizer). Sub treatments were no fertilizer, application of Phosphate Barvar-2, humic acid, and Phosphate Barvar-2 + humic acid. The measured characteristics included the fresh weight of fertile branch, fresh and dried weight of berries, ash percentage, dry matter percentage, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, anthocyanin, flavonoids, vitamin C and total phenol in the berries. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using SAS software version 9. 1 and comparison of means by Tukey method at 5% probability level. Results and discussion: Considering that the main-and sub-fertilizer treatments have a significant effect on the most of the measured traits at 1% probability level, the effectiveness of the main and secondary fertilizer treatments in barberry can be obtained. The results of this study showed that the combination of organic and chemical fertilizers + Phosphate Barvar-2 + humic acid with positive effect on the traits related to the yield was the best treatment. The treatment also had the highest percentage of ash, anthocyanins and vitamin C in the berries. This treatment and other integrated treatments were better in comparison with the application of separate organic and chemical fertilizers in most of the traits. Accordingly, the integrated application of animal and chemical fertilizers with equal amounts can be recommended instead of separate application in order to achieve greater yield and quality in barberry. Conclusions: These results suggested that the greatest yield and quality of berries was obtained at integrated application of chemical and organic fertilizer along with fertigation of humic acid and Phosphate Barvar-2, indicating positive effect of the combined application of organic and chemical fertilizer over the separate application of the fertilizer on the yield and yield components of barberry. The application of humic acid with other fertilizer sources can reduce the excessive use of fertilizers and their leaching and help maintain soil and water resources. Biofertilizer 2 also improves the amount of phosphorus in soil and improves the absorption of phosphorus of barberry plant, by improving the amount of phosphorus available in soil as well as decreasing phosphorus fertilizer consumption. Therefore, it is very important to plan large-scale fertilizer management in the field of this strategic product of Iran. In order to be surer of the results, it is also necessary to carry out research in off-year of barberry.

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Background and Objectives Mazandran province is ranked the second in production strawberry in Iran so it is considered as an important pole production of this popular small fruit. It is reported that rice husk incorporation into growth medium lead to higher plant growth and fruit quality, as well as resistant to Anthracnose (Jayawardana et al., 2016). Silicon as a beneficial element for plants, can alleviate the impact of wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses. This mineral contributes to higher photosynthetic rate, antioxidant enzymes activity and water consumption efficiency (Mali, and Aery, 2008 and Nelwamondo et al., 2001). So the main objective of this research was evaluation of husk rice constituent in medium and silicon nutrition in strawberry different photosynthetic parameters and mineral uptakes. Material and Methods In this research, the using of rice husk as an organic source of silicon (Si) along with foliar application of 50 and 100 mg Si/lit sodium and potassium silicate in strawberry cultivation was evaluated. The experimental design was in factorial format in completely randomized design. Evaluated parameters consists photosynthetic pigments, mineral concentration and antioxidant properties. Results Discussions The results showed treatment with 100 mg lit sodium silicate produced higher chlorophyll a in comparison to other silicon treatments. Potassium and calcium concentration of strawberry leaf in medium without rice husk (MWRH) was more than medium contained rice husk (MCRH) significantly. Although different media have no effect on Si concentration of leaf, the highest Si concentration in strawberry leaf was recorded in 100 mg lit potassium silicate which was highest and significantly in others. Total flavonoid content in the MWRH with 100 mg lit potassium silicate treatment was significantly more than other treatments except MCRH with sodium silicate 50. Conclusions Among applied treatments, potassium silicate 100 was the only treatment that has more leaf silicon in comparison with other treatments at 1% probability level. Totally, MWRH with potassium silicate 100 was the best and recommendable treatment in terms of fruit quality and nutrient uptake.

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Introduction Proper management and the use of advanced techniques to maintain moisture storage and increase water-holding capacity in the soil are effective measures to increase the efficiency of irrigation and improve the utilization of limited water resources. The superabsorbent hydrogels absorb and maintain water several times their weight and, because of drying the environment, the water inside the polymer gradually evacuated, and thus the soil remains moist for a long time without the need for reirrigation. In addition, nitroxin bio fertilizer has nitrogen-stabilizing bacteria of Azotobacter and Azospirillium, with the number of living cells power of 10 to eight number per gram of carrier material of each bacterial genus. Due to the high water requirement in corn and its more susceptibility to drought stress, proper irrigation and proper nutrition in the field can play an important role in increasing water use efficiency. The use of aquatic superabsorbent and bio fertilizers is one of the most suitable tools for water and nutrition management. In addition to optimum productivity of soil and water resources, by creating the power of optimum growth, they increase the competitive power of the product by creating more growth that is favorable and avoiding collisions with stress in the critical stages of growth. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the use of nitroxin and superabsorbent alone and in combination in moisture stress conditions on growth and yield of the corn Materials and Methods the experiment was arranged in split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Three irrigation levels containing optimal irrigation (irrigation at soil water potential-3 bar), moderate drought stress (irrigation at soil water potential-7 bar) and severe water stress (irrigation at soil water potential-11 bar) were allocated to main plots and four bio fertilizer Nitroxin and superabsorbent levels including no application of these material (control), superabsorbent, Nitroxin as a bio-fertilizer and a combination of Nitroxin and superabsorbent were considered as sub plots. The studied traits included plant height, leaf area index, ear length, ear periphery, and row number per ear, number of seeds per row, 100 seed weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index. Results and Discussion the results showed more growing traits and yield were significantly affected by superabsorbent and Nitroxin application. This effectiveness was less under mild but more under severe stress conditions. The combined application of superabsorbent and Nitroxin in both mild and sever stress conditions created a better situation in growth traits and yield components. Total yield in severe stress treatment increased by 35%, 60% and 68%, respectively, under using of Nitroxin superabsorbent and their composition compared to non-use. Lowest grain yield (4. 75 t/ha) was obtained by severe stress and no use of both of type of bio-fertilizer and superabsorbent. Nitroxin fertilizer was able to increase the growth rate of the reproductive organs and the ear development for two reasons. First, by increasing the activity of nitrogen stabilizing bacteria. Therefore, it become easier for absorption from the soil solution, and on the other side with a direct effect on synthesis of herbal phytohormones, especially auxin and cytokinin. Therefore, this condition can provide more favorable for stimulating cell division and growth of the reproductive organs. In other ways, superabsorbent caused better growth of reproductive organs, length and the periphery of the ear by increasing the water holding capacity in the soil for increasing the ease of water capacity and the availability of nutrients. As a result, photosynthetic capacity and assimilates will be promoted. At the past other researcher (Jahan et al., 2013) reported that using of superabsorbent increases the weight of 100 seeds, which is consistent with the results of this study. Increasing of biological yield and total yield by nitroxin especially in severe water stress can be due to the presence of Azospirilium and Azotobacter bacteria (Chandrasekar et al., 2005 and Wu et al., 2005), which are molecular nitrogen fixation in conjunction with the roots of plants and increase capacity of the growing phytohormones also nitrogen absorption. All of these processes can promote growth and biochemical activity of the corn plant. Conclusions In general, the results of this study showed that nitroxin biofertilizer could stimulate growth and increase corn yield in both normal irrigation and stress conditions. While superabsorbent was able to stimulate growth, increase the yield of corn under stress conditions, and water deficiency. In addition, it added to their positive effects by their combined application.

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Introduction: Dill (Anethum graveolens L. ) commonly known as Shebet in Farsi is an annual, glabrous and aromatic herb belonging to the Apiaceae family. Dill is one of the first known multipurpose plants which have been used as a spice and medicine. Dill seeds used as a carminative, antispasmodic, sedative, lactagogue, diuretic, stimulant and to treat hemorrhoids, bronchial asthma, neuralgia, dysuria, genital, ulcers and dysmenorrhea. Using organic manures and Bio-Fertilizers such as nitrogen fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria has led to a decrease in the application of chemical fertilizers and has provided high quality agricultural products by using correct nutritional sources through organic manures and bio-fertilizers, yield and active substances of medicinal plants can be maximized. Therefore, the main objective of the present field experiment was to investigate the possibility of replacing urea fertilizer with bio-fertilizers in the production of Dill Material and methods: Field experiment was conducted at Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. The experiment consisting of 8 treatments was conducted as factorial based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments included: The treatments consisted of four growthpromoting bacterial strains (Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas putida) that were combined in equal proportions and used as bio fertilizer. Bio-fertilizers prepared separately or in combination with different levels of urea (100, 50 and 25% recommended amount of urea for Dill). Results and discussion: The results showed that biological fertilizers, individually or in combination with nitrogen fertilizer, increased growth, seed production, essential oil content, essential oil composition and leaf chlorophyll content; compared to control. Essential oil analysis of coriander seeds showed that the most important compounds are Carvone, limonene and Apiol that were significantly affected by biological and chemical fertilizers. Using 50% of the recommended amount of urea fertilizer with bio fertilizer, increased the quality and quantity of Dill yield. In fact, the use of combined fertilizers is suggested to reduce the using of chemical fertilizer

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Introduction: Nowadays, application of chemical compounds is limited due to their harmful effects on human health and environmental. Therefore, it is required to find safe compound that utilized in postharvest technology of fruit and vegetable. Calcium is regarded as a safe and potentially effective element for increasing the quality and storage life of several fruit. Pre and postharvest treatments with di􀀀 erent calcium salts have been e􀀀 ective in maintaining cell wall stabilization and integrity, enhancing antioxidant capacity, delaying the ripening process, alleviating chilling injury, controlling postharvest decay and reducing physiological disorders of horticultural crops. However, there is little information about the effects of different calcium sources on bioactive components, antioxidant properties and quality attribution in pear fruits. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of calcium chloride, calcium lactate and calcium lignosulphonate on important quality characteristics, antioxidant properties and storage life of pear fruits. Material and Methods: The experiment was carried out on 8-year-old pear [Pyrus communis (L. ) ‘ Dargazi’ ] trees, in a commercial orchard located in the Zanjan (Abhar). Trees were selected with uniform size and fruit load and sprayed with different calcium sources (calcium chloride, calcium lactate and calcium lignosulphonate) at concentrations of 3% on whole tree and control trees receiving only water. Foliar spraying was performed in two stages, (two weeks and three days before commercial harvesting) onto the leaves and fruits until runo􀀀 , and Tween 20 (0. 04% v/v) was used as a surfactant. Pear fruit were harvested at commercial maturity stage, and transferred to the laboratory on the same day. The fruits were selected for uniform size and absence of mechanical damage, and then one group was analyzed 1 day after harvest and another groups stored at 2± 1° C and 90% RH for 90 d. At 45-day intervals, stage, and transferred to the laboratory on the same day. The fruits were selected for uniform size and absence of mechanical damage, and then one group was analyzed 1 day after harvest and another groups stored at 2± 1° C and 90% RH for 90 d. At 45-day intervals, Chicago, IL, USA). The significance of the di􀀀 erences was determined by Duncan’ s test (P < 0. 05). Results and Discussions: The results showed that different calcium sources significantly maintained content of total soluble solids, firmness, vitamin C, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity. Our results showed that a preharvest application of calcium salts increased calcium content of pear fruits. At 90 days, the highest amount of total acidity was obtained in calcium lignosulphonate treated fruits. However, the content of ascorbic acid, total phenolics, and flavonoids were higher in treated than in control pears, leading to fruit with high bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential at commercial harvest and during storage. Thus, preharvest treatments with different calcium sources could be promising tools to improve calcium content and health beneficial effects of pear fruits.

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Introduction: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. ) that belongs to the Fabacecae family, has been commonly used as a traditional food and medicine (Mehrafarin et al., 2011). Several experimental and clinical studies support beneficial effects of fenugreek in the management of metabolic diseases and inflammatory disorders. Water shortage is one of the most important limiting factors which reduces the growth of fenugreek and other plants around the world and the most common environmental stress (Abedi and Pakniyat, 2010). In recent years, the excessive use of fertilizers and chemicals in agricultural production systems has increased the risk of environmental pollution and agricultural products. Bio-fertilizers as an alternatives or supplementary for chemical fertilizers, can guarantee the sustainability of agricultural production systems (Han et al., 2006). Therefore, considering the importance of bio fertilizers and water shortage, this experiment was conducted to study the effect of mycorrhizal and green algae bio fertilizers on morpho-physiological traits and the relationships between these traits under low and conventional irrigation regimes. Materials and Methods: In order to study the effect of bio fertilizers on reducing the impact of drought stress in fenugreek, an experiment was conducted in two-factor factorial format in a randomized complete block design with three replications in greenhouse conditions. The first factor was irrigation at two levels comprising without stress (irrigation based on 100% soil capacity) and low irrigation stress (irrigation based on 40% soil capacity), and the second factor was biological fertilizer at three levels (without bio fertilizer, use of mycorrhiza fungi and use of green algae). The studied traits included chlorophyll, leaf relative water content, membrane stability index, plant fresh weight, grain yield, number and width of leaf stomata, number of pods and number of seeds per pod. Results and Discussion: The results of variance analysis showed that irrigation effect was significant for all traits except for the number of stomata. The effect of bio fertilizer on all traits was significant, and interaction between irrigation and bio fertilizer was significant for most of the traits except for the relative water content of the leaves. The highest grain yield (4. 55 g. plant-1) and the highest plant fresh weight (18. 06 g. plant-1) respectively, were obtained under non-stress conditions and using mycorrhiza. Using mycorrhizal bio fertilizer under stress conditions improved the majority of traits compared to non-use of bio fertilizer. Under stress conditions, plant fresh weight had positive and significant correlation with the membrane stability index, grain yield, stomata number, stomata width and number of seeds per pods (Table 6 above the diameter of the table). Under non-stress conditions, the correlation of plant fresh weight with grain yield, stomata number, stomata width, number of pods and number of seeds per pod was positive and significant (Table 6 below the diameter of the table). Under stress conditions, positive and significant correlation was observed between grain yield with membrane stability index, plant fresh weight, stomata number, stomata width and number of seeds per pod (Table 6 above table diameter). Under non-stress conditions, there was a positive and significant correlation between grain yield with fresh weight of plant, stomata number, stomata width, number of pods and number of seeds per pod (Table 6 below the diameter of the table). The stepwise regression showed that the number of seed per pod in stress and non-stress condition had the highest effect on grain yield, while the number of stomata in non-stress conditions and the number and width of stomata in stress conditions had the highest effect on plant fresh weight. Conclusions: A significant increase in quantity and quality of yield is achieved by paying attention to the relationships between yield and yield components and their effect on each other. The number of seed per pod; and the number of stomata and stomata width can be respectively used to improve grain yield and fresh weight of fenugreek under stress conditions.

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in the treatments were grouped using Duncan's multiple range tests Results and discussion: The effect of urban waste compost, the effect of nitrogen and their interaction on yield of tomatoes were statistically significant at the level of one percent. The highest yield of fruit 68785 kg ha-1 was obtained from 20 ton. ha-1 compost with 100 kg ha-1 nitrogen. Researchers have linked this increase to the positive role of urban waste compost in improving physical and chemical properties of soil (Hu and Barker, 2004). The results of various systems of cultivation and ecology studies related to the use of organic fertilizers indicate positive results from the common use of chemical fertilizers and organic resources in the framework of integrated plant nutrition systems (Seilsepour, 2017). Consumption of 20 tons per hectare of urban waste compost significantly increased the concentration of lead, cadmium and nickel in tomato fruit at 2804, 2400 and 3022 percent, respectively, compared to control. However, the concentration of any of the above elements in fruit was not more than the maximum allowed national standard of the country. Increasing the concentration of heavy metals in tomato fruit has also been reported by other researchers (Asgharipour and Armin, 2010). Also, municipal waste compost increased the concentration of total lead, nickel and cadmium in soil, which was allowed in this concentration increase. Also, there was a significant correlation between the concentration of lead, cadmium and nickel of tomatoes with total concentration of these elements in the soil, whose regression equations followed the linear model Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the combination of municipal waste compost with nitrogen is the most suitable compound for increasing the yield of tomato. The highest yield of fruit is obtained from the application of 20 t ha-1 of municipal waste compost with 100 kg ha-1nitrogen. On the other hand, utilization of municipal waste compost increased the concentration of heavy metals in the fruit and soil, but this increase was allowed in the range of 20 tons per hectare of municipal waste compost. However, despite the positive effects of using municipal waste compost on the performance of tomatoes, it is recommended that the use of this substance be carried out with caution and continuously increasing the concentration of heavy metals in the soil and crop yield and be taken into consideration.

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