Just as for any other analytical technique, good sample preparation is essential for performing high-quality chemical analysis using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). There are 5 most common ways to prepare samples for XRF analysis. Whichever samples are being assessed – loose or pressed powders, fused beads, solid samples or liquids – finding the right approach to sample preparation is the first, and one of the most important steps in achieving accurate and reproducible results. We need to provide the requested information, as accurately, as repeatably, by different operators, as easily, as economically cost, as precisely and fast. At first must optimize grinding time to ensure that sample fineness is reached Sieve, granulometric determination or flour feel that Keeps sample homogeneous. Pellets prepare from the sample, which are two types: fused Pellets and pressed Pellets. In Fused pellets type, sample is melted by fuses, which are mostly compounds of boron (especially lithium borate). In pressed Pellets type, the powder of sample blend with an inert sticky material and then under pressure convert to Pellets, that can be put into the device. The other samples can be solid, liquid or Loose Powders.