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Saadi is one of the famous and well-known Iranian literary whose literary works are unique in the world. he is one of the educated of rich Iranian and Islamic culture And many of his theories and discourses are rooted in Islamic verses and traditions. In this work we will see that Saadi considers the causes of diversion and delinquency to be biological, environmental and social factors. He also points out that culture and economics (especially poverty) have a significant influence on the formation of deviant behavior. If we look at Saadi''s work from the perspective of criminology, the traces of theories like criminal born, Labeling Theory, Differential association, Marxist criminology, is well known. Saadi also emphasized the importance of prevention and helpful strategies such Reward and punishment, education and training, Offers a steady stream of deviation. in this work, identifying and investigating the theories of Saadi and explaining the relation of these theories with some of the theories of criminology, we analyze the apparent contradiction between some of the theories and thoughts of Saadi and conclude that there is no contradiction in Saadi''s remarks.

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Children's and adolescent literature is diverse and can be examined from different perspectives. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to study personality and characterization in the stories of Houshang Moradi Kermani based on the theory of personality in Karen Hornai's thought. The study is methodologically qualitative. The study population included stories of children and adolescents selected and analyzed by Houshang Moradi Kermani. Among the author's stories, there are a selection of stories whose characters can be compared to Karen Horney's theory of psychological analysis. The results show that the fundamental antagonism of the characters has led them to fall into three types of secrets, supremacy and isolationism. All personality types have resorted to idealism to relieve suffering and neurotic abuse, masking themselves deliberately or unconsciously with others and feeling that they have concealed the true self from others. In all of the characters in the stories, fundamental anxiety is seen as the most fundamental principle in Horny's theory, an anxiety that originated in the family, environment, and society and was imposed during childhood and turned into destructive neurotic behavior.

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Psychological review is one of the new areas of literary criticism where a critic studies spiritual motivations and emotions and factors that affect the creation of a literary work relying on psychology fundamentals and studies the effect of environment, society and traditions on development of these currents through expressing the poet's internal affairs. Freud was the initiator and pioneer of psychological criticism in twentieth century. Freud's famous analysis was about mind structure and works, body pattern, ego and superego. Abulala Ma'arri (937-1057) and Shuride Shirazi (1857-1927) were two blind Arab and Iranian poets who lost their vision during child period but they could offer literature and works. The present study conducts comparative study on poet character psychology in Seqt Alzan of Abulala Ma'arri and Shuride Shirazi Court with analytic-descriptive approach. The results of this study suggest that poets’ blindness leads to evident disappointment within them and their poems express their desire to beauty and visit and use defense-psychological mechanisms such as compensation, revocation, displacement, humiliation in order to reduce the anxiety arisen from their blindness.

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Everyday objects are the basis of many exquisite similes and metaphors in Persian literature, many of which are less well known in the modern world and this leads us to fail to grasp the proper aesthetic of their reception in literary texts. The present study assumes that a criterion can be reached by reconstructing the expectation horizon for the aesthetics of everyday objects in literary texts. Now, in a brief explanation of this approach, the horizon of expectation in Hans Robert Jauss's perspective is a measure that readers use to judge, evaluate, and interpret literary texts of age and believes that it can be reconstructed with a three-step instruction. In this research, to test the effectiveness of this method, the expectation horizon of two illuminated light containers in Persian literature (Qandil and Lantern) was reconstructed. Thus, in the first two stages, based on literary texts, specimens in museums, or their images in some paintings, they recognized the real expectations of the people who appeared in the form of metaphors and similes, and in the third stage. By comparing the actual expectations of these dishes with their imaginative and creative reception in the literary texts, their aesthetic analysis in the literary texts was investigated. The result of these reconstructions shows that this method can achieve a better aesthetic interpretation than the everyday objects in literary texts.

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Saidi chnoor | KARIMIAN HASAN

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Every artistic narrative, including the art of painting created by narrators, contains a set of narratives that are given identity during the narrative and a sound from within the world of the paintings that belong to the artist. To the outside world quotes. the painter has a variety of viewing angles for the narrating his purposeful exterior and in pictures as well as being a narrative, playing roles being in the narrative process, including: function’ s (representation, control and interpretation) the present study seeks to answer these questions what functions of the painter based on the narrative painter discourse of Jep lint volt in his paintings? which function overlaps with other functions? what is the effect of the prevailing function on the paintings? the present study is a descriptive-analytical study of interdisciplinary library studies of ancient art and literature to answer the above questions by examining the works of kamaludin behzad herati in the timurid period. Processing interpretive function by the artist, and con also be attributed to the ethical and educational aspectof the work, which is highly influential in the content genre of the image, on othrough it’ s function and responsibilities, the artist engages the educational aspect the presence of paintings leads.

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Tahanasab Ali

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The Frankfurt School is one of the most influential movements of the thirty-forties in the twentieth century. is of the important achievements of this School. The Frankfurt School theorists' view towards art and its aesthetic dimension is a critical viewpoint. This theory attempts to create an ideal and desired state in opposition to positivism, which serves primarily to describe and confirm the status. Criticizing the current situation, the autonomy of the work of art, the ideological nature of the work of art, the principle of being revolutionary and the content fact of the work of art are among the principles that aimed at emancipating humankind of the existing state of being and bringing him to welfare and desirable condition. In this paper, using the content analysis and gathering information by a documentary and library way, it has been tried to answer these questions, how much Aref has had a critical approach in his poetry and art along with the thinkers of aesthetic theory and show that Aref's artistic approach has a positive or negative aspect according to Frankfurt school view and the critical aesthetic theory. The result of this research reveals that, Aref's poetry and art also include the critical and protest dimensions that are very close to the criteria of authentic art from the critical aesthetics point of view. desired condition. In order to reach the, Aref criticizes the current situation of the society by a negative view and this gives his art a "consciousness" and "autonomy" aspect.

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In this study, the character analysis and intra-locus of the novel in Celluch's vacancy is based on the Verden's view of mourning assignments and normative reactions to mourning by attribution. The analysis of the characters in the story, according to this view, shows that the Saluch families, such as the dead, Abbas and Abrav, do not accept the lack of reality by first denying the meaning of loss, the selective forgetfulness, the negation of the important event, and the doubt. To ease the pain of their behavior, this can lead to anomalies in their behavior. Regarding the pain of disaster, the dead and Abbas deny the pain of disaster in order to protect themselves from the pain of lack of behavior, which is another manifestation of the abusive behavior of violence. Then they accept the lack of behavior and they all adapt to the environment without the presence of a husband / father by acquiring new skills. In the end, by changing the deceased emotionally, such as love for the child and for others, marriage and love for work open up a future for life and normal life. In terms of emotions, cognitions, , the characters involved in mourning exhibit various reactions such as anger, sadness, loneliness, search, hallucination and restlessness, and eventually, By going through all these stages, emotions and reactions return to normal life. it can be concluded that in this novel, besides dealing with the external environment, tragedy characters are explored and their different states are represented.

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farashahinejad yaser

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Paradigm implies the models and examples that govern the minds and languages of scholars in different eras. With a little leniency, the dominant systems of thought or paradigms are identifiable in the humanities and arts. Many artists see themselves as the followers of these dominant examples and find a deep connection with the dominant ideas of their time. During the 1940s, most artists and writers in Iran had devoted themselves to promoting the ruling paradigm, namely Marxism. In the 1960s, it was Kant’ s modern self-referential art which attracted many artists and writers. A decade later, Islamic nativist ideas, which had emerged in the wake of various conflicts with tradition, paved the way for the development of ‘ sacred’ aesthetics. In other words, intellectuals and religious thinkers developed a new kind of philosophy of art and literature in Iran by using the ideas of Western philosophers and religious traditions. Though they have had and still have different opinions in many cases, these intellectuals including Ali Shariati, MortezaMotahhari, Abdul Karim Soroush, DavariArdakani, and others have an identical belief in aesthetics: the presence of a ‘ sacred thing’ in Islamic art. Therefore, the belief in a sacred thing along with the social and political conditions (especially after the Islamic Revolution) has paved the way for the growth of the Islamic-revolutionary art.

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GOLESTANIBAKHT TAHEREH | zamani (allahdad) maryam | Rahmani Frashbaf Saman

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Literary critics, using psychology and character analysis and story events, reveal the hidden angles of the text. One of the aims of psychoanalytic criticism is to analyze and analyze the characters and the events that occur in the text. The purpose of this study is to investigate the inferiority complex, the symbols of superiority, and the ways in which the inferiority complex compensates for the main characters in the story. Long and artistic novels, considering the different aspects of the character and the various events surrounding it, are a good place to emerge. They are psychological critiques; hence Kelidar's long and brilliant novel, written by Mahmoud Dolatabadi for dealing with the different facets of the multiple characters in the story, is a good text for this review. Descriptive-analytical method. The findings show that the driving force and behavioral motive of Gol Mohammed was his sense of superiority and his desire to conquer the sentiments of the ruler. His behavior at the end of the story illustrates the unity and cohesion of his role and a means to express the superior and transcendent aspects of his personality. Other characters in the story, such as Sattar, Beyg Mohammed, and Khan Amoo, too, had overcome a sense of inferiority, but others, such as Ghadir, Nadali, , had fallen into the inferiority complex.

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Part of the controversial and interpretable owl-blind atmosphere can be found in images that refer to thirteenth-century Tehran culture. To the storyteller people who are now part of the story. The surviving anecdotes of these people are so close to the characters and events of the blind owl that they create the suspicion that "guidance may have benefited them in the writing of the blind owl. " The following can be categorized as: Owl Clock, Wise Wise or Anbar Organizer, Bibi Miss Wise and Wise, The Fate of a Worrying Patient, Sosari Hossein Goda and the Faithful Sultanate, Mehdi Ali Khan A Man from Varanasi, Tatawus Church, the popular ballad "Let's Not Eat Now", Grocery Lawyers, Butcher Man, Butcher Adam, Mohammad Bagher Golpayegani Trial, Open Water The Thirteenth Day and the Mansion of Sergei Fence. Rereading each of these elements can bring the blind owl to a historical autobiographical work (historical biography) centered on Safavid-Qajar Tehran. The author believes that with the anthropological notions given to the guiding principle, it is not unlikely that the owl-blind structure was based on a portion of these assumptions, which the article ahead of them It is prominent in the culture of thirteenth-century Tehran, where Tehran lived and undoubtedly had a thorough knowledge of oral culture.

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Historic events and characters are one of the most productive sources of art and contemporary inspiration. Since contemporary poetry has a strong relationship with human experience, its perspective towards historic events and characters has been changed. Contemporary poets have been entered into a modern stage of re-creation and re-reading, by passing the occasion poem period. According to the globalization of poetic experience, similar approaches among different nation can be seen. Re-readingand re-creation are historical heritage of these approaches that have been created in Arabic and Persian contemporary poems. This study based on descriptive-analytical method, tries to analyze historiccharactersin poetry of in Nazik Al-Malaika and Tahereh Saffarzadeh. In this study, the poems of these poets have been classified based on two stages of character recall, re-creation and re-readingwhich are considered as poems interaction with character heritage. Also based on these stages, character’ s nation and their frequency have been determined and each of them has been analyzed. Also, in the second stage of applying character, re-creation, employment factor, goal and poem’ s topic have been determined. Results show that both poems have applied historiccharacters in their poetry and have used them in the above-mentioned stages. The only difference is that Tahereh Saffarzadeh has used these factors more than Nazik Al-Malaika.

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